Section No. 1
1. Name                                 Special Anti Crime Bureau

Section No. 2
2. Regd. Office                      The Registered office of the society shall be situated at
                                               F-16/659, Hargobind Avenue, Street No. 2, Majitha Road, Amritsar

Section No. 3
3. Objects The society shall have the following aims and objects: -
1) Female Infanticide (or immature female fetus murder)
2) Dowry System
3) Corruption
4) Rape Cases
5) Ill effects of Pollution
6) Unemployment
7) Stitching and Embroidery schools + training centers for women
8) Injustice with workers who are working in factories and small scale industries.
9) Blackmailing of the people by some clever persons like condition.
10) Stop the interest in increasing the use of narcotic drugs.
11) Steps against the social defamers.
12) Unsuitable use of money by the Village Panchayats.
13) Stoppage of girls exploitation and their bad image in society.
14) Against adult films and their pasteurization.
15) Against wrong matter songs plays in buses.
17) To raise voice against gambling.
18) To prepare the sport teams and arise the interest in youth for sports and healthy competitions.
19) Cultural activities on urban and rural level.
20) Under the involvement sheath of govt. registration but students studying in private schools. This inhumanity shall be banned.
21) Stoppage the copying in schools and colleges shall be banned.
22) Against the illegal observance of workers in school and dispensaries and police stations and all the government offices.
23) Against the improper allotment of scholarship, stipends, stationary and other helps to poor and schedule castes by Govt.
24) Mis guidance of innocent people by registered institutions of Indian Government should be banned.
25) Stoppage of blackmailing of people by the govt. food depots and gas agencies.
26) Unbearable sounds of loudspeakers and DJ systems which are played in palaces and other places.
27) Stoppage of mis guidance of innocent people by travel agents.
28) To make the justice image after solving the each types of problems.
29) Against the police drunkenness on duties.
31) Stoppage of sale of impose, mixed and hired material on shops.
32) To make justice for owners, whose paying guests and other persons not leaving their property.
33) Against the octroi theft.
34) Against increasing auditor of bad behavior of youth around our environment.
35) Against the all types of illegal selling of alcohol.
36) Encourage the people for the celebration of martyrdom days.
37) Founder member are subject to expulsion.
38) Help the economical weak player who desires for high place but cannot afford party will help.
39) Help to the needy and helpless person in need.
40) To make effort against terrorism.
41) To set up the blood donation camp.
42) Stoppage of all type of inhuman activities.
43) To make the special security guards by organization.


Section No. 4
4. Membership: -
Following can be admitted as members of the society: -
i) A person who has attained age of 18 years.
ii) Who believes in the aims and objectives of the society and solvent. Each member shall have one vote only.

Section No. 5
5. Admission/Membership Fee:
Membership Fee Yealy: -
A person who is seeking membership of the society shall pay Rs. 500/- as admission fee for Per Year Membership. And Rs. 50/month as Donation.
Membership For Life Time: -
A person who is seeking membership of the society shall pay Rs. 3000/- as admission fee for Life Time Membership. And Rs. 50/month as Donation.

Section No. 6

6. Organization:-
The society shall have its organization as detailed below:

Section No. 7
7. Elections: -
The society shall elect executive council which will continue till next two years. Details of F.C. is given in the memorandum of Association. Term of the executive council will be two years. Election shall be held in annual general meeting of the association.

Section No. 8
8. Meetings: -
i) The meetings of the general body be held periodically and 1/3 members of the general body shall be required for the quorum. A notice of 2 days duration shall be given to all members, for holding meeting of general body.
ii) For meeting of the executive committee 11 members shall from the quorum. Notice of one day shall be given for holding meeting of executive council. In case of an emergency, meeting can be called at the shortest notice by the president or secretary,. In case of equality of votes, patron and president of the meeting shall have right to case vote.

Section No. 9
9. Removal from Membership: -
A member of the society can be removed by majority voting in an E.C. meeting it
i) He is in default of monthly subscription for continuous three months.
ii) He does not attend the three consecutive general body meetings without any sufficient cause.
iii) He works against the aims and objects of the society and does any act which is prejudicial and harmful to the interests of society.
iv) Death of insanity:
But before removing a member from the membership, he shall be given an opportunity of hearing by Executive Council and clarification shall be sought about the allegations and decision shall be taken on receipt of clarification in the next E.C. meeting.

Section No. 10
10. Power, Functions and duties of the General Body
a) To formulate and enforce the policy of the society.
b) To carry into effect the objectives of the society
c) To hold election of office bearers and executive council every two years in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
d) To hold and control funds and other properties of the society.
e) To consider annual report, audited statement of accounts for the previous financial year, budged, estimate of the association and appoint auditors.
f) Society shall function on the principal of collective responsibility.
g) All issue concerning development of temple shall be duly discussed in EC before implementation.

Section No. 11
11. Duties and Power of Executive Council: -
i) To accept donations and credits to execute and enter into contracts for the purpose of the society.
ii) To build, construct and maintain houses and buildings required for the objects of the society.
iii) To implement the constitution and by laws and to see that they are followed by the members of the association.
iv) To frame by laws for the purpose of administration as and when required.
v) To admit membership eligible for membership.
vi) To appoint sub committees and staff.
vii) To call meetings regularly.
viii) To withdraw membership of any members for indiscipline or undesirable activities and violations of constitution of the association and to remove any member from membership as provided above.
x) To explain, decide and interpret the provisions in accordance with constitution when a dispute arises.
xi) To supervise and look after the affairs of the society and to buy, posses, sell, mortgage or hypothecate moveable or immoveable property of the Society.
xii) To raise funds, loans or grants from any bank, financial institutions, society, trust, Govt., Semi Govt., Organization for attainment of objects of society.

Section No. 12
i) President shall be the chief executive of the association and shall preside over all meetings of general body/executive council.
ii) To ensure that the financial position is sound and no unauthorized expenditure is incurred.
iii) To ensure that various business meetings, as required under the constitution have been duly held.
iv) To sanction expenditure in addition to regular sanctioned expenditure Rs.................... at one time for any one item with the concurrence of treasurer.
v) To sign all the instruments of contracts on behalf of the society. He should collectively sign with treasury/secretary/vice president.
vi) To assign duties to EC members/or any other member for smooth function of the society.
viii) The president shall be responsible to undertake all necessary measurers in case any action is called for in court of law.
ix) He will be incharge of staff of the society and regulate their working.
II Vice President
The Vice president of the association shall perform functions of president in case of his absence and otherwise shall assist the president to perform his duties.
III Secretary
The Secretary shall perform the following functions: -
i) Shall correspond with the Govt officials/others for fulfilling the motives of the society.
ii) Shall plan, perform and manage the office affairs, organizational activities and other general affairs.
iii) Shall serve as member secretary to general body and keep a record of all proceedings and events.
iv) He will arrange meetings issue, Agenda, notices, record all proceedings of all meetings, and make arrangements of camps, functions and programs of the association.
IV Legal Advisor
He shall advise the society for all types of legal work and shall represent the society in court of law.
V Treasurer
i) Shall have charge of the funds of the society and shall secure the deposit of funds of society and shall secure the deposit of funds in the name of society.
ii) The bank account of the association shall be operated upon by treasurer jointly with any out of president, vice president, and secretary referred above or any other members as authorized by the executive body.
iii) Shall present income and expenditure statement in various meetings.
iv) Shall present at all annual general meeting of the general body duly audited copies of account and balance sheet for the previous financial year together with a general report surveying the financial year together with a general report.
v) Shall ensure the payments of all bills of cheques as far as possible upon certificate of the amount by the president/secretary.
vi) The treasurer and the finance committee if any (formed later on) shall be responsible for the adoption of proper methods of accounting at the close of its year. The treasurer shall see that the books are examined and by the auditors appointed by the association.
vii) The treasurer shall be responsible for all his financial transaction to the president, vice president and shall act in administrative matter according to the directives of the president, vice president.
The joint treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the affairs of the association.

Section No. 13
13. Resignation: -
If the member of EC wants to resign he shall submit a written letter to the secretary for resigning from the membership. Resignation shall be discussed in the next general meeting of the EC and action shall be taken accordingly as per decision of E.C. The president shall submit this resignation to the patron in case of stipulation having no provisions in the constitution the matter will be elaborated in the EC for decision.

Section No. 14
14. General:
The society in constituted for welfare purposes and for achieving the aims and objects mentioned above and to work as a non Government organization. It shall have no political ambition or function to perform. The member of EC shall not draw any kind of remuneration and allowance from the association and their services are purely honorary.

Section No. 15
15. Amendment of the constitution: -
Executive council shall submit proposal to General Body for amendment of the constitution, rules and regulations. Amendments to the constitution shall be deemed to be carried out if the proposal is passed in general body meeting by strength not less than one half person participating and things, amendments to rules and regulations shall require in general body by simple majority of the persons participating and voting. All proposed amendments must be sent to every member seven days before meeting.

Section No. 16
16. Finance:
Each financial year shall commence with the first day of 1st April and shall end within 31st day of March: -
The association shall have the following source of income: -
i) Admission Fee/Subscription Fee
ii) Income from operational activities.
iii) Grants from the municipal corporation/local bodies, central/state government, member of parliaments, MLA's etc.
iv) Donations, grants from general public or any individual or organization.
vi) Any other income incidental to attainment of objects of society.

Section No. 17
17 Records:
All the records concerning accounts and expenditures shall be kept and maintained by treasurer. Records relating to other administrative matters shall be maintained by secretary.

Section No. 18
18 Dissolution and its property: -
In case of dissolution of the association, moveable and immoveable property or assets of the association shall vest in the any other organization of the similar nature as decided by EC at the time of dissolution and nobody will have any share in assets or claim to any property.
Certified to be original copy of the constitution/rules and laws of Special Anti Crime Bureau.