system: Linux 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 14:43:51 UTC 2024 x86_64

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# $Id: imapsync,v 1.727 2016/08/19 10:30:36 gilles Exp gilles $
# structure
# pod documentation
# pragmas
# main program
# global variables initialisation
# get_options(  ) ;
# default values
# folder loop
# subroutines
# sub usage {
# IMAPClient 3.xx ads

# pod documentation


=head1 NAME

imapsync - Email IMAP tool for syncing, copying and migrating email mailboxes.

The imapsync command synchronises mailboxes between two imap servers.
More than 69 different IMAP server softwares supported with success, 
few failures.

$Revision: 1.727 $


 To synchronize the source imap account
   "test1" on server "" with password "secret1"
 to the destination imap account
   "test2" on server "" with password "secret2"

  imapsync \
   --host1 --user1 test1 --password1 secret1 \
   --host2 --user2 test2 --password2 secret2


The required argmuments are the six values, three on each sides,
needed to login into the IMAP servers, 
a host, a username, and a password, two times.

=head1 INSTALL

 Imapsync works under any Unix with perl.
 Imapsync works under Windows (2000, XP, Vista, Seven)
 as a standalone binary software called imapsync.exe
 Imapsync works under OS X as a standalone binary
 software called imapsync_bin_Darwin.

 Purchase latest imapsync at

 You'll receive a link to a compressed tarball called imapsync-x.xx.tgz
 where x.xx is the version number. Untar the tarball where
 you want (on Unix):

 tar xzvf  imapsync-x.xx.tgz

 Go into the directory imapsync-x.xx and read the INSTALL file.
 As mentioned at
 the INSTALL file can also be found at
 It is now split in several files for each system


There is no specific configuration file for imapsync,
everything is specified by the command line parameteres
and the default behavior.

=head1 USAGE

To get a description of each option just run imapsync
with no argument, like this:


This description of options is also available at and is
reproduced here:

 usage: ./imapsync [options]

 Several options are mandatory.
 str means string
 int means integer
 reg means regular expression
 cmd means command

 --dry               : Makes imapsync doing nothing, just print what would
                       be done without --dry.

 --host1        str  : Source or "from" imap server. Mandatory.
 --port1        int  : Port to connect on host1. Default is 143, 993 if --ssl1
 --user1        str  : User to login on host1. Mandatory.
 --showpasswords     : Shows passwords on output instead of "MASKED".
                       Useful to restart a complete run by just reading the log.
 --password1    str  : Password for the user1.
 --host2        str  : "destination" imap server. Mandatory.
 --port2        int  : Port to connect on host2. Default is 143, 993 if --ssl2
 --user2        str  : User to login on host2. Mandatory.
 --password2    str  : Password for the user2.

 --passfile1    str  : Password file for the user1. It must contain the
                       password on the first line. This option avoids to show
                       the password on the command line like --password1 does.
 --passfile2    str  : Password file for the user2. Contains the password.

 --ssl1              : Use a SSL connection on host1.
 --ssl2              : Use a SSL connection on host2.
 --tls1              : Use a TLS connection on host1.
 --tls2              : Use a TLS connection on host2.
 --debugssl     int  : SSL debug mode from 0 to 4.
 --sslargs1     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host1 ssl or tls connection. Example:
                       --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 --sslargs1 SSL_version=SSLv3
                       See all possibilities in the new() method of IO::Socket::SSL
 --sslargs2     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host2 ssl or tls connection.
                       See --sslargs1

 --timeout1     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
 --timeout2     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.

 --authmech1    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host1:
                       PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 etc. Use UPPERCASE.
 --authmech2    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host2. See --authmech1

 --authuser1    str  : User to auth with on host1 (admin user).
                       Avoid using --authmech1 SOMETHING with --authuser1.
 --authuser2    str  : User to auth with on host2 (admin user).
 --proxyauth1        : Use proxyauth on host1. Requires --authuser1.
                       Required by Sun/iPlanet/Netscape IMAP servers to
                       be able to use an administrative user.
 --proxyauth2        : Use proxyauth on host2. Requires --authuser2.

 --authmd51          : Use MD5 authentification for host1.
 --authmd52          : Use MD5 authentification for host2.
 --domain1      str  : Domain on host1 (NTLM authentication).
 --domain2      str  : Domain on host2 (NTLM authentication).

 --folder       str  : Sync this folder.
 --folder       str  : and this one, etc.
 --folderrec    str  : Sync this folder recursively.
 --folderrec    str  : and this one, etc.

 --folderfirst  str  : Sync this folder first. --folderfirst "Work"
 --folderfirst  str  : then this one, etc.
 --folderlast   str  : Sync this folder last. --folderlast "[Gmail]/All Mail"
 --folderlast   str  : then this one, etc.

 --nomixfolders      : Do not merge folders when host1 is case sensitive
                       while host2 is not (like Exchange). Only the first
                       similar folder is synced (ex: Sent SENT sent -> Sent).

 --skipemptyfolders  : Empty host1 folders are not created on host2.

 --f1f2    str1=str2 : Force folder str1 to be synced to str2.
 --include      reg  : Sync folders matching this regular expression
 --include      reg  : or this one, etc.
                       in case both --include --exclude options are
                       use, include is done before.
 --exclude      reg  : Skips folders matching this regular expression
                       Several folders to avoid:
                        --exclude 'fold1|fold2|f3' skips fold1, fold2 and f3.
 --exclude      reg  : or this one, etc.

 --subfolder2   str  : Move whole host1 folders hierarchy under this
                       host2 folder  str    .
                       It does it by adding two --regextrans2 options before
                       all others. Add --debug to see what's really going on.

 --regextrans2  reg  : Apply the whole regex to each destination folders.
 --regextrans2  reg  : and this one. etc.
                       When you play with the --regextrans2 option, first
                       add also the safe options --dry --justfolders
                       Then, when happy, remove --dry, remove --justfolders.
                       Have in mind that --regextrans2 is applied after prefix
                       and separator inversion.

 --tmpdir       str  : Where to store temporary files and subdirectories.
                       Will be created if it doesn't exist.
                       Default is system specific, Unix is /tmp but
                       it's often small and deleted at reboot.
                       --tmpdir /var/tmp should be better.
 --pidfile      str  : The file where imapsync pid is written.
 --pidfilelocking    : Abort if pidfile already exists. Usefull to avoid
                       concurrent transfers on the same mailbox.

 --nolog             : Turn off logging on file
 --logfile      str  : Change the default log filename (can be dirname/filename).
 --logdir       str  : Change the default log directory. Default is LOG_imapsync

 --prefix1      str  : Remove prefix to all destination folders
                       (usually INBOX. or INBOX/ or an empty string "")
                       you have to use --prefix1 if host1 imap server
                       does not have NAMESPACE capability, so imapsync
                       suggests to use it. All other cases are bad.
 --prefix2      str  : Add prefix to all host2 folders. See --prefix1
 --sep1         str  : Host1 separator in case NAMESPACE is not supported.
 --sep2         str  : Host2 separator in case NAMESPACE is not supported.

 --skipmess     reg  : Skips messages maching the regex.
                       Example: 'm/[\x80-ff]/' # to avoid 8bits messages.
                       --skipmess is applied before --regexmess
 --skipmess     reg  : or this one, etc.

 --pipemess     cmd  : Apply this cmd command to each message content
                       before the copy.
 --pipemess     cmd  : and this one, etc.

 --disarmreadreceipts : Disarms read receipts (host2 Exchange issue)

 --regexmess    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each message before transfer.
                       Example: 's/\000/ /g' # to replace null by space.
 --regexmess    reg  : and this one, etc.

 --regexflag    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each flags list.
                       Example: 's/"Junk"//g' # to remove "Junk" flag.
 --regexflag    reg  : and this one, etc.

 --delete            : Deletes messages on host1 server after a successful
                       transfer. Option --delete has the following behavior:
                       it marks messages as deleted with the IMAP flag
                       \Deleted, then messages are really deleted with an
                       EXPUNGE IMAP command.

 --delete2           : Delete messages in host2 that are not in
                       host1 server. Useful for backup or pre-sync.
 --delete2duplicates : Delete messages in host2 that are duplicates.
                       Works only without --useuid since duplicates are
                       detected with an header part of each message.

 --delete2folders    : Delete folders in host2 that are not in host1 server.
                       For safety, first try it like this (it is safe):
                       --delete2folders --dry --justfolders --nofoldersizes
 --delete2foldersonly   reg : Deleted only folders matching regex.
                              Example: --delete2foldersonly "/^Junk$|^INBOX.Junk$/"
 --delete2foldersbutnot reg : Do not delete folders matching regex.
                              Example: --delete2foldersbutnot "/Tasks$|Contacts$|Foo$/"
 --noexpunge         : Do not expunge messages on host1.
                       Expunge really deletes messages marked deleted.
                       Expunge is made at the beginning, on host1 only.
                       Newly transferred messages are also expunged if
                       option --delete is given.
                       No expunge is done on host2 account (unless --expunge2)
 --expunge1          : Expunge messages on host1 after messages transfer.
 --expunge2          : Expunge messages on host2 after messages transfer.
 --uidexpunge2       : uidexpunge messages on the host2 account
                       that are not on the host1 account, requires --delete2
 --nomixfolders      : Avoid merging folders that are considered different on
                       host1 but the same on destination host2 because of
                       case sensitivities and insensitivities.

 --syncinternaldates : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as host1.
                       Turned on by default. Internal date is the date
                       a message arrived on a host (mtime).
 --idatefromheader   : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as the
                       "Date:" headers.

 --maxsize      int  : Skip messages larger  (or equal) than  int  bytes
 --minsize      int  : Skip messages smaller (or equal) than  int  bytes
 --maxage       int  : Skip messages older than  int  days.
                       final stats (skipped) don't count older messages
                       see also --minage
 --minage       int  : Skip messages newer than  int  days.
                       final stats (skipped) don't count newer messages
                       You can do (+ are the messages selected):
                       past|----maxage+++++minage---->now (intersection)
                       past|++++minage-----maxage++++>now (union)

 --search       str  : Selects only messages returned by this IMAP SEARCH
                       command. Applied on both sides.
 --search1      str  : Same as --search for selecting host1 messages only.
 --search2      str  : Same as --search for selecting host2 messages only.
                       --search CRIT equals --search1 CRIT --search2 CRIT

 --exitwhenover int  : Stop syncing when total bytes transferred reached.
                       Gmail per day allows
                       2500000000 = 2.5 GB downloaded from Gmail as host2
                        500000000 = 500 MB uploaded to Gmail as host1.

 --maxlinelength int : skip messages with a line length longer than  int  bytes.
                       RFC 2822 says it must be no more than 1000 bytes.

 --useheader    str  : Use this header to compare messages on both sides.
                       Ex: Message-ID or Subject or Date.
 --useheader    str    and this one, etc.

 --subscribed        : Transfers subscribed folders.
 --subscribe         : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
                       host2 that are subscribed on host1. On by default.
 --subscribeall      : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
                       host2 even if they are not subscribed on host1.

 --nofoldersizes     : Do not calculate the size of each folder in bytes
                       and message counts. Default is to calculate them.
 --nofoldersizesatend: Do not calculate the size of each folder in bytes
                       and message counts at the end. Default is on.
 --justfoldersizes   : Exit after having printed the folder sizes.

 --syncacls          : Synchronises acls (Access Control Lists).
 --nosyncacls        : Does not synchronize acls. This is the default.
                       Acls in IMAP are not standardized, be careful.

 --usecache          : Use cache to speedup.
 --nousecache        : Do not use cache. Caveat: --useuid --nousecache creates
                       duplicates on multiple runs.
 --useuid            : Use uid instead of header as a criterium to recognize
                       messages. Option --usecache is then implied unless
                       --nousecache is used.

 --debug             : Debug mode.
 --debugfolders      : Debug mode for the folders part only.
 --debugcontent      : Debug content of the messages transfered. Huge ouput.
 --debugflags        : Debug mode for flags.
 --debugimap1        : IMAP debug mode for host1. Very verbose.
 --debugimap2        : IMAP debug mode for host2. Very verbose.
 --debugimap         : IMAP debug mode for host1 and host2.
 --debugmemory       : Debug mode showing memory consumption after each copy.

 --errorsmax     int : Exit when int number of errors is reached. Default is 50.

 --tests             : Run local non-regression tests. Exit code 0 means all ok.
 --testslive         : Run a live test with imap server.
                       Useful to check the basics. Needs internet connexion.

 --version           : Print only software version.
 --noreleasecheck    : Do not check for new imapsync release (a http request).
 --releasecheck      : Check for new imapsync release (a http request).
 --noid              : Do not send/receive ID command to imap servers.
 --justconnect       : Just connect to both servers and print useful
                       information. Need only --host1 and --host2 options.
 --justlogin         : Just login to both host1 and host2 with users
                       credentials, then exit.
 --justfolders       : Do only things about folders (ignore messages).

 --help              : print this help.

 To synchronize the source imap account
   "test1" on server "" with password "secret1"
 to the destination imap account
   "test2" on server "" with password "secret2"

 imapsync \
    --host1 --user1 test1 --password1 secret1 \
    --host2 --user2 test2 --password2 secret2

# comment



Imapsync command is a tool allowing incremental and
recursive imap transfers from one mailbox to another.

By default all folders are transferred, recursively, all
possible flags (\Seen \Answered \Flagged etc.) are synced too.

We sometimes need to transfer mailboxes from one imap server to
another. This is called migration.

Imapsync reduces the amount
of data transferred by not transferring a given message
if it resides already on both sides. Same specific headers
and the transfer is done only once; taken into account are by default
Message-Id and Received header lines.
All flags are
preserved, unread will stay unread, read will stay read,
deleted will stay deleted. You can stop the transfer at any
time and restart it later, imapsync works well with bad
connections and interruptions.

You can decide to delete the messages from the source mailbox
after a successful transfer, it can be a good feature when migrating
live mailboxes since messages will be only on one side.
In that case, use the --delete option. Option --delete implies
also option --expunge so all messages marked deleted on host1
will be really deleted.
(you can use --noexpunge to avoid this but I don't see any
good real world scenario for the combination --delete --noexpunge).

A different scenario is synchronizing a mailbox B from another mailbox A
in case you just want to keep a "live" copy of A in B.
In that case --delete2 has to be used, it deletes messages in host2
folder B that are not in host1 folder A. If you also need to destroy
host2 folders that are not in host1 then use --delete2folders (see also
--delete2foldersonly and --delete2foldersbutnot).

Imapsync is not adequate for maintaining two active imap accounts
in synchronization when the user plays independently on both sides.
Use offlineimap (written by John Goerzen) or mbsync (written by
Michael R. Elkins) for 2 ways synchronizations.

=head1 OPTIONS

To get a description of each option just invoke:


or read the previous section named USAGE,

or read

=head1 HISTORY

I wrote imapsync because an enterprise (basystemes) paid me to install
a new imap server without losing huge old mailboxes located on a far
away remote imap server accessible by a low bandwidth link. The tool
imapcp (written in python) could not help me because I had to verify
every mailbox was well transferred and delete it after a good
transfer. imapsync started its life as a patch.
The tool comes from the Mail-IMAPClient-2.1.3 perl
module tarball source (in the examples/ directory of the tarball).

=head1 EXAMPLE

While working on imapsync parameters please run imapsync in
dry mode (no modification induced) with the --dry
option. Nothing bad can be done this way.

To synchronize the imap account "buddy" (with password "secret1")
on host "" to the imap account "max" (with password "secret2")
on host "":

 imapsync --host1  --user1 buddy --password1 secret1 \
          --host2 --user2 max   --password2 secret2

Then you will have max's mailbox updated from buddy's


You can use --passfile1  instead of --password1 to give the
password since it is safer. With --password1 option any user
on your host can see the password by using the 'ps auxwwww'
command. Using a variable (like $PASSWORD1) is also
dangerous because of the 'ps auxwwwwe' command. So, saving
the password in a well protected file (600 or rw-------) is
the best solution.

imasync is not totally protected against sniffers on the
network since passwords may be transferred in plain text
if CRAM-MD5 is not supported by your imap servers.  Use
--ssl1 (or --tls1) and --ssl2 (or --tls2) to enable
encryption on host1 and host2.

You may authenticate as one user (typically an admin user),
but be authorized as someone else, which means you don't
need to know every user's personal password.  Specify
--authuser1 "adminuser" to enable this on host1.  In this
case, --authmech1 PLAIN will be used by default since it
is the only way to go for now. So don't use --authmech1 SOMETHING
with --authuser1 "adminuser", it will not work.
Same behavior with the --authuser2 option.
Authenticate with an admin account must be supported by your
imap server to work with imapsync.

When working on Sun/iPlanet/Netscape IMAP servers you must use
--proxyauth1 to enable administrative user to masquerade as another user.
Can also be used on destination server with --proxyauth2

You can authenticate with OAUTH when transfering from Google Apps.
The consumer key will be the domain part of the --user, and the
--password will be used as the consumer secret. It does not work
with Google Apps free edition.


imapsync will exit with a 0 status (return code) if everything went good.
Otherwise, it exits with a non-zero status.

So if you have an unreliable internet connection, you can use this loop
in a Bourne shell:

        while ! imapsync ...; do
              echo imapsync not complete


imapsync is free, open, public but not always gratis software
cover by the NOLIMIT Public License.
See the LICENSE file included in the distribution or just read this
simple sentence as it is the licence text:

 "No limit to do anything with this work and this license."

In case it is not long enough I repeat:

 "No limit to do anything with this work and this license."


The public mailing-list may be the best way to get free support.

To write on the mailing-list, the address is:

To subscribe, send any message (even empty) to:
then just reply to the confirmation message.

To unsubscribe, send a message to:

To contact the person in charge for the list:

The list archives are available at:
So consider that the list is public, anyone
can see your post. Use a pseudonym or do not
post to this list if you want to stay private.

Thank you for your participation.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Feedback good or bad is very often welcome.

Gilles LAMIRAL earns his living by writing, installing,
configuring and teaching free, open and often gratis
softwares. It used to be "always gratis" but now it is
"often" because imapsync is sold by its author, a good
way to stay maintening and supporting free open public
softwares (see the license) over decades.


Help me to help you: follow the following guidelines.

Report any bugs or feature requests to the public mailing-list
or to the author.

Before reporting bugs, read the FAQs, the README and the
TODO files.

Upgrade to last imapsync release, maybe the bug
is already fixed.

Upgrade to last Mail-IMAPClient Perl module.
maybe the bug is already fixed there.

Make a good title with word "imapsync" in it (my spam filters won't filter it),
Try to write an email title with more words than just "imapsync" or "problem",
a good title is made of keywords summary, but not too long (one visible line).

Help us to help you: in your report, please include:

 - imapsync version.

 - output near the first failures, a few lines before is good to get the context
   of the issue. First failures messages are often more significant than
   the last ones.

 - if the issue is always related to the same messages, include the output
   with --debug --debugimap, near the failure point. For example,
   Isolate a buggy message or two in a folder 'BUG' and use

     imapsync ... --folder 'BUG' --debug --debugimap

 - imap server softwares on both sides and their version number.

 - imapsync with all the options you use,  the full command line
   you use (except the passwords of course).

 - version.

 - the run context. Do you run imapsync.exe, a unix binary
   or the perl script imapsync.

 - operating system running imapsync.

 - virtual software context (vmware, xen etc.)

 - operating systems on both sides and the third side in case
   you run imapsync on a foreign host from the both.

Most of those values can be found as a copy/paste at the begining of the output,
so a carbon copy of the output is a very easy and very good debug report for me.

One time in your life, read the paper
"How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"
and then forget it.




Pay special attention to options

If you have many mailboxes to migrate think about a little
shell program. Write a file called file.txt (for example)
containing users and passwords.
The separator used in this example is ';'

The file.txt file contains:


On Unix the shell program can be:

 { while IFS=';' read  u1 p1 u2 p2; do
	imapsync --host1 --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \
                 --host2 --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" ...
 done ; } < file.txt

On Windows the batch program can be:

  FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=; eol=#" %%G IN (file.txt) DO imapsync ^
  --host1 --user1 %%G --password1 %%H ^
  --host2 --user2 %%I --password2 %%J ...

The ... have to be replaced by nothing or any imapsync option.
Welcome in shell programming !

You will find already written scripts at

=head1 HACKING

Feel free to hack imapsync as the NOLIMIT license permits it.

=head1 LINKS

Entries for imapsync:


  imap_tools    :
  offlineimap   :
  mbsync        :
  mailsync      :
  mailutil      :
                  part of the UW IMAP tookit.
  imaprepl      :
  imapcopy      :
  migrationtool :
  imapmigrate   :
                  see also file W/tools/wonko_ruby_imapsync
  exchange-away :
  pop2imap      :

Feedback (good or bad) will often be welcome.

$Id: imapsync,v 1.727 2016/08/19 10:30:36 gilles Exp gilles $


# pragmas

use strict ;
use warnings ;
++$| ;

use Carp ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw( hmac_sha1 ) ;
use Digest::MD5  qw( md5 md5_hex md5_base64 ) ;
use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;
use Fcntl ;
use File::Basename ;
use File::Copy::Recursive ;
use File::Glob qw( :glob ) ;
use File::Path qw( mkpath rmtree ) ;
use File::Spec ;
use File::stat ;
#use Imapsync::Getopt::Long ;
use IO::File ;
use IO::Socket qw(:crlf SOL_SOCKET SO_KEEPALIVE) ;
#use IO::Socket::SSL ;
use IO::Tee ;
use IPC::Open3 'open3' ;
use Mail::IMAPClient 3.30 ;
use MIME::Base64 ;
use POSIX qw(uname SIGALRM) ;
use Term::ReadKey ;
use Test::More ;
use Time::HiRes qw( time sleep ) ;
use Time::Local ;
use Unicode::String ;
use Cwd ;
use Readonly ;

# constants

# Let us do like sysexits.h
# /usr/include/sysexits.h

Readonly my $EX_OK          => 0  ; #/* successful termination */
Readonly my $EX_USAGE       => 64 ; #/* command line usage error */
#Readonly my $EX_DATAERR     => 65 ; #/* data format error */
#Readonly my $EX_NOINPUT     => 66 ; #/* cannot open input */
#Readonly my $EX_NOUSER      => 67 ; #/* addressee unknown */
#Readonly my $EX_NOHOST      => 68 ; #/* host name unknown */
#Readonly my $EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69 ; #/* service unavailable */
Readonly my $EX_SOFTWARE    => 70 ; #/* internal software error */
#Readonly my $EX_OSERR       => 71 ; #/* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
#Readonly my $EX_OSFILE      => 72 ; #/* critical OS file missing */
#Readonly my $EX_CANTCREAT   => 73 ; #/* can't create (user) output file */
#Readonly my $EX_IOERR       => 74 ; #/* input/output error */
#Readonly my $EX_TEMPFAIL    => 75 ; #/* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
#Readonly my $EX_PROTOCOL    => 76 ; #/* remote error in protocol */
#Readonly my $EX_NOPERM      => 77 ; #/* permission denied */
#Readonly my $EX_CONFIG      => 78 ; #/* configuration error */

# Mine
Readonly my $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL              =>   6 ;
Readonly my $EXIT_PID_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST =>   8 ;
Readonly my $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS            => 111 ;
Readonly my $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX        => 112 ;
Readonly my $EXIT_UNKNOWN                => 126 ;

Readonly my $ERRORS_MAX =>  50 ; # exit after 50 errors.

Readonly my $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT => 2 ; # interval max to exit instead of reconnect

Readonly my $SPLIT        => 100 ; # By default, 100 at a time, not more.
Readonly my $SPLIT_FACTOR =>  10 ; # init_imap() calls Maxcommandlength( $SPLIT_FACTOR * $split )
                                   # which means default Maxcommandlength is 10*100 = 1000 characters ;

Readonly my $IMAP_PORT     => 143 ; # Well know port for IMAP
Readonly my $IMAP_SSL_PORT => 993 ; # Well know port for IMAP over SSL

Readonly my $LAST => -1 ; 
Readonly my $MINUS_ONE => -1 ; 

Readonly my $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_1 => '1.351' ; 
Readonly my $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_2 => 42.4242 ;

Readonly my $DEFAULT_TIMEOUT => 120 ;
Readonly my $DEFAULT_UIDNEXT => 999999 ;
Readonly my $DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 4096 ;

Readonly my $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME_OAUTH2_PK12 => 3600 ;

Readonly my $PERMISSION_FILTER => 7777 ;

Readonly my $KIBI => 1024 ;

Readonly my $NUMBER_10 => 10 ;
Readonly my $NUMBER_42 => 42 ;
Readonly my $NUMBER_100 => 100 ;
Readonly my $NUMBER_200 => 200 ;
Readonly my $NUMBER_300 => 300 ;

Readonly my $NUMBER_20_000 => 20_000 ;

Readonly my $QUOTA_PERCENT_LIMIT => 90 ;

Readonly my $NUMBER_104857600 => 104857600 ;

Readonly my $SIZE_MAX_STR => 64 ;

Readonly my $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY => 86400 ;

Readonly my $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE => 80 ;

Readonly my $TRUE  => 1 ;
Readonly my $FALSE => 0 ;

Readonly my $LAST_RESSORT_SEPARATOR => q{/} ;

# global variables

        $debug, $debugimap, $debugimap1, $debugimap2, $debugcontent, $debugflags,
        $debuglist, $debugdev, $debugmaxlinelength, @debugbasket, $debugcgi,
        $host1, $host2, $port1, $port2,
        $user1, $user2, $domain1, $domain2,
        $password1, $password2, $passfile1, $passfile2,
        @folder, @include, @exclude, @folderrec,
        @folderfirst, @folderlast,
        $prefix1, $prefix2,
        @regextrans2, @regexmess, @regexflag, @skipmess, @pipemess, $pipemesscheck,
        $flagscase, $filterflags, $syncflagsaftercopy,
        $sep1, $sep2,
        $fastio1, $fastio2,
        $maxsize, $minsize, $maxage, $minage,
        $search, $search1, $search2,
        $skipheader, @useheader,
        $skipsize, $allowsizemismatch, $foldersizes, $foldersizesatend, $buffersize,
        $delete, $delete2, $delete2duplicates,
        $expunge, $expunge1, $expunge2, $uidexpunge2, $dry,
        $authmd5, $authmd51, $authmd52,
        $subscribed, $subscribe, $subscribeall,
        $version, $help,
        $justconnect, $justfolders, $justbanner,


        $h1_nb_msg_start, $h1_bytes_start,
        $h2_nb_msg_start, $h2_bytes_start,
        $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end,
        $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end,

        $timestart_int, $timeend,
        $ssl1, $ssl2,
        $ssl1_ssl_version, $ssl2_ssl_version,
        $tls1, $tls2,
        $uid1, $uid2,
        $authuser1, $authuser2,
        $proxyauth1, $proxyauth2,
        $authmech1, $authmech2,
        $split1, $split2,
        $reconnectretry1, $reconnectretry2,
        $tests, $test_builder, $testsdebug, $testslive,
        $delete2folders, $delete2foldersonly, $delete2foldersbutnot,
        $usecache, $debugcache, $cacheaftercopy,
        $wholeheaderifneeded, %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid, $useuid, $h2_uidguess,
        %h1, %h2,
        $checkselectable, $checkmessageexists,
        $maxlinelength, $maxlinelengthcmd,
        $skipcrossduplicates, $debugcrossduplicates,
        $mixfolders, $skipemptyfolders,

# main program

# global variables initialisation

$rcs = q{$Id: imapsync,v 1.727 2016/08/19 10:30:36 gilles Exp gilles $} ;

$total_bytes_transferred   = 0;
$total_bytes_skipped = 0;
$total_bytes_error   = 0;
$nb_msg_transferred = 0;
$nb_msg_skipped = $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode = 0;
$h1_nb_msg_deleted = $h2_nb_msg_deleted = 0;
$h1_nb_msg_duplicate = $h2_nb_msg_duplicate = 0;
$h1_nb_msg_noheader = $h2_nb_msg_noheader = 0;
$h1_total_bytes_duplicate = $h2_total_bytes_duplicate = 0;

$h1_nb_msg_start  = $h1_bytes_start = 0 ;
$h2_nb_msg_start     = $h2_bytes_start = 0 ;
$h1_nb_msg_processed = $h1_bytes_processed = 0 ;

#$h1_nb_msg_end = $h1_bytes_end = 0 ;
#$h2_nb_msg_end = $h2_bytes_end = 0 ;

$sync->{nb_errors} = 0;
$max_msg_size_in_bytes = 0;

my %month_abrev = (
   Jan => '00',
   Feb => '01',
   Mar => '02',
   Apr => '03',
   May => '04',
   Jun => '05',
   Jul => '06',
   Aug => '07',
   Sep => '08',
   Oct => '09',
   Nov => '10',
   Dec => '11',

# @ARGV will be eat by get_options()
my @argv_copy = @ARGV;

my $cgi_dir = '/var/tmp/imapsync_cgi' ;

# Under CGI environment
        myprint( "\n" ) ;
        myprint( "<pre>\n" ) ;
        -d $cgi_dir or mkpath $cgi_dir or die "Can not create $cgi_dir: $!\n" ;
        chdir  $cgi_dir or die "Can not cd to $cgi_dir: $!\n" ;

get_options(  ) ;
unsetunsafe(  ) if ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) ;

# Under CGI environment
        myprint( 'Current directory is ' . getcwd(  ) . "\n" ) ;
        myprint( 'Real user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $REAL_USER_ID ) . " (uid $REAL_USER_ID)\n" ) ;
        myprint( 'Effective user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ). " (euid $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID)\n" ) ;

local $SIG{ INT } = sub {
        my $signame = shift ;
        catch_reconnect( $sync, $signame ) ;
} ;

local $SIG{ QUIT } = local $SIG{ TERM } = sub {
	my $signame = shift ;
        catch_exit( $sync, $signame ) ;
} ;

$sync->{timestart} = $BASETIME ; # Never too let reading books and perlvar

$sync->{log}        = defined $sync->{log}        ? $sync->{log}        :  1 ;
$sync->{errorsdump} = defined $sync->{errorsdump} ? $sync->{errorsdump} :  1 ;
$sync->{errorsmax}  = defined $sync->{errorsmax}  ? $sync->{errorsmax}  : $ERRORS_MAX ;

$sync->{user2} = $user2 ;

if ( $sync->{log} ) {
        setlogfile( $sync ) ;
        teelaunch( $sync ) ;

$timestart_int = int( $sync->{timestart} ) ;
$timebefore =    $sync->{timestart} ;

my $timestart_str = localtime( $sync->{timestart} ) ;
myprint( "Transfer started at $timestart_str\n" ) ;
myprint( "PID is $PROCESS_ID\n" ) ;
myprint( "Log file is $sync->{logfile} ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging )\n" ) if ( $sync->{log} ) ;
$modulesversion = defined  $modulesversion  ? $modulesversion : 1 ;

# If you want releasecheck not to be done by default (like the github maintainer),
# then uncomment the first "$releasecheck =" line, the line ending with "0 ;".
# The second line (ending with "1 ;") can stay active or be commented,
# the result will be the same: no releasecheck by default.

#$releasecheck = defined  $releasecheck  ? $releasecheck : 0 ;
$releasecheck = defined  $releasecheck  ? $releasecheck : 1 ;

my $warn_release = ( $releasecheck ) ? check_last_release(  ) : q{} ;

# default values

$sync->{pidfile} =  defined  $sync->{pidfile}  ? $sync->{pidfile} : $tmpdir . '/' ;

$sync->{pidfilelocking} = defined  $sync->{pidfilelocking}  ? $sync->{pidfilelocking} : 0 ;

$wholeheaderifneeded  = defined  $wholeheaderifneeded   ? $wholeheaderifneeded  : 1;

# turn on RFC standard flags correction like \SEEN -> \Seen
$flagscase = defined  $flagscase  ? $flagscase : 1 ;

# Use PERMANENTFLAGS if available
$filterflags = defined  $filterflags  ? $filterflags : 1 ;

# sync flags just after an APPEND, some servers ignore the flags given in the APPEND
# like MailEnable IMAP server.
# Off by default since it takes time.
$syncflagsaftercopy = defined  $syncflagsaftercopy   ? $syncflagsaftercopy : 0 ;

# Activate --usecache if --useuid is set and no --nousecache
$usecache = 1 if ( $useuid and ( ! defined  $usecache   ) ) ;
$cacheaftercopy = 1 if ( $usecache and ( ! defined  $cacheaftercopy  ) ) ;

$checkselectable    = defined  $checkselectable  ? $checkselectable : 1 ;
$checkmessageexists = defined  $checkmessageexists  ? $checkmessageexists : 0 ;
$expungeaftereach   = defined  $expungeaftereach  ? $expungeaftereach : 1 ;
$abletosearch       = defined  $abletosearch  ? $abletosearch : 1 ;
$checkmessageexists = 0 if ( not $abletosearch ) ;
$showpasswords      = defined  $showpasswords  ? $showpasswords : 0 ;
$fixslash2          = defined  $fixslash2  ? $fixslash2 : 1 ;
$fixInboxINBOX      = defined  $fixInboxINBOX  ? $fixInboxINBOX : 1 ;
$create_folder_old  = defined  $create_folder_old  ? $create_folder_old : 0 ;
$mixfolders         = defined  $mixfolders  ? $mixfolders : 1 ;
$sync->{automap}    = defined  $sync->{automap}  ? $sync->{automap} : 0 ;

$delete2duplicates = 1 if ( $delete2 and ( ! defined  $delete2duplicates  ) ) ;

$maxmessagespersecond = defined  $maxmessagespersecond  ? $maxmessagespersecond : 0 ;
$maxbytespersecond    = defined  $maxbytespersecond     ? $maxbytespersecond    : 0 ;

myprint( banner_imapsync( @argv_copy ) ) ;

myprint( "Temp directory is $tmpdir  ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath )\n") ;

is_valid_directory( $tmpdir ) || croak "Error creating tmpdir $tmpdir : $!" ;

if ( $sync->{pidfile} ) {
        write_pidfile( $sync->{pidfile}, $sync->{pidfilelocking} ) ;

$fixcolonbug = defined  $fixcolonbug  ? $fixcolonbug : 1 ;

if ( $usecache and $fixcolonbug ) { tmpdir_fix_colon_bug(  ) } ;

$modulesversion and myprint( "Modules version list:\n", modulesversion(), "( use --no-modulesversion to turn off printing this Perl modules list )\n" ) ;


if ( $ssl1 or $ssl2 or $tls1 or $tls2) {
        Readonly $DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(  ) ;
        Readonly %SSL_VERIFY_STR => (
                IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(  ) => 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE' ,
                IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) => 'SSL_VERIFY_PEER' ,
        ) ;
        $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = $sync->{debugssl} || 1 ;
        myprint( "SSL debug mode level is --debugssl $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug)\n" ) ;

if ( $ssl1 ) {
        myprint( 'Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=' . $DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY . " meaning $SSL_VERIFY_STR{$DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY} on host1 (do not check the certificate server)\n" ) ;
        myprint( 'Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=' . IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) . " for $SSL_VERIFY_STR{IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  )} on host1\n" ) ;
if ( $ssl2 ) {
        myprint( 'Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=' . $DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY . " meaning $SSL_VERIFY_STR{$DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY} on host2 (do not check the certificate server)\n" ) ;
        myprint( 'Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=' . IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) . " for $SSL_VERIFY_STR{IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  )} on host2\n" ) ;

check_lib_version(  ) or
  croak "imapsync needs perl lib Mail::IMAPClient release 3.30 or superior.\n";

exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) if ( $justbanner ) ;

$split1 ||= $SPLIT ;
$split2 ||= $SPLIT ;

$host1 || missing_option( '--host1' ) ;
$port1 ||= ( $ssl1 ) ? $IMAP_SSL_PORT : $IMAP_PORT ;

$host2 || missing_option( '--host2' ) ;
$port2 ||= ( $ssl2 ) ? $IMAP_SSL_PORT : $IMAP_PORT ;

$debugimap1 = $debugimap2 = 1 if ( $debugimap ) ;
$debug = 1 if ( $debugimap1 or $debugimap2 ) ;

# By default, don't take size to compare
$skipsize = (defined $skipsize) ? $skipsize : 1;

$uid1 = defined $uid1 ? $uid1 : 1;
$uid2 = defined $uid2 ? $uid2 : 1;

$subscribe = defined $subscribe ? $subscribe : 1;

# Allow size mismatch by default
$allowsizemismatch = defined $allowsizemismatch ? $allowsizemismatch : 1;

$delete2folders = 1
    if ( defined  $delete2foldersbutnot  or defined  $delete2foldersonly  ) ;

if ( $justconnect ) {
	justconnect(  ) ;
	exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) ;

$user1 || missing_option( '--user1' ) ;
$user2 || missing_option( '--user2' ) ;

$syncinternaldates = defined $syncinternaldates ? $syncinternaldates : 1;

# Turn on expunge if there is not explicit option --noexpunge and option
# --delete is given.
# Done because --delete --noexpunge is very dangerous on the second run:
# the Deleted flag is then synced to all previously transfered messages.
# So --delete implies --expunge is a better usability default behaviour.
if ( $delete ) {
	if ( ! defined  $expunge  ) {
		myprint( "Info: turning on --expunge1 because --delete --noexpunge1 is very dangerous on the second run.\n" ) ;
		$expunge = 1 ;
		myprint( "Info: if expunging after each message slows down too much the sync then use --noexpungeaftereach to speed up\n" ) ;

if ( $uidexpunge2 and not Mail::IMAPClient->can( 'uidexpunge' ) ) {
        myprint( "Failure: uidexpunge not supported (IMAPClient release < 3.17), use --expunge2 instead\n" ) ;
        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_SOFTWARE ) ;

if ( ( $delete2 or $delete2duplicates ) and not defined  $uidexpunge2  ) {
        if ( Mail::IMAPClient->can( 'uidexpunge' ) ) {
                myprint( "Info: will act as --uidexpunge2\n" ) ;
		$uidexpunge2 = 1 ;
        }elsif ( not defined  $expunge2  ) {
                 myprint( "Info: will act as --expunge2 (no uidexpunge support)\n" ) ;
                $expunge2 = 1 ;

if ( $delete and $delete2 ) {
	myprint( "Warning: using --delete and --delete2 together is almost always a bad idea, exiting imapsync\n" ) ;
	exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE ) ;

if ( $idatefromheader ) {
	myprint( 'Turned ON idatefromheader, ',
	      "will set the internal dates on host2 from the 'Date:' header line.\n" ) ;
	$syncinternaldates = 0 ;

if ( $syncinternaldates ) {
	myprint( 'Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, ',
	      "will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.\n" ) ;
        myprint( "Info: turned OFF syncinternaldates\n" ) ;

if ( defined $authmd5 and $authmd5 ) {
	$authmd51 = 1 ;
	$authmd52 = 1 ;

if ( defined $authmd51 and $authmd51 ) {
	$authmech1 ||= 'CRAM-MD5';
	$authmech1 ||= $authuser1 ? 'PLAIN' : 'LOGIN';

if ( defined $authmd52 and $authmd52 ) {
	$authmech2 ||= 'CRAM-MD5';
	$authmech2 ||= $authuser2 ? 'PLAIN' : 'LOGIN';

$authmech1 = uc $authmech1;
$authmech2 = uc $authmech2;

if (defined $proxyauth1 && !$authuser1) {
        missing_option( 'With --proxyauth1, --authuser1' ) ;

if (defined $proxyauth2 && !$authuser2) {
        missing_option( 'With --proxyauth2, --authuser2' ) ;

$authuser1 ||= $user1;
$authuser2 ||= $user2;

myprint( "Host1: will try to use $authmech1 authentication on host1\n") ;
myprint( "Host2: will try to use $authmech2 authentication on host2\n") ;

$timeout = defined  $timeout  ? $timeout : $DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ;

$sync->{h1}->{timeout} = defined  $sync->{h1}->{timeout}  ? $sync->{h1}->{timeout} : $timeout ;
myprint( "Host1: imap connexion timeout is $sync->{h1}->{timeout} seconds\n") ;
$sync->{h2}->{timeout} = defined  $sync->{h2}->{timeout}  ? $sync->{h2}->{timeout} : $timeout ;
myprint( "Host2: imap connexion timeout is $sync->{h2}->{timeout} seconds\n" ) ;

$syncacls = defined  $syncacls  ? $syncacls : 0 ;

# No folders sizes if --justfolders, unless really wanted.
if ( $justfolders and not defined  $foldersizes  ) { $foldersizes = 0 ; }

$foldersizes      = ( defined  $foldersizes       ) ? $foldersizes      : 1 ;
$foldersizesatend = ( defined  $foldersizesatend  ) ? $foldersizesatend : $foldersizes ;

$fastio1 = defined  $fastio1  ? $fastio1 : 0 ;
$fastio2 = defined  $fastio2  ? $fastio2 : 0 ;

$reconnectretry1 = defined  $reconnectretry1  ? $reconnectretry1 : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
$reconnectretry2 = defined  $reconnectretry2  ? $reconnectretry2 : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;

# Since select_msgs() returns no messages when uidnext does not return something
# then $uidnext_default is never used. So I have to remove it.
$uidnext_default = $DEFAULT_UIDNEXT ;

@useheader = qw( Message-Id Received ) unless ( @useheader ) ;

my %useheader ;

# Make a hash %useheader of each --useheader 'key' in uppercase
for ( @useheader ) { $useheader{ uc  $_  } = undef } ;

#myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%useheader ] )  ) ;
#exit ;

myprint( "Host1: IMAP server [$host1] port [$port1] user [$user1]\n" ) ;
myprint( "Host2: IMAP server [$host2] port [$port2] user [$user2]\n" ) ;

$password1 || $passfile1 || 'PREAUTH' eq $authmech1 || 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech1 || do {
	myprint( << 'FIN_PASSFILE'  ) ;

If you are afraid of giving password on the command line arguments, you can put the
password of user1 in a file named file1 and use "--passfile1 file1" instead of typing it.
Then give this file restrictive permissions with the command "chmod 600 file1".

	$password1 = ask_for_password( $authuser1 || $user1, $host1 ) ;
} ;

$password1 = ( defined  $passfile1  ) ? firstline ( $passfile1 ) : $password1 ;

$password2 || $passfile2 || 'PREAUTH' eq $authmech2 || 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech2 || do {
	myprint( << 'FIN_PASSFILE'  ) ;

If you are afraid of giving password on the command line arguments, you can put the
password of user2 in a file named file2 and use "--passfile2 file2" instead of typing it.
Then give this file restrictive permissions with the command "chmod 600 file2".

	$password2 = ask_for_password( $authuser2 || $user2, $host2 ) ;
} ;

$password2 = ( defined  $passfile2  ) ? firstline ( $passfile2 ) : $password2 ;

# need clean up => write methods dry() and dry_message()
$sync->{dry} = $dry ;
my $dry_message = q{} ;
if( $sync->{dry} ) {
        $dry_message = "\t(not really since --dry mode)" ;
$sync->{dry_message} = $dry_message ;

$search1 ||= $search if ( $search ) ;
$search2 ||= $search if ( $search ) ;

if ( $disarmreadreceipts ) {
	push @regexmess, q{s{\A((?:[^\n]+\r\n)+|)(^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n)(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1X-$2$3}ims} ;

$pipemesscheck = ( defined  $pipemesscheck  ) ? $pipemesscheck : 1 ;

if ( @pipemess and $pipemesscheck ) {
	myprint( 'Checking each --pipemess command, ' 
                . join( q{, }, @pipemess ) 
                . ", with an space string. ( Can avoid this check with --nopipemesscheck )\n" ) ;
	my $string = pipemess( q{ }, @pipemess ) ;
        # string undef means something was bad.
        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
        	die_clean( "Error: one of --pipemess command is bad, check it\n" ) ;
	myprint( "Ok with each --pipemess @pipemess\n"  ) ;

if ( $maxlinelengthcmd ) {
	myprint( "Checking  --maxlinelengthcmd command,  $maxlinelengthcmd, with an space string.\n"  ) ;
	my $string = pipemess( q{ }, $maxlinelengthcmd ) ;
        # string undef means something was bad.
        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
        	die_clean( "Error: --maxlinelengthcmd command is bad, check it\n" ) ;
	myprint( "Ok with --maxlinelengthcmd $maxlinelengthcmd\n"  ) ;

if ( @regexmess ) {
	my $string = regexmess( q{ } ) ;
	myprint( "Checking each --regexmess command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
        # string undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
        	die_clean( 'Error: one of --regexmess option is bad, check it' ) ;
	myprint( "Ok with each --regexmess\n"  ) ;

if ( @skipmess ) {
	myprint( "Checking each --skipmess command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
	my $match = skipmess( q{ } ) ;
        # match undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
        if ( not ( defined  $match  ) ) {
        	die_clean( 'Error: one of --skipmess option is bad, check it' ) ;
	myprint( "Ok with each --skipmess\n"  ) ;

if ( @regexflag ) {
	myprint( "Checking each --regexflag command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
	my $string = flags_regex( q{ } ) ;
	# string undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
	if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
		die_clean( 'Error: one of --regexflag option is bad, check it' ) ;
	myprint( "Ok with each --regexflag\n"  ) ;

$sync->{imap1} = my $imap1 = login_imap($host1, $port1, $user1, $domain1, $password1,
		   $debugimap1, $sync->{h1}->{timeout}, $fastio1, $ssl1, $tls1,
		   $authmech1, $authuser1, $reconnectretry1,
		   $proxyauth1, $uid1, $split1, 'Host1', $sync->{h1} ) ;

$sync->{imap2} = my $imap2 = login_imap($host2, $port2, $user2, $domain2, $password2,
		 $debugimap2, $sync->{h2}->{timeout}, $fastio2, $ssl2, $tls2,
		 $authmech2, $authuser2, $reconnectretry2,
		 $proxyauth2, $uid2, $split2, 'Host2', $sync->{h2} ) ;

$debug and myprint( 'Host1 Buffer I/O: ', $imap1->Buffer(), "\n" ) ;
$debug and myprint( 'Host2 Buffer I/O: ', $imap2->Buffer(), "\n" ) ;

die_clean( 'Not authenticated on host1' ) unless $imap1->IsAuthenticated( ) ;
myprint( "Host1: state Authenticated\n" ) ;
die_clean( 'Not authenticated on host2' ) unless   $imap2->IsAuthenticated( ) ;
myprint( "Host2: state Authenticated\n" ) ;

myprint( 'Host1 capability: ', join(q{ }, @{ $imap1->capability_update() || [] }), "\n" ) ;
myprint( 'Host2 capability: ', join(q{ }, @{ $imap2->capability_update() || [] }), "\n" ) ;

imap_id_stuff( $sync ) ;

#quota( $imap1, 'host1' ) ; # quota on host1 is useless and pollute host2 output.
quota( $imap2, 'host2', $sync ) ;

if ( $justlogin ) {
	$imap1->logout(  ) ;
	$imap2->logout(  ) ;
	exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) ;

# Folder stuff

my (
        @h1_folders_all , %h1_folders_all , @h1_folders_wanted , %requested_folder ,
        %h1_subscribed_folder , %h2_subscribed_folder ,
        @h2_folders_all , %h2_folders_all , %h2_folders_all_UPPER ,
        @h2_folders_from_1_wanted , %h2_folders_from_1_wanted ,
        %h2_folders_from_1_several ,
        %h2_folders_from_1_all ,
) ;

my $h1_folders_wanted_nb = 0 ; 
my $h1_folders_wanted_ct = 0 ; # counter of folders done.

# All folders on host1 and host2

@h1_folders_all = sort $imap1->folders(  ) ;
@h2_folders_all = sort $imap2->folders(  ) ;

myprint( 'Host1: found ', scalar  @h1_folders_all , " folders.\n"  ) ;
myprint( 'Host2: found ', scalar  @h2_folders_all , " folders.\n"  ) ;

for ( @h1_folders_all ) { $h1_folders_all{ $_ } = 1 } ;
for ( @h2_folders_all ) {
	$h2_folders_all{ $_ } = 1 ;
	$h2_folders_all_UPPER{ uc  $_  } = 1 ;
} ;

$sync->{h1_folders_all} = \%h1_folders_all ;
$sync->{h2_folders_all} = \%h2_folders_all ;
$sync->{h2_folders_all_UPPER} = \%h2_folders_all_UPPER ;

# Make a hash of subscribed folders in both servers.

for ( $imap1->subscribed(  ) ) { $h1_subscribed_folder{ $_ } = 1 } ;
for ( $imap2->subscribed(  ) ) { $h2_subscribed_folder{ $_ } = 1 } ;

if ( defined  $subfolder2  ) {
	unshift @regextrans2,
		q's,^INBOX$,${h2_prefix}${subfolder2}${h2_sep}INBOX,' ;


if ( $fixInboxINBOX and ( my $reg = fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( \%h1_folders_all, \%h2_folders_all ) ) ) {
	push @regextrans2, $reg ;

if (scalar @folder or $subscribed or scalar @folderrec) {
	# folders given by option --folder
	if (scalar @folder) {

	# option --subscribed
	if ( $subscribed ) {
		add_to_requested_folders( keys  %h1_subscribed_folder  ) ;

	# option --folderrec
	if (scalar @folderrec) {
		foreach my $folderrec (@folderrec) {
else {
	# no include, no folder/subscribed/folderrec options => all folders
	if (not scalar @include) {
		myprint( "Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders.\n"  ) ;

# consider (optional) includes and excludes
if ( scalar  @include  ) {
	foreach my $include ( @include ) {
		my @included_folders = grep { /$include/ } @h1_folders_all ;
		add_to_requested_folders( @included_folders ) ;
		myprint( "Including folders matching pattern $include\n" . jux_utf8_list( @included_folders )  . "\n"  ) ;

if ( scalar  @exclude  ) {
	foreach my $exclude ( @exclude ) {
		my @requested_folder = sort keys %requested_folder ;
		my @excluded_folders = grep { /$exclude/ } @requested_folder ;
		remove_from_requested_folders( @excluded_folders ) ;
		myprint( "Excluding folders matching pattern $exclude\n" . jux_utf8_list( @excluded_folders ) . "\n"  ) ;

# sort before is not very powerful
# it adds --folderfirst and --folderlast even if they don't exist on host1
@h1_folders_wanted = sort_requested_folders(  ) ;

# Remove no selectable folders

my @h1_folders_wanted_exist ;
myprint( "Host1: checking all wanted folders exist.\n"  ) ;
foreach my $folder ( @h1_folders_wanted ) {
	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Checking $folder exists on host1\n"  ) ;
	if ( ! exists  $h1_folders_all{ $folder }  ) {
                myprint( "Host1: warning! ignoring folder $folder because it is not in host1 whole folders list.\n" ) ;
		next ;
		push  @h1_folders_wanted_exist, $folder  ;

@h1_folders_wanted = @h1_folders_wanted_exist ;

$checkselectable and do {
	my @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
        myprint( "Host1: checking all wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check.\n"  ) ;
	foreach my $folder ( @h1_folders_wanted ) {
        	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Checking $folder is selectable on host1\n"  ) ;
        	if ( ! $imap1->selectable( $folder ) ) {
                                myprint( "Host1: warning! ignoring folder $folder because it is not selectable\n" ) ;
			push  @h1_folders_wanted_selectable, $folder  ;
	@h1_folders_wanted = @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
        ( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( 'Host1: checking folders took ', timenext(  ), " s\n"  ) ;
} ;

$sync->{h1_folders_wanted} = \@h1_folders_wanted ;

my( $h1_sep, $h2_sep ) ;
# what are the private folders separators for each server ?

( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Getting separators\n"  ) ;
$h1_sep = get_separator( $imap1, $sep1, '--sep1', 'Host1', \@h1_folders_all ) ;
$h2_sep = get_separator( $imap2, $sep2, '--sep2', 'Host2', \@h2_folders_all ) ;

my( $h1_prefix, $h2_prefix ) ;
$sync->{ h1_prefix } = $h1_prefix = get_prefix( $imap1, $prefix1, '--prefix1', 'Host1', \@h1_folders_all ) ;
$sync->{ h2_prefix } = $h2_prefix = get_prefix( $imap2, $prefix2, '--prefix2', 'Host2', \@h2_folders_all ) ;

myprint( "Host1 separator and prefix: [$h1_sep][$h1_prefix]\n"  ) ;
myprint( "Host2 separator and prefix: [$h2_sep][$h2_prefix]\n"  ) ;

automap( $sync ) ;

foreach my $h1_fold ( @h1_folders_wanted ) {
	my $h2_fold ;
	$h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $h1_fold ) ;
	$h2_folders_from_1_wanted{ $h2_fold }++ ;
        if ( 1 < $h2_folders_from_1_wanted{ $h2_fold } ) {
        	$h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }++ ;
@h2_folders_from_1_wanted = sort keys %h2_folders_from_1_wanted;

foreach my $h1_fold ( @h1_folders_all ) {
	my $h2_fold ;
	$h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $h1_fold ) ;
	$h2_folders_from_1_all{ $h2_fold }++ ;

myprint( << 'END_LISTING'  ) ;

++++ Listing folders
All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername.
When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form
[X] = [Y] where
X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and
Y is the uft8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it.


  "Host1 folders list:\n",
  jux_utf8_list( @h1_folders_all ),
  "Host2 folders list:\n",
  jux_utf8_list( @h2_folders_all ),
  "\n" ;

  'Host1 subscribed folders list: ',
  jux_utf8_list( sort keys  %h1_subscribed_folder  ), "\n"
  if ( $subscribed ) ;

my @h2_folders_not_in_1;
@h2_folders_not_in_1 = list_folders_in_2_not_in_1(  ) ;

if ( @h2_folders_not_in_1 ) {
	myprint( "Folders in host2 not in host1:\n",
	jux_utf8_list( @h2_folders_not_in_1 ), "\n" ) ;

if ( defined  $sync->{f1f2auto}  ) {
	myprint( "Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping):\n"  ) ;
	foreach my $h1_fold ( keys %{$sync->{f1f2auto}} ) {
        	my $h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2auto}{$h1_fold} ;
		myprintf( "%-40s -> %-40s\n",
		       jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ) ) ;
        myprint( "\n"  ) ;

if ( defined  $sync->{f1f2}  ) {
	myprint( "Folders mapping from --f1f2 options, it overrides --automap:\n"  ) ;
	foreach my $h1_fold ( keys %{$sync->{f1f2}} ) {
        	my $h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2}{$h1_fold} ;
                my $warn = q{} ;
                if ( not exists  $h1_folders_all{ $h1_fold }  ) {
                        $warn = "BUT $h1_fold does NOT exist on host1!" ;
		myprintf( "%-40s -> %-40s %s\n",
		       jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ), $warn ) ;
        myprint( "\n"  ) ;

exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) if ( $sync->{justfolderlists} ) ;
exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) if ( $sync->{justautomap} ) ;

debugsleep( $sync ) ;

if ( $foldersizes ) {
        foldersizes_on_h1h2(  ) ;

exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) if ( $justfoldersizes ) ;

$sync->{stats} = 1 ;

if ( $sync->{'delete1emptyfolders'} ) {
        delete1emptyfolders( $sync ) ;

delete_folders_in_2_not_in_1(  ) if $delete2folders ;

# folder loop
$h1_folders_wanted_nb = scalar  @h1_folders_wanted  ;

myprint( "++++ Looping on each one of $h1_folders_wanted_nb folders to sync\n" ) ;

my $begin_transfer_time = time ;

my %uid_candidate_for_deletion ;
my %uid_candidate_no_deletion ;

my %h2_folders_of_md5 = (  ) ;

FOLDER: foreach my $h1_fold ( @h1_folders_wanted ) {

        last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
        last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

	my $h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $h1_fold ) ;

	$h1_folders_wanted_ct++ ;
	myprintf( "Folder %7s %-35s -> %-35s\n", "$h1_folders_wanted_ct/$h1_folders_wanted_nb",
		jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ) ) ;
        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("FL: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;
	# host1 can not be fetched read only, select is needed because of expunge.
	select_folder( $imap1, $h1_fold, 'Host1' ) or next FOLDER ;

        debugsleep( $sync ) ;

	my $h1_fold_nb_messages = count_from_select( $imap1->History ) ;
        myprint( "Host1 folder [$h1_fold] has $h1_fold_nb_messages messages in total (mentioned by SELECT)\n" ) ;

        if ( $skipemptyfolders and 0 == $h1_fold_nb_messages ) {
        	myprint( "Skipping empty host1 folder [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
                next FOLDER ;

	if ( ! exists  $h2_folders_all{ $h2_fold }  ) {
		create_folder( $imap2, $h2_fold, $h1_fold ) or next FOLDER ;

	acls_sync( $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) ;

        # Sometimes the folder on host2 is listed (it exists) but is
        # not selectable but becomes selectable by a create (Gmail)
	select_folder( $imap2, $h2_fold, 'Host2' )
        or ( create_folder( $imap2, $h2_fold, $h1_fold )
             and select_folder( $imap2, $h2_fold, 'Host2' ) )
        or next FOLDER ;
	my @select_results = $imap2->Results(  ) ;

	my $h2_fold_nb_messages = count_from_select( @select_results ) ;
        myprint( "Host2 folder [$h2_fold] has $h2_fold_nb_messages messages in total (mentioned by SELECT)\n" ) ;

	my $permanentflags2 = permanentflags( @select_results ) ;
	( $debug or $debugflags ) and myprint( "Host2 folder [$h2_fold] permanentflags: $permanentflags2\n"  ) ;

	if ( $expunge or $expunge1 ){
		myprint( "Host1: Expunging $h1_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
		unless( $dry ) { $imap1->expunge(  ) } ;

	if ( ( ( $subscribe and exists $h1_subscribed_folder{ $h1_fold } ) or $subscribeall )
             and not exists  $h2_subscribed_folder{ $h2_fold }  ) {
		myprint( "Host2: Subscribing to folder $h2_fold\n"  ) ;
		unless( $dry ) { $imap2->subscribe( $h2_fold ) } ;

	next FOLDER if ( $justfolders ) ;

        last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
        last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

        my $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref = {  } ;
	my @h1_msgs = select_msgs( $imap1, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $search1, $h1_fold );
	last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

        my $h1_msgs_nb = scalar  @h1_msgs  ;
        $h1{ $h1_fold }{ 'messages_nb' } = $h1_msgs_nb ;

	myprint( "Host1 folder [$h1_fold] considering $h1_msgs_nb messages\n"  ) ;
	( $debug or $debuglist ) and myprint( "Host1 folder [$h1_fold] considering $h1_msgs_nb messages, LIST gives: @h1_msgs\n" ) ;
        $debug and myprint( "Host1 selecting messages of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n" ) ;

        my $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref = {  } ;
	my @h2_msgs = select_msgs( $imap2, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref, $search2, $h2_fold ) ;
	last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

        my $h2_msgs_nb = scalar  @h2_msgs  ;
        $h2{ $h2_fold }{ 'messages_nb' } = $h2_msgs_nb ;

	myprint( "Host2 folder [$h2_fold] considering $h2_msgs_nb messages\n" ) ;
	( $debug or $debuglist ) and myprint( "Host2 folder [$h2_fold] considering $h2_msgs_nb messages, LIST gives: @h2_msgs\n" ) ;
        $debug and myprint( "Host2 selecting messages of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n" ) ;

	my $cache_base = "$tmpdir/imapsync_cache/" ;
	my $cache_dir = cache_folder( $cache_base, "$host1/$user1/$host2/$user2", $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) ;
	my ( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref ) = ( {}, {} ) ;

	my $h1_uidvalidity = $imap1->uidvalidity(  ) || q{} ;
	my $h2_uidvalidity = $imap2->uidvalidity(  ) || q{} ;

        last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
        last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

	if ( $usecache ) {
		myprint( "cache directory: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
		mkpath( "$cache_dir" ) ;
		( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref )
                = get_cache( $cache_dir, \@h1_msgs, \@h2_msgs, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) ;
		myprint( 'CACHE h1 h2: ', scalar  keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } , " files\n"  ) ;
		$debug and myprint( '[',
		    map ( { "$_->$cache_1_2_ref->{$_} " } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } ), " ]\n" ) ;

	my %h1_hash = () ;
	my %h2_hash = () ;

	my ( %h1_msgs, %h2_msgs ) ;
	@h1_msgs{ @h1_msgs } = ();
	@h2_msgs{ @h2_msgs } = ();

	my @h1_msgs_in_cache = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } ;
	my @h2_msgs_in_cache = keys %{ $cache_2_1_ref } ;

	my ( %h1_msgs_not_in_cache, %h2_msgs_not_in_cache ) ;
	%h1_msgs_not_in_cache = %h1_msgs ;
	%h2_msgs_not_in_cache = %h2_msgs ;
	delete @h1_msgs_not_in_cache{ @h1_msgs_in_cache } ;
	delete @h2_msgs_not_in_cache{ @h2_msgs_in_cache } ;

	my @h1_msgs_not_in_cache = keys %h1_msgs_not_in_cache ;
	#myprint( "h1_msgs_not_in_cache: [@h1_msgs_not_in_cache]\n"  ) ;
	my @h2_msgs_not_in_cache = keys %h2_msgs_not_in_cache ;

	my @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache = () ;
	%h1_msgs_copy_by_uid = (  ) ;

	if ( $useuid ) {
		# use uid so we have to avoid getting header
		@h1_msgs_copy_by_uid{ @h1_msgs_not_in_cache } = (  ) ;
		@h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache = @h2_msgs_not_in_cache if $usecache ;
		@h1_msgs_not_in_cache = (  ) ;
		@h2_msgs_not_in_cache = (  ) ;

		#myprint( "delete2: @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache\n" ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "Host1 parsing headers of folder [$h1_fold]\n" ) ;

	my ($h1_heads_ref, $h1_fir_ref) = ({}, {});
	$h1_heads_ref = $imap1->parse_headers([@h1_msgs_not_in_cache], @useheader) if (@h1_msgs_not_in_cache);
	$debug and myprint( "Host1 parsing headers of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n" ) ;

	@{ $h1_fir_ref }{@h1_msgs} = ( undef ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "Host1 getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
        if ( $abletosearch ) {
		$h1_fir_ref = $imap1->fetch_hash( \@h1_msgs, 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', $h1_fir_ref )
	  	if ( @h1_msgs ) ;
		my $uidnext = $imap1->uidnext( $h1_fold ) || $uidnext_default ;
		my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
		$h1_fir_ref = $imap1->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', $h1_fir_ref )
		if ( @h1_msgs ) ;
	$debug and myprint( "Host1 getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n"  ) ;
	unless ($h1_fir_ref) {
		my $error = join( q{}, "Host1 folder $h1_fold: Could not fetch_hash ",
			scalar @h1_msgs, ' msgs: ', $imap1->LastError || q{}, "\n" ) ;
		errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
		next FOLDER ;

	my @h1_msgs_duplicate;
	foreach my $m (@h1_msgs_not_in_cache) {
		my $rc = parse_header_msg($imap1, $m, $h1_heads_ref, $h1_fir_ref, 'Host1', \%h1_hash);
		if (! defined $rc) {
			my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0;
			myprint( "Host1 $h1_fold/$m size $h1_size ignored (no wanted headers so we ignore this message. To solve this: use --addheader)\n"  ) ;
			$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
			$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
			$h1_nb_msg_noheader +=1;
                        $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
		} elsif(0 == $rc) {
			# duplicate
			push @h1_msgs_duplicate, $m;
			# duplicate, same id same size?
			my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0;
			$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
			$h1_total_bytes_duplicate += $h1_size;
			$h1_nb_msg_duplicate += 1;
                        $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
        my $h1_msgs_duplicate_nb = scalar  @h1_msgs_duplicate  ;
        $h1{ $h1_fold }{ 'duplicates_nb' } = $h1_msgs_duplicate_nb ;

        $debug and myprint( "Host1 selected: $h1_msgs_nb  duplicates: $h1_msgs_duplicate_nb\n"  ) ;
	$debug and myprint( 'Host1 whole time parsing headers took ', timenext(), " s\n"  ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "Host2 parsing headers of folder [$h2_fold]\n" ) ;

	my ($h2_heads_ref, $h2_fir_ref) = ( {}, {} );
	$h2_heads_ref =   $imap2->parse_headers([@h2_msgs_not_in_cache], @useheader) if (@h2_msgs_not_in_cache);
	$debug and myprint( "Host2 parsing headers of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n"  ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "Host2 getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
	@{ $h2_fir_ref }{@h2_msgs} = (  ); # fetch_hash can select by uid with last arg as ref

        if ( $abletosearch ) {
		$h2_fir_ref = $imap2->fetch_hash( \@h2_msgs, 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', $h2_fir_ref)
		if (@h2_msgs) ;
		my $uidnext = $imap2->uidnext( $h2_fold ) || $uidnext_default ;
		my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
		$h2_fir_ref = $imap2->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE', $h2_fir_ref )
		if ( @h2_msgs ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "Host2 getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext(), " s\n"  ) ;

	my @h2_msgs_duplicate;
	foreach my $m (@h2_msgs_not_in_cache) {
		my $rc = parse_header_msg($imap2, $m, $h2_heads_ref, $h2_fir_ref, 'Host2', \%h2_hash) ;
		my $h2_size = $h2_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0 ;
		if (! defined  $rc  ) {
                        myprint( "Host2 $h2_fold/$m size $h2_size ignored (no wanted headers so we ignore this message)\n"  ) ;
			$h2_nb_msg_noheader += 1 ;
		} elsif( 0 == $rc ) {
			# duplicate
			$h2_nb_msg_duplicate += 1 ;
			$h2_total_bytes_duplicate += $h2_size ;
			push  @h2_msgs_duplicate, $m  ;

        # %h2_folders_of_md5
        foreach my $md5 (  keys  %h2_hash  ) {
        	$h2_folders_of_md5{ $md5 }->{ $h2_fold } ++ ;

        my $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb = scalar  @h2_msgs_duplicate  ;
        $h2{ $h2_fold }{ 'duplicates_nb' } = $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb ;

        myprint( "Host2 folder $h2_fold selected: $h2_msgs_nb messages,  duplicates: $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb\n" )
        	if ( $debug or $delete2duplicates or $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb ) ;
	$debug and myprint( 'Host2 whole time parsing headers took ', timenext(  ), " s\n"  ) ;

	$debug and myprint( "++++ Verifying [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n" ) ;
	# messages in host1 that are not in host2

	my @h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid
	  = sort {$h1_hash{$a}{'m'} <=> $h1_hash{$b}{'m'}} keys %h1_hash;

	#myprint( map { $h1_hash{$_}{'m'} . q{ }} @h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid ) ;

	my @h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid
	  = sort {$h2_hash{$a}{'m'} <=> $h2_hash{$b}{'m'}} keys %h2_hash;

	if( $delete2duplicates and not exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
		my @h2_expunge ;

		foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_duplicate ) {
			myprint( "msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted [duplicate] on host2 $dry_message\n"  ) ;
			push  @h2_expunge, $h2_msg  if $uidexpunge2 ;
			unless ( $dry ) {
				$imap2->delete_message( $h2_msg ) ;
				$h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1 ;
		my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;
		if( @h2_expunge and not $expunge2 ) {
			myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
			$imap2->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $dry ;
        	if ( $expunge2 ){
                	myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
                	$imap2->expunge(  ) if ! $dry ;

	if( $delete2 and not exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
        	# No host1 folders f1a f1b ... going all to same f2 (via --regextrans2)
		my @h2_expunge;
		foreach my $m_id (@h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid) {
			#myprint( "$m_id " ) ;
			unless (exists $h1_hash{$m_id}) {
				my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'};
				my $h2_flags  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'F'} || q{};
				my $isdel  = $h2_flags =~ /\B\\Deleted\b/x ? 1 : 0;
				myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted on host2 [$m_id] $dry_message\n" )
				  if ! $isdel;
				push @h2_expunge, $h2_msg if $uidexpunge2;
				unless ($dry or $isdel) {
					$h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1;
		foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache ) {
			myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted [not in cache] on host2 $dry_message\n" ) ;
                        push @h2_expunge, $h2_msg if $uidexpunge2;
			unless ($dry) {
				$h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1;
		my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;

		if( @h2_expunge and not $expunge2 ) {
			myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
			$imap2->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $dry ;
        	if ( $expunge2 ) {
                	myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
                	$imap2->expunge(  ) if ! $dry ;

	if( $delete2 and exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
        	myprint( "Host2 folder $h2_fold $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } folders left to sync there\n"  ) ;
		my @h2_expunge;
		foreach my $m_id ( @h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid ) {
                	my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{ $m_id }{ 'm' } ;
			unless ( exists  $h1_hash{ $m_id }  ) {
				my $h2_flags  = $h2_hash{ $m_id }{ 'F' } || q{} ;
				my $isdel  = $h2_flags =~ /\B\\Deleted\b/x ? 1 : 0 ;
				unless ( $isdel ) {
                                	$debug and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion [$m_id]\n"  ) ;
					$uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
                        	$debug and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [$m_id]\n"  ) ;
                        	$uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
		foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache ) {
			myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion [not in cache]\n" ) ;
                        $uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;

		foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_in_cache ) {
			myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [in cache]\n" ) ;
                        $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;

                if ( 0 == $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } ) {
                	# last host1 folder going to $h2_fold
                        myprint( "Last host1 folder going to $h2_fold\n"  ) ;
                        foreach my $h2_msg ( keys %{ $uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold } } ) {
                        	$debug and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion\n"  ) ;
                                if ( exists  $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }  ) {
                                	$debug and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg canceled deletion\n"  ) ;
                                	myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted $dry_message\n" ) ;
                                        push  @h2_expunge, $h2_msg  if $uidexpunge2 ;
                                        unless ( $dry ) {
                                        	$imap2->delete_message( $h2_msg ) ;
                                        	$h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1 ;

		my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;
		if( @h2_expunge and not $expunge2 ) {
			myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
			$imap2->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $dry ;
        	if ( $expunge2 ) {
                	myprint( "Host2: Expunging host2 folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
                	$imap2->expunge(  ) if ! $dry ;

                $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }-- ;

	my $h2_uidnext = $imap2->uidnext( $h2_fold ) ;
        $debug and myprint( "Host2 uidnext: $h2_uidnext\n"  ) ;
	$h2_uidguess = $h2_uidnext ;
	MESS: foreach my $m_id (@h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid) {
        	last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
                last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

		#myprint( "h1_nb_msg_processed: $h1_nb_msg_processed\n"  ) ;
		my $h1_size  = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'s'};
		my $h1_msg   = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'m'};
		my $h1_idate = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'D'};

		if ( ( not exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  )
                	and ( not ( exists $h2_folders_of_md5{ $m_id } )
                              or not $skipcrossduplicates ) ) {
			# copy
			my $h2_msg = copy_message( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) ;
                        $h2_folders_of_md5{ $m_id }->{ $h2_fold } ++ ;
                        if( $delete2 and ( exists $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } ) and $h2_msg ) {
                        	myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [fresh copy] on host2\n"  ) ;
	                        $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
                        last FOLDER if total_bytes_max_reached(  ) ;
			next MESS;
		        # already on host2
                        if ( exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  ) {
				my $h2_msg   = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'} ;
				$debug and myprint( "Host1 found msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg equals Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg\n"  ) ;
                                if ( $usecache ) {
                                	$debugcache and myprint( "touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg\n"  ) ;
                                	touch( "$cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg" )
                                        or croak( "Couldn't touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg" ) ;
                        }elsif( exists  $h2_folders_of_md5{ $m_id }  ) {
                        	my @folders_dup = keys  %{ $h2_folders_of_md5{ $m_id } }  ;
                        	( $debug or $debugcrossduplicates ) and myprint( "Host1 found msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg is also in Host2 folders @folders_dup\n"  ) ;
			$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size ;
			$nb_msg_skipped += 1 ;
                        $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;

                if ( exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  ) {
			#$debug and myprint( "MESSAGE $m_id\n" ) ;
			my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'};

                	sync_flags_fir( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ;
	    		# Good
			my $h2_size = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'s'};
			$debug and myprint(
			"Host1 size  msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg = $h1_size <> $h2_size = Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg\n" ) ;
                last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

		if ( $delete ) {
			delete_message_on_host1( $h1_msg, $h1_fold ) ;
	# END MESS: loop
        last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
        last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
	MESS_IN_CACHE: foreach my $h1_msg ( @h1_msgs_in_cache ) {
		my $h2_msg = $cache_1_2_ref->{ $h1_msg } ;
		$debugcache and myprint( "cache messages update flags $h1_msg->$h2_msg\n" ) ;
		sync_flags_fir( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ;
		my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{ $h1_msg }->{ 'RFC822.SIZE' } || 0 ;
		$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
		$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
                $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
                last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

	#myprint( "Messages by uid: ", map { "$_ " } keys %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid, "\n"  ) ;
	MESS_BY_UID: foreach my $h1_msg ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid ) {
		$debug and myprint( "Copy by uid $h1_fold/$h1_msg\n"  ) ;
                last FOLDER if $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
                last FOLDER if $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
		my $h2_msg = copy_message( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) ;
                if( $delete2 and exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  and $h2_msg ) {
                	myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [fresh copy] on host2\n"  ) ;
	                $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
		last FOLDER if total_bytes_max_reached(  ) ;

	if ( $expunge or $expunge1 ){
		myprint( "Host1: Expunging folder $h1_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
		unless( $dry ) { $imap1->expunge(  ) } ;
	if ( $expunge2 ){
		myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $dry_message\n"  ) ;
		unless( $dry ) { $imap2->expunge(  ) } ;
	$debug and myprint( 'Time: ', timenext(  ), " s\n"  ) ;

sub total_bytes_max_reached {

	return( 0 ) if not $exitwhenover ;
	if ( $total_bytes_transferred >= $exitwhenover ) {
        	myprint( "Maximum bytes transferred reached, $total_bytes_transferred >= $exitwhenover, ending sync\n"  ) ;
        	return( 1 ) ;


myprint( "++++ End looping on each folder\n"  ) ;
( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( 'Time: ', timenext(  ), " s\n"  ) ;

if ( $foldersizesatend ) {
	myprint( << 'END_SIZE'  ) ;

Folders sizes after the synchronization.
You can remove this foldersizes listing by using  "--nofoldersizesatend"

	foldersizesatend(  ) ;

$imap1->logout(  ) unless lost_connection( $imap1, "for host1 [$host1]" ) ;
$imap2->logout(  ) unless lost_connection( $imap2, "for host2 [$host2]" ) ;

stats( $sync ) ;
myprint( errorsdump( $sync->{nb_errors}, errors_log( $sync ) ) ) if ( $sync->{errorsdump} ) ;
tests_live_result( $sync->{nb_errors} ) if ( $testslive ) ;
exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS ) if ( $sync->{nb_errors} ) ;
exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) ;

# END of main program

# subroutines
sub  myprint  { return print  @ARG ; } 
sub  myprintf { return printf @ARG ; } 

sub mysprintf {
        my( $format, @list ) = @ARG ;
        return sprintf $format, @list ; 

sub unsetunsafe {
        # Remove all content in unsafe evalued options
        @regextrans2 = (  ) ;
        @regexflag = (  ) ;
        @regexmess = (  ) ;
        @skipmess = (  ) ;
        @pipemess = (  ) ;
        $delete2foldersonly = undef ;
        $delete2foldersbutnot = undef ;
        return ;

sub debugsleep {
        my $mysync = shift ;
        if ( defined $mysync->{debugsleep} ) {
                myprint( "Info: sleeping $mysync->{debugsleep}s\n" ) ;
                sleep $mysync->{debugsleep} ;
        return ;

sub foldersizes_on_h1h2 {
	myprint( << 'END_SIZE'  ) ;

Folders sizes before the synchronization.
You can remove foldersizes listings by using "--nofoldersizes" and  "--nofoldersizesatend"
but then you will also loose the ETA (Estimation Time of Arrival) given after each message copy.

	( $h1_nb_msg_start, $h1_bytes_start ) = foldersizes( 'Host1', $imap1, $search1, @h1_folders_wanted        ) ;
	( $h2_nb_msg_start, $h2_bytes_start ) = foldersizes( 'Host2', $imap2, $search2, @h2_folders_from_1_wanted ) ;

        if ( not all_defined( $h1_nb_msg_start, $h1_bytes_start, $h2_nb_msg_start, $h2_bytes_start ) ) {
                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, ETA and final diff will not be displayed\n" ;
                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                $foldersizes = 0 ;
                $foldersizesatend = 0 ;
                return ;
        my $h2_bytes_limit = $sync->{host2}->{quota_limit_bytes} || 0 ;
        if ( $h2_bytes_limit and ( $h2_bytes_limit < $h1_bytes_start ) ) {
        	my $quota_percent = mysprintf( '%.0f', $h1_bytes_start/$h2_bytes_limit ) ;
                my $error = "Host2: Quota limit will be exceeded! Over $quota_percent % ( $h1_bytes_start bytes / $h2_bytes_limit bytes )\n" ;
                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
        return ;

sub all_defined {
        if ( not @ARG ) {
                return 0 ;
        foreach my $elem ( @ARG ) {
                if ( not defined $elem ) {
                        return 0 ;
        return 1 ;

sub tests_all_defined {
        is( 0, all_defined(  ),             'all_defined: no param  => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, all_defined( () ),           'all_defined: void list => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, all_defined( undef ),        'all_defined: undef     => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, all_defined( undef, undef ), 'all_defined: undef     => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, all_defined( 1, undef ),     'all_defined: 1 undef   => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, all_defined( undef, 1 ),     'all_defined: undef 1   => 0' ) ;
        is( 1, all_defined( 1, 1 ),         'all_defined: 1 1   => 1' ) ;
        is( 1, all_defined( (1, 1) ),       'all_defined: (1 1) => 1' ) ;
        return ;

sub imap_id_stuff {
	my $sync = shift ;

	if ( not $sync->{id} ) { return ; } ;

	$sync->{h1_imap_id} = imap_id( $sync->{imap1}, 'Host1' ) ;
	#myprint( 'Host1: ' . $sync->{h1_imap_id}  ) ;
	$sync->{h2_imap_id} = imap_id( $sync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;
	#myprint( 'Host2: ' . $sync->{h2_imap_id}  ) ;

	return ;

sub imap_id {
	my ( $imap, $Side ) = @_ ;

	$Side ||= q{} ;
	my $imap_id_response = q{} ;

	if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'ID' ) ) {
		 $imap_id_response = 'No ID capability' ;
                 myprint( "$Side: No ID capability\n"  ) ;
		my $id_inp = imapsync_id( { side => lc $Side } ) ;
		myprint( "\n$Side: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now.\n"
                . "In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid\n" ) ;
		my $debug_before = $imap->Debug(  ) ;
		$imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
		my $id_out = $imap->tag_and_run( 'ID ' . $id_inp ) ;
		#my $id_out = $imap->tag_and_run( 'ID NIL' ) ;
                myprint( "\n"  ) ;
		$imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
		#$imap_id_response = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $id_out ], [ 'IMAP_ID' ] ) ;
	return( $imap_id_response ) ;

sub imapsync_id {
	my $overhashref = shift ;
	# See

	my $imapsync_id = { } ;

	my $imapsync_id_lamiral = {
		name          => 'imapsync',
		version       => imapsync_version(  ),
		os            => $OSNAME,
		vendor        => 'Gilles LAMIRAL',
		'support-url' => '',
		# Example of date-time:  19-Sep-2015 08:56:07
		date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2016/08/19 10:30:36 $ } ),
	} ;

	my $imapsync_id_github  = {
		name          => 'imapsync',
		version       => imapsync_version(  ),
		os            => $OSNAME,
		vendor        => 'github',
		'support-url' => '',
		date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2016/08/19 10:30:36 $ } ),
	} ;

	$imapsync_id = $imapsync_id_lamiral ;
	#$imapsync_id = $imapsync_id_github ;
	my %mix = ( %{ $imapsync_id }, %{ $overhashref } ) ;
	my $imapsync_id_str = format_for_imap_arg( \%mix ) ;
	#myprint( "$imapsync_id_str\n"  ) ;
	return( $imapsync_id_str ) ;

sub tests_imapsync_id {
	ok( '("name" "imapsync" "version" "111" "os" "beurk" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "22-12-1968" "side" "host1")'
	eq imapsync_id( {
		version => 111,
		os => 'beurk',
		date => '22-12-1968',
		side => 'host1' } ),
	'tests_imapsync_id override' ) ;

	return ;

sub format_for_imap_arg {
	my $ref = shift ;

	my $string = q{} ;
	my %terms = %{ $ref } ;
	my @terms = (  ) ;
	if ( not ( %terms ) ) { return( 'NIL' ) } ;
	# sort like in RFC then add extra key/values
	foreach my $key ( qw( name version os os-version vendor support-url address date command arguments environment) ) {
		if ( $terms{ $key } ) {
			push  @terms, $key, $terms{ $key }  ;
			delete $terms{ $key } ;
	push  @terms, %terms  ;
	$string = '(' . ( join q{ }, map { '"' . $_ . '"' } @terms )  . ')' ;
	return( $string ) ;

sub tests_format_for_imap_arg {
	ok( 'NIL' eq format_for_imap_arg( { } ), 'format_for_imap_arg empty hash ref' ) ;
	ok( '("name" "toto")' eq format_for_imap_arg( { name => 'toto' } ), 'format_for_imap_arg { name => toto }' ) ;
	ok( '("name" "toto" "key" "val")' eq format_for_imap_arg( { name => 'toto', key => 'val' } ), 'format_for_imap_arg 2 x key val' ) ;
	return ;

sub quota {
	my ( $imap, $side, $sync ) = @_ ;

        my $Side = ucfirst $side ;
	my $debug_before = $imap->Debug(  ) ;
	$imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
	if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'QUOTA' ) ) {
        	$imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
        	return ;
        } ;
	myprint( "\n$Side: found quota, presented in raw IMAP\n"  ) ;
	my $getquotaroot = $imap->getquotaroot( 'INBOX' ) ;
        # Gmail INBOX quotaroot is "" but with it Mail::IMAPClient does a literal GETQUOTA {2} \n ""
        #$imap->quota( 'ROOT' ) ;
        #$imap->quota( '""' ) ;
	myprint( "\n"  ) ;
	$imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
        my $quota_limit_bytes   = quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes( $getquotaroot ) ;
        my $quota_current_bytes = quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes( $getquotaroot ) ;
        $sync->{$side}->{quota_limit_bytes}   = $quota_limit_bytes ;
        $sync->{$side}->{quota_current_bytes} = $quota_current_bytes ;
        my $quota_percent ;
        if ( $quota_limit_bytes > 0 ) {
        	$quota_percent = mysprintf( '%.2f', $NUMBER_100 * $quota_current_bytes / $quota_limit_bytes ) ;
        	$quota_percent = 0 ;
        myprint( "$Side: Quota current storage is $quota_current_bytes bytes. Limit is $quota_limit_bytes bytes. So $quota_percent % full\n"  ) ;
        if ( $QUOTA_PERCENT_LIMIT < $quota_percent ) {
        	my $error = "$Side: $quota_percent % full: it is time to find a bigger place! ( $quota_current_bytes bytes / $quota_limit_bytes bytes )\n" ;
                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
	return ;

sub tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes {
	my $imap_output = [
	'* QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "Storage quota" "Messages quota"',
        '* QUOTA "Storage quota" (STORAGE 1 104857600)',
        '* QUOTA "Messages quota" (MESSAGE 2 100000)',
        '5 OK Getquotaroot completed.'
	] ;
        ok( $NUMBER_104857600 * $KIBI == quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes( $imap_output ), 'quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes ') ;
        return ;

sub quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes {
	my $imap_output = shift ;

        my $limit_kb ;
        $limit_kb = ( map { /.*\(\s*STORAGE\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s*\)/ ? $1 : () } @{ $imap_output } )[0] ;
        $limit_kb ||= 0 ;
        $debug and myprint( "storage_limit_kb = $limit_kb\n"  ) ;
        return( $KIBI * $limit_kb ) ;

sub tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes {
	my $imap_output = [
	'* QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "Storage quota" "Messages quota"',
        '* QUOTA "Storage quota" (STORAGE 1 104857600)',
        '* QUOTA "Messages quota" (MESSAGE 2 100000)',
        '5 OK Getquotaroot completed.'
	] ;
        ok( 1*$KIBI == quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes( $imap_output ), 'quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes: 1 => 1024 ') ;
        return ;

sub quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes {
	my $imap_output = shift ;

        my $current_kb ;
        $current_kb = ( map { /.*\(\s*STORAGE\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s*\)/ ? $1 : () } @{ $imap_output } )[0] ;
        $current_kb ||= 0 ;
        $debug and myprint( "storage_current_kb = $current_kb\n"  ) ;
        return( $KIBI * $current_kb ) ;


sub automap {
	my ( $sync ) = @_ ;

	if ( $sync->{automap} ) {
		myprint( "Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping )\n"  ) ;
		myprint( "Turned off automapping folders ( use --automap to turn on automapping )\n"  ) ;
		return ;

        $sync->{h1_special} = special_from_folders_hash( $sync->{imap1}, 'Host1' ) ;
        $sync->{h2_special} = special_from_folders_hash( $sync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;

	build_possible_special( $sync ) ;
        build_guess_special(  $sync ) ;
	build_automap( $sync ) ;

	return ;

sub build_guess_special {
	my ( $sync ) = shift ;

        foreach my $h1_fold ( sort keys  %{ $sync->{h1_folders_all} }  ) {
        	my $special = guess_special( $h1_fold, $sync->{possible_special}, $sync->{h1_prefix} ) ;
        	if ( $special ) {
                	$sync->{h1_special_guessed}{$h1_fold} = $special ;
                        my $already_guessed = $sync->{h1_special_guessed}{$special} ;
                        if ( $already_guessed ) {
                        	myprint( "Host1: $h1_fold not $special because set to $already_guessed\n"  ) ;
	                        $sync->{h1_special_guessed}{$special} = $h1_fold ;
        foreach my $h2_fold ( sort keys  %{ $sync->{h2_folders_all} }  ) {
        	my $special = guess_special( $h2_fold, $sync->{possible_special}, $sync->{h2_prefix} ) ;
        	if ( $special ) {
                	$sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h2_fold} = $special ;
                        my $already_guessed = $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$special} ;
                        if ( $already_guessed ) {
                        	myprint( "Host2: $h2_fold not $special because set to $already_guessed\n"  ) ;
	                        $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$special} = $h2_fold ;
        return ;

sub guess_special {
	my( $folder, $possible_special_ref, $prefix ) = @_ ;

        my $folder_no_prefix = $folder ;
        $folder_no_prefix =~ s/${prefix}// ;
        #$debug and myprint( "folder_no_prefix: $folder_no_prefix\n"  ) ;

        my $guess_special = $possible_special_ref->{ $folder }
        	|| $possible_special_ref->{ $folder_no_prefix }
        	|| q{} ;

        return( $guess_special ) ;

sub tests_guess_special {
	my $possible_special_ref = build_possible_special( my $sync ) ;
        ok( '\Sent' eq guess_special( 'Sent', $possible_special_ref, q{} ) ,'guess_special: Sent => \Sent' ) ;
        ok( q{} eq guess_special( 'Blabla', $possible_special_ref, q{} ) ,'guess_special: Blabla => q{}' ) ;
        ok( '\Sent' eq guess_special( 'INBOX.Sent', $possible_special_ref, 'INBOX.' ) ,'guess_special: INBOX.Sent => \Sent' ) ;
	return ;

sub build_automap {
	my ( $sync ) = @_ ;

	foreach my $h1_fold ( @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
		my $h2_fold ;
		my $h1_special = $sync->{h1_special}{$h1_fold} ;
                my $h1_special_guessed = $sync->{h1_special_guessed}{$h1_fold} ;

		# Case 1: special on both sides.
		if ( $h1_special
                     and exists  $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special}  ) {
			$h2_fold = $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special} ;
			$sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
			next ;
		# Case 2: special on host1, not on host2
		if ( $h1_special
                     and ( not exists  $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special}  )
                     and ( exists  $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special}  )
                   ) {
			# special_guessed on host2
                        $h2_fold = $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special} ;
                        $sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
			next ;
		# Case 3: no special on host1, special on host2
                if ( ( not $h1_special )
                     and ( $h1_special_guessed )
                     and ( exists  $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
                ) {
                	$h2_fold = $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed} ;
                        $sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
			next ;
                # Case 4: no special on both sides.
                if ( ( not $h1_special )
                     and ( $h1_special_guessed )
                     and ( not exists  $sync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
                     and ( exists  $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
                ) {
                	$h2_fold = $sync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special_guessed} ;
                        $sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
			next ;
	return( $sync->{f1f2auto} ) ;

# I willll probably add what there is at:
sub build_possible_special {
	my $sync = shift ;
	my $possible_special = { } ;
	# All|Archive|Drafts|Flagged|Junk|Sent|Trash

	$possible_special->{'\All'}     = [ 'All', 'All Messages', '&BBIEQQQ1-' ] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Archive'} = [ 'Archive', 'Archives', '&BBAEQARFBDgEMg-' ] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Drafts'}  = [ 'Drafts', '&BCcENQRABD0EPgQyBDgEOgQ4-' ] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Flagged'} = [ 'Flagged', 'Starred', '&BB8EPgQ8BDUERwQ1BD0EPQRLBDU-' ] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Junk'}    = [ 'Junk', 'Spam', '&BCEEPwQwBDw-' ] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Sent'}    = [ 'Sent', 'Sent Messages', 'Sent Items',
                                            'Gesendete Elemente', 'Gesendete Objekte',
                                            '&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s', 'Envoy&AOk-',
                                            'Elementos enviados',
                                            '&BB4EQgQ,BEAEMAQyBDsENQQ9BD0ESwQ1-'] ;
	$possible_special->{'\Trash'}   = [ 'Trash', '&BCMENAQwBDsENQQ9BD0ESwQ1-', '&BBoEPgRABDcEOAQ9BDA-' ] ;

	foreach my $special ( qw( \All \Archive \Drafts \Flagged \Junk \Sent \Trash ) ){
		foreach my $possible_folder ( @{ $possible_special->{$special} } ) {
			$possible_special->{ $possible_folder } = $special ;
		} ;
        $sync->{possible_special} = $possible_special ;
	$debug and myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $possible_special ], [ 'possible_special' ] )  ) ;
        return( $possible_special ) ;

sub special_from_folders_hash {
	my ( $imap, $side ) = @_ ;
	my %special = (  ) ;
        if ( not( Mail::IMAPClient->can( 'folders_hash' ) ) ) {
        	my $error =  "$side: To have automagic rfc6154 folder mapping, upgrade Mail::IMAPClient >= 3.34\n" ;
                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                return( \%special ) ; # empty hash ref
	my $folders_hash = $imap->folders_hash(  ) ;
	foreach my $fhash (@{ $folders_hash } ) {
			my @special =  grep { /\\(?:All|Archive|Drafts|Flagged|Junk|Sent|Trash)/ } @{ $fhash->{attrs} }  ;
			if ( @special ) {
				my $special = $special[0] ; # keep first one. Could be not very good.
				if ( exists  $special{ $special }  ) {
					myprintf( "%s: special %-20s = %s already asigned to %s\n",
					        $side, $fhash->{name}, join( q{ }, @special ), $special{ $special } ) ;
					myprintf( "%s: special %-20s = %s\n",
					        $side, $fhash->{name}, join( q{ }, @special ) ) ;
					$special{ $special } = $fhash->{name} ;
					$special{ $fhash->{name} } = $special ; # double entry value => key
        myprint( "\n" ) if ( %special ) ;
	return( \%special ) ;

sub errors_incr {
	my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;
	$sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
        if ( @error ) {
		errors_log( $mysync, @error ) ;
                myprint( @error ) ;
        $mysync->{errorsmax} ||= $ERRORS_MAX ;
	if ( $sync->{nb_errors} >= $mysync->{errorsmax} ) {
		myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
                if ( $mysync->{errorsdump} ) {
                        myprint( errorsdump( $sync->{nb_errors}, errors_log( $mysync ) ) ) ;
                        # again since errorsdump(  ) can be very verbose and masq previous warning
		        myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
                exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX ) ;
	return ;

sub errors_log {
        my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;

        if ( ! $mysync->{errors_log} ) {
                $mysync->{errors_log} = [] ;

        if ( @error ) {
		push  @{ $mysync->{errors_log} }, join( q{}, @error  ) ;
        if ( @{ $mysync->{errors_log} } ) {
                return @{ $mysync->{errors_log} } ;
        else {
                return ;

sub tests_errors_log {


sub errorsdump {
        my( $nb_errors, @errors_log ) = @ARG ;
	my $error_num = 0 ;
	my $errors_list = q{} ;
	if ( @errors_log ) {
		$errors_list = "++++ Listing $nb_errors errors encountered during the sync ( avoid this listing with --noerrorsdump ).\n" ;
		foreach my $error ( @errors_log ) {
			$error_num++ ;
			$errors_list .= "Err $error_num/$nb_errors: $error" ;
	return( $errors_list ) ;

sub tests_live_result {
	my $nb_errors = shift ;
	if ( $nb_errors  ) {
		myprint( "Live tests failed with $nb_errors errors\n"  ) ;
	} else {
		myprint( "Live tests ended successfully\n"  ) ;
	return ;

sub foldersizesatend {
	timenext(  ) ;
	return if ( $imap1->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
	return if ( $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
	# Get all folders on host2 again since new were created
	@h2_folders_all = sort $imap2->folders();
	for ( @h2_folders_all ) {
        	$h2_folders_all{ $_ } = 1 ;
        	$h2_folders_all_UPPER{ uc  $_  } = 1 ;
        } ;
	( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end ) = foldersizes( 'Host1', $imap1, $search1, @h1_folders_wanted ) ;
	( $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end ) = foldersizes( 'Host2', $imap2, $search2, @h2_folders_from_1_wanted ) ;
        if ( not all_defined( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end, $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end ) ) {
                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, final differences will not be calculated\n" ;
                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
	return ;

sub size_filtered_flag {
	my $h1_size = shift ;

	if (defined $maxsize and $h1_size >= $maxsize) {
		return( 1 ) ;
	if (defined $minsize and $h1_size <= $minsize) {
		return( 1 ) ;
	return( 0 ) ;

sub sync_flags_fir {
	my ( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) = @_ ;

	if ( not defined  $h1_msg  ) { return } ;
	if ( not defined  $h2_msg  ) { return } ;

	my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} ;
	return if size_filtered_flag( $h1_size ) ;

	# used cached flag values for efficiency
	my $h1_flags = $h1_fir_ref->{ $h1_msg }->{ 'FLAGS' } || q{} ;
	my $h2_flags = $h2_fir_ref->{ $h2_msg }->{ 'FLAGS' } || q{} ;

	sync_flags( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;

        return ;

sub sync_flags_after_copy {
	my( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;

        my @h2_flags = $imap2->flags( $h2_msg ) ;
        my $h2_flags = "@h2_flags" ;
        ( $debug or $debugflags ) and myprint( "Host2 flags before resync by STORE on msg $h2_msg: $h2_flags\n"  ) ;
	sync_flags( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
        return ;

sub sync_flags {
	my( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;

	( $debug or $debugflags ) and
        myprint( "Host1: flags init msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg flags( $h1_flags ) Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg flags( $h2_flags )\n"  ) ;

	$h1_flags = flags_for_host2( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;

	$h2_flags = flagscase( $h2_flags ) ;

	( $debug or $debugflags ) and
        myprint( "Host1 flags filt msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg flags( $h1_flags ) Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg flags( $h2_flags )\n"  ) ;

	# compare flags - set flags if there a difference
	my @h1_flags = sort split(q{ }, $h1_flags );
	my @h2_flags = sort split(q{ }, $h2_flags );
	my $diff = compare_lists( \@h1_flags, \@h2_flags );

	$diff and ( $debug or $debugflags )
		and     myprint( "Host2 flags msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg replacing h2 flags( $h2_flags ) with h1 flags( $h1_flags )\n" ) ;
	# This sets flags so flags can be removed with this
	# When you remove a \Seen flag on host1 you want to it
	# to be removed on host2. Just add flags is not what
	# we need most of the time.

	if ( not $dry and $diff and not $imap2->store( $h2_msg, "FLAGS.SILENT (@h1_flags)" ) ) {
		my $error_msg = join q{}, "Host2 flags msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg could not add flags [@h1_flags]: ",
		  $imap2->LastError || q{}, "\n" ;
		errors_incr( $sync, $error_msg ) ;

        return ;

sub _filter {
	my $str = shift or return q{} ;
        my $sz  = $SIZE_MAX_STR ;
        my $len = length $str ;
        if ( not $debug and $len > $sz*2 ) {
                my $beg = substr $str, 0, $sz ;
                my $end = substr $str, -$sz, $sz ;
                $str = $beg . '...' . $end ;
        $str =~ s/\012?\015$//x ;
        return "(len=$len) " . $str ;

sub lost_connection {
	my( $imap, $error_message ) = @_;
        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ) {
                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
                my $lcomm = $imap->LastIMAPCommand || q{} ;
                my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] || q{} ;

                # if string is long try reduce to a more reasonable size
                $lcomm = _filter( $lcomm ) ;
                $einfo = _filter( $einfo ) ;
                myprint( "Failure: last command: $lcomm\n") if ($debug && $lcomm) ;
                myprint( "Failure: lost connection $error_message: ", $einfo, "\n") ;
                return( 1 ) ;
        	return( 0 ) ;

sub max {
	my @list = @_ ;
	return( undef ) if ( 0 == scalar  @list  ) ;
	my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @list ;
	return( pop @sorted ) ;

sub tests_max {
	ok( 0  == max( 0 ),  'max 0' ) ;
	ok( 1  == max( 1 ),  'max 1' ) ;
	ok( $MINUS_ONE == max( $MINUS_ONE ), 'max -1') ;
	ok( not ( defined max(  ) ), 'max no arg' ) ;
	ok( $NUMBER_100 == max( 1, $NUMBER_100 ), 'max 1 100' ) ;
	ok( $NUMBER_100 == max( $NUMBER_100, 1 ), 'max 100 1' ) ;
	ok( $NUMBER_100 == max( $NUMBER_100, $NUMBER_42, 1 ), 'max 100 42 1' ) ;
	ok( $NUMBER_100 == max( $NUMBER_100, '42', 1 ), 'max 100 42 1' ) ;
	ok( $NUMBER_100 == max( '100', '42', 1 ), 'max 100 42 1' ) ;
	#ok( 100 == max( 100, 'haha', 1 ), 'max 100 42 1') ;
        return ;

sub check_lib_version {
	$debug and myprint( "IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION\n"  ) ;
	if ( '2.2.9' eq $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION ) {
		myprint( "imapsync no longer supports Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9, upgrade it\n"  ) ;
		return 0 ;
		# 3.x.x is no longer buggy with imapsync.
                # 3.30 or currently superior is imposed in the Perl "use Mail::IMAPClient line".
		return 1 ;
        return ;

sub module_version_str {
	my( $module_name, $module_version ) = @_ ;
	my $str = mysprintf( "%-20s %s\n", $module_name, $module_version ) ;
        return( $str ) ;

sub modulesversion {

	my @list_version;

	my $v ;
	eval { require Mail::IMAPClient; $v = $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Mail::IMAPClient', $v )  ;

	eval { require IO::Socket; $v = $IO::Socket::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'IO::Socket', $v )  ;

	eval { require IO::Socket::INET; $v = $IO::Socket::INET::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'IO::Socket::INET', $v )  ;

	eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; $v = $IO::Socket::INET6::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'IO::Socket::INET6', $v )  ;

	eval { require IO::Socket::SSL ; $v = $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'IO::Socket::SSL ', $v )  ;

	eval { require Net::SSLeay ; $v = $Net::SSLeay::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Net::SSLeay ', $v )  ;

	eval { require Compress::Zlib; $v = $Compress::Zlib::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Compress::Zlib', $v )  ;

	eval { require Digest::MD5; $v = $Digest::MD5::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Digest::MD5', $v )  ;

	eval { require Digest::HMAC_MD5; $v = $Digest::HMAC_MD5::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Digest::HMAC_MD5', $v )  ;

	eval { require Digest::HMAC_SHA1; $v = $Digest::HMAC_SHA1::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Digest::HMAC_SHA1', $v )  ;

	eval { require Term::ReadKey; $v = $Term::ReadKey::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Term::ReadKey', $v )  ;

	eval { require File::Spec; $v = $File::Spec::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'File::Spec', $v )  ;

	eval { require Time::HiRes; $v = $Time::HiRes::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Time::HiRes', $v )  ;

	eval { require Unicode::String; $v = $Unicode::String::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Unicode::String', $v )  ;

	eval { require IO::Tee; $v = $IO::Tee::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'IO::Tee', $v )  ;

	eval { require File::Copy::Recursive; $v = $File::Copy::Recursive::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'File::Copy::Recursive', $v )  ;

	eval { require Authen::NTLM; $v = $Authen::NTLM::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Authen::NTLM', $v )  ;

	eval { require URI::Escape; $v = $URI::Escape::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'URI::Escape', $v )  ;

	eval { require Data::Uniqid; $v = $Data::Uniqid::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Data::Uniqid', $v )  ;

	eval { require JSON; $v = $JSON::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'JSON', $v )  ;

	eval { require JSON::WebToken; $v = $JSON::WebToken::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'JSON::WebToken', $v )  ;

	eval { require Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA; $v = $Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA', $v )  ;

	eval { require LWP; $v = $LWP::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'LWP', $v )  ;

	eval { require HTML::Entities; $v = $HTML::Entities::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'HTML::Entities', $v )  ;

	#eval { require Filesys::DfPortable; $v = $Filesys::DfPortable::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	#push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Filesys::DfPortable', $v )  ;

	eval { require Getopt::Long; $v = $Getopt::Long::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Getopt::Long', $v )  ;

	eval { require Test::MockObject; $v = $Test::MockObject::VERSION } or $v = q{?} ;
	push  @list_version, module_version_str( 'Test::MockObject', $v )  ;

	return( @list_version ) ;

# Construct a command line copy with passwords replaced by MASKED.
sub command_line_nopassword {
	my @argv = @_ ;
	my @argv_nopassword ;

        return( "@argv" ) if $showpasswords ;
	while ( @argv ) {
		my $arg = shift @argv ; # option name or value
		if ( $arg =~ m/-password[12]/x ) {
			shift @argv ; # password value
			push  @argv_nopassword, $arg, 'MASKED'  ; # option name and fake value
			push  @argv_nopassword, $arg ; # same option or value
	return("@argv_nopassword") ;

sub tests_command_line_nopassword {

	ok(q{} eq command_line_nopassword(), 'command_line_nopassword void');
	ok('--blabla' eq command_line_nopassword('--blabla'), 'command_line_nopassword --blabla');
	#myprint( command_line_nopassword((qw{ --password1 secret1 })), "\n" ) ;
	ok('--password1 MASKED' eq command_line_nopassword(qw{ --password1 secret1}), 'command_line_nopassword --password1');
	ok('--blabla --password1 MASKED --blibli'
	eq command_line_nopassword(qw{ --blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli }), 'command_line_nopassword --password1 --blibli');
	$showpasswords = 1 ;
	ok(q{} eq command_line_nopassword(), 'command_line_nopassword void');
	ok('--blabla' eq command_line_nopassword('--blabla'), 'command_line_nopassword --blabla');
	#myprint( command_line_nopassword((qw{ --password1 secret1 })), "\n" ) ;
	ok('--password1 secret1' eq command_line_nopassword(qw{ --password1 secret1}), 'command_line_nopassword --password1');
	ok('--blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli'
	eq command_line_nopassword(qw{ --blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli }), 'command_line_nopassword --password1 --blibli');
        return ;

sub ask_for_password {
	my ( $user, $host ) = @_ ;
	myprint( "What's the password for $user" . '@' . "$host? (not visible while you type, then enter RETURN) "  ) ;
	Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 2 ) ;
	my $password = <> ;
	chomp $password ;
	myprint( "\nGot it\n" ) ;
	Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 0 ) ;
	return $password ;

sub catch_exit {
        my $mysync = shift ;
        my $signame = shift ;
        if ( $signame ) {
                myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame\n" ) ;
	stats( $mysync ) ;
        myprint( "Ended by a signal\n" ) ;
	exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL ) ;
        return ;

sub catch_reconnect {
	my $mysync = shift ;
        my $signame = shift ;
        myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame\n",
                "Hit 2 ctr-c within 2 seconds to exit the program\n",
                "Hit only 1 ctr-c to reconnect to both imap servers\n",
        ) ;
        if ( here_twice( $mysync ) ) {
                myprint( "Got two signals $signame within $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT seconds. Exiting...\n" ) ;
                catch_exit( $mysync ) ;
                myprint( "For now only one signal $signame within $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT seconds.\n" ) ;

        if ( ! defined $mysync->{imap1} ) { return ; }
        if ( ! defined $mysync->{imap2} ) { return ; }

        myprint( "Info: reconnecting to host1 imap server\n" ) ;
        $mysync->{imap1}->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Unconnected ) ;
        $mysync->{imap1}->reconnect(  ) ;
        myprint( "Info: reconnecting to host2 imap server\n" ) ;
        $mysync->{imap2}->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Unconnected ) ;
        $mysync->{imap2}->reconnect(  ) ;
        myprint( "Info: reconnected to both imap servers\n" ) ;
        return ;

sub here_twice {
        my $mysync = shift ;
        my $now = time ;
        my $previous = $mysync->{lastcatch} || 0 ;
        $mysync->{lastcatch} = $now ;
        if ( $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT >= $now - $previous ) {
                return $TRUE ;
                return $FALSE ;

sub justconnect {

	$imap1 = connect_imap( $host1, $port1, $debugimap1, $ssl1, $tls1, 'Host1', $sync->{h1}->{timeout}, $sync->{h1} ) ;
	myprint( 'Host1 banner: ', $imap1->Banner(  )  ) ;
	myprint( 'Host1 capability: ', join(q{ }, $imap1->capability(  ) ), "\n"  ) ;
	$imap2 = connect_imap( $host2, $port2, $debugimap2, $ssl2, $tls2, 'Host2', $sync->{h2}->{timeout}, $sync->{h2} ) ;
	myprint( 'Host2 banner: ', $imap2->Banner(  )  ) ;
	myprint( 'Host2 capability: ', join(q{ }, $imap2->capability(  ) ), "\n"  ) ;
	$imap1->logout(  ) ;
	$imap2->logout(  ) ;
        return ;

sub connect_imap {
	my( $host, $port, $mydebugimap, $ssl, $tls, $Side, $mytimeout, $h ) = @_ ;
	my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new() ;
	if ( $ssl ) { set_ssl( $imap, $h ) }
	if ( $tls ) { $imap->Tls( 1 ) }
	$imap->Server( $host ) ;
	$imap->Port( $port ) ;
	$imap->Debug( $mydebugimap ) ;
        $imap->Timeout( $mytimeout ) ;
	$imap->connect(  )
	  or die_clean( "$Side: Can not open imap connection on [$host]: $@\n" ) ;

        my $banner = $imap->Results()->[0] ;
        $imap->Banner( $banner ) ;

        if ( $imap->Tls(  ) ) {
        	set_tls( $imap, $h ) ;
        	$imap->starttls(  )
                or die_clean("$Side: Can not go to tls encryption on [$host]:", $imap->LastError, "\n" ) ;
                myprint( "$Side: Socket successfuly converted to SSL\n"  ) ;
        return( $imap ) ;

sub login_imap {

	my @allargs = @_ ;
		$host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
		$mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
		$ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
		$proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h ) = @allargs ;

	my $side = lc $Side ;
	myprint( "$Side: connecting and login on $side [$host] port [$port] with user [$user]\n"  ) ;

	my $imap = init_imap( @allargs ) ;

	  or die_clean("$Side failure: can not open imap connection on $side [$host] with user [$user]: $@\n") ;

        my $banner = $imap->Results()->[0] ;
        $imap->Banner( $banner ) ;
	myprint( "$Side banner: $banner"  ) ;

        if ( $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' ) {
        	if ( $imap->IsAuthenticated( ) ) {
        		$imap->Socket ;
			myprintf("%s: Assuming PREAUTH for %s\n", $Side, $imap->Server ) ;
                	die_clean( "$Side failure: error login on $side [$host] with user [$user] auth [PREAUTH]" ) ;

        if ( $imap->Tls(  ) ) {
		set_tls( $imap, $h ) ;
        	$imap->starttls(  )
                or die_clean("$Side failure: Can not go to tls encryption on $side [$host]:", $imap->LastError, "\n" ) ;
                myprint( "$Side: Socket successfuly converted to SSL\n"  ) ;

        authenticate_imap( $imap, @allargs ) ;

	myprint( "$Side: success login on [$host] with user [$user] auth [$authmech]\n"  ) ;
	return( $imap ) ;

sub authenticate_imap {

           $host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
	   $mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
	   $ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
	   $proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h ) = @_ ;

	check_capability( $imap, $authmech, $Side ) ;

        if ( $proxyauth ) {
                $imap->Authmechanism(q{}) ;
                $imap->User($authuser) ;
        } else {
                $imap->Authmechanism( $authmech ) unless ( $authmech eq 'LOGIN'  or $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' ) ;
                $imap->User($user) ;

	$imap->Authcallback(\&xoauth)  if ( 'XOAUTH'  eq $authmech ) ;
	$imap->Authcallback(\&xoauth2) if ( 'XOAUTH2' eq $authmech ) ;
	$imap->Authcallback(\&plainauth) if ( ( 'PLAIN' eq $authmech ) or ( 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech )  ) ;

        $imap->Domain($domain) if (defined $domain) ;
        $imap->Authuser($authuser) ;
        $imap->Password($password) ;

	unless ( $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' or $imap->login( ) ) {
		my $info  = "$Side failure: Error login on [$host] with user [$user] auth" ;
		my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] ;
		chomp $einfo ;
		my $error = "$info [$authmech]: $einfo\n" ;
                if ( $authmech eq 'LOGIN' or $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) or $authuser ) {
                	die_clean( $error ) ;
			myprint( $error  ) ;
		myprint( "$Side info: trying LOGIN Auth mechanism on [$host] with user [$user]\n"  ) ;
		$imap->Authmechanism(q{}) ;
		$imap->login() or
		  die_clean("$info [LOGIN]: ", $imap->LastError, "\n") ;

        if ( $proxyauth ) {
                if ( ! $imap->proxyauth( $user ) ) {
                        my $info  = "$Side failure: Error doing proxyauth as user [$user] on [$host] using proxy-login as [$authuser]" ;
                        my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] ;
                        chomp $einfo ;
                        die_clean( "$info: $einfo\n" ) ;

	return ;

sub check_capability {

	my( $imap, $authmech, $Side ) = @_ ;

	if ($imap->has_capability("AUTH=$authmech")
	    or $imap->has_capability($authmech)
	   ) {
		myprintf("%s: %s says it has CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE %s\n",
		       $Side, $imap->Server, $authmech);
	else {
		myprintf("%s: %s says it has NO CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE %s\n",
		       $Side, $imap->Server, $authmech);
		if ($authmech eq 'PLAIN') {
			myprint( "$Side: frequently PLAIN is only supported with SSL, ",
			  "try --ssl or --tls options\n" ) ;
	return ;

sub set_ssl {
	my ( $imap, $h ) = @_ ;
        # SSL_version can be
        #    SSLv3 SSLv2 SSLv23 SSLv23:!SSLv2 (last one is the default in IO-Socket-SSL-1.953)

        my $sslargs_hash = $h->{sslargs} ;

	my $sslargs_default = {
		SSL_verify_mode => $DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY,
        	SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'imap',
        } ;

        # initiate with default values
        my %sslargs_mix = %{ $sslargs_default } ;
        # now override with passed values
        @sslargs_mix{ keys %{ $sslargs_hash } } = values %{ $sslargs_hash } ;
        # remove keys with undef values
        foreach my $key ( keys %sslargs_mix ) {
                delete $sslargs_mix{ $key } if ( not defined  $sslargs_mix{ $key }  ) ;
        # back to an ARRAY
        my @sslargs_mix = %sslargs_mix ;
        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $sslargs_hash, $sslargs_default, \%sslargs_mix, \@sslargs_mix ] )  ) ;
        $imap->Ssl( \@sslargs_mix ) ;
	return ;

sub set_tls {
	my ( $imap, $h ) = @_ ;

        my $sslargs_hash = $h->{sslargs} ;

	my $sslargs_default = {
		SSL_verify_mode => $DEFAULT_SSL_VERIFY,
        } ;

        # initiate with default values
        my %sslargs_mix = %{ $sslargs_default } ;
        # now override with passed values
        @sslargs_mix{ keys %{ $sslargs_hash } } = values %{ $sslargs_hash } ;
        # remove keys with undef values
        foreach my $key ( keys %sslargs_mix ) {
                delete $sslargs_mix{ $key } if ( not defined  $sslargs_mix{ $key } ) ;
        # back to an ARRAY
        my @sslargs_mix = %sslargs_mix ;

        $imap->Starttls( \@sslargs_mix ) ;
	return ;

sub init_imap {
	   $host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
	   $mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
	   $ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
	   $proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h ) = @_ ;

	my ( $imap ) ;

	$imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new() ;

	if ( $ssl ) { set_ssl( $imap, $h ) }
	if ( $tls ) { $imap->Tls( 1 ) } # can not do set_tls() here because connect() will directly do a STARTTLS
	$imap->Buffer($buffersize || $DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

	defined  $mytimeout  and $imap->Timeout( $mytimeout ) ;

	$imap->Reconnectretry( $reconnectretry ) if ( $reconnectretry ) ;
	$imap->Ignoresizeerrors( $allowsizemismatch ) ;
	$split and $imap->Maxcommandlength( $SPLIT_FACTOR * $split ) ;

	return( $imap ) ;


sub plainauth {
        my $code = shift;
        my $imap = shift;

        my $string = mysprintf("%s\x00%s\x00%s", $imap->User,
                            $imap->Authuser, $imap->Password);
        return encode_base64("$string", q{});

# Copy from
# Changes "use" pragmas to "require".
# The openssl system call shall be replaced by pure Perl and

# Now the Joaquin Lopez code:
# Used this as an example:
# And this as a reference:
# (note there is an http/rest tab, where the real info is hidden away... went on a witch hunt
# until I noticed that...)
# This is targeted at gmail to maintain compatibility after google's oauth1 service is deactivated
# on May 5th, 2015:
# If there are other oauth2 implementations out there, this would need to be modified to be
# compatible
# This is a good guide on setting up the google api/apps side of the equation:
# 2016/05/27: Updated to support oauth/key data in the .json files Google now defaults to
# when creating gmail service accounts. They're easier to work with since they neither
# requiring decrypting nor specifying the oauth2 client id separately.
# If the password arg ends in .json, it will assume this new json method, otherwise it
# will fallback to the "oauth client id;.p12" format it was previously using.
sub xoauth2 {
	require JSON::WebToken ;
	require LWP::UserAgent ;
	require HTML::Entities ;
	require JSON ;
	require JSON::WebToken::Crypt::RSA ;
	require Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA ;
        require Encode::Byte ;
        require IO::Socket::SSL ;

        my $code = shift;
        my $imap = shift;

        my ($iss,$key);

        if( $imap->Password =~ /^(.*\.json)$/ ) {
            my $json = JSON->new( ) ;
            my $filename = $1;
            $debug and myprint( "XOAUTH2 json file: $filename\n" ) ;
            open( my $FILE, '<', $filename ) or die_clean( "error [$filename]: $! " ) ;
            my $jsonfile = $json->decode( join q{}, <$FILE> ) ;
            close $FILE ;

            $iss = $jsonfile->{client_id};
            $key = $jsonfile->{private_key};
            $debug and myprint( "Service account: $iss\n");
            $debug and myprint( "Private key:\n$key\n");
        else {
            # Get iss (service account address), keyfile name, and keypassword if necessary
            ( $iss, my $keyfile, my $keypass ) = $imap->Password =~ /([\-\d\w\@\.]+);([a-zA-Z0-9 \_\-\.\/]+);?(.*)?/ ;

            # Assume key password is google default if not provided
            $keypass = 'notasecret' if not $keypass;

            $debug and myprint( "Service account: $iss\nKey file: $keyfile\nKey password: $keypass\n");

            # Get private key from p12 file (would be better in perl...)
            $key = `openssl pkcs12 -in "$keyfile" -nodes -nocerts -passin pass:$keypass -nomacver`;

            $debug and myprint( "Private key:\n$key\n");

        # Create jwt of oauth2 request
        my $time = time ;
        my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode( {
        'iss' => $iss, # service account
        'scope' => '',
        'aud' => '',
        'exp' => $time + $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME_OAUTH2_PK12,
        'iat' => $time,
        'prn' => $imap->User # user to auth as
        $key, 'RS256', {'typ' => 'JWT'} ); # Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA needed here.

        # Post oauth2 request
        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(  ) ;
        $ua->env_proxy(  ) ;

        my $response = $ua->post('',
        { grant_type => HTML::Entities::encode_entities('urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer'),
        assertion => $jwt } ) ;

        unless( $response->is_success(  ) ) {
                die_clean( $response->code, "\n", $response->content, "\n" ) ;
                $debug and myprint( $response->content  ) ;

        # access_token in response is what we need
        my $data = JSON::decode_json( $response->content ) ;

        # format as oauth2 auth data
        my $xoauth2_string = encode_base64( 'user=' . $imap->User . "\1auth=Bearer " . $data->{access_token} . "\1\1", q{} ) ;

        $debug and myprint( "XOAUTH2 String: $xoauth2_string\n");

# xoauth() thanks to Eduardo Bortoluzzi Junior
sub xoauth {
        require URI::Escape  ;
        require Data::Uniqid ;

        my $code = shift;
        my $imap = shift;

        # The base information needed to construct the OAUTH authentication
        my $method = 'GET' ;
        my $url = mysprintf( '', $imap->User ) ;
        my $urlparm = mysprintf( 'xoauth_requestor_id=%s', URI::Escape::uri_escape( $imap->User ) ) ;

        # For Google Apps, the consumer key is the primary domain
        # TODO: create a command line argument to define the consumer key
        my @user_parts = split /@/x, $imap->User ;
        $debug and myprint( "XOAUTH: consumer key: $user_parts[1]\n" ) ;

        # All the parameters needed to be signed on the XOAUTH
        my %hash = ();
        $hash { 'xoauth_requestor_id' } = URI::Escape::uri_escape($imap->User);
        $hash { 'oauth_consumer_key' } = $user_parts[1];
        $hash { 'oauth_nonce' } = md5_hex(Data::Uniqid::uniqid(rand(), 1==1));
        $hash { 'oauth_signature_method' } = 'HMAC-SHA1';
        $hash { 'oauth_timestamp' } = time ;
        $hash { 'oauth_version' } = '1.0';

        # Base will hold the string to be signed
        my $base = "$method&" . URI::Escape::uri_escape( $url ) . q{&} ;

        # The parameters must be in dictionary order before signing
        my $baseparms = q{} ;
        foreach my $key ( sort keys %hash ) {
                if ( length( $baseparms ) > 0 ) {
                        $baseparms .= q{&} ;

                $baseparms .= "$key=$hash{$key}" ;

        $base .= URI::Escape::uri_escape($baseparms);
        $debug and myprint( "XOAUTH: base request to sign: $base\n" ) ;
        # Sign it with the consumer secret, informed on the command line (password)
        my $digest = hmac_sha1( $base, URI::Escape::uri_escape( $imap->Password ) . q{&} ) ;

        # The parameters signed become a parameter and...
        $hash { 'oauth_signature' } = URI::Escape::uri_escape( substr encode_base64( $digest ), 0, $MINUS_ONE ) ;

        # ... we don't need the requestor_id anymore.
        delete $hash{'xoauth_requestor_id'} ;

        # Create the final authentication string
        my $string = $method . q{ } . $url . q{?} . $urlparm .q{ } ;

        # All the parameters must be sorted
        $baseparms = q{};
        foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
                if(length($baseparms)>0) {
                        $baseparms .= q{,} ;

                $baseparms .= "$key=\"$hash{$key}\"";

        $string .= $baseparms;

        $debug and myprint( "XOAUTH: authentication string: $string\n" ) ;

       # It must be base64 encoded
        return encode_base64("$string", q{});

sub server_banner {
	my $imap = shift;
	my $banner = $imap->Banner() ||  "No banner\n";
	return $banner;

sub banner_imapsync {

	my @argv = @_ ;

	my $banner_imapsync = join q{},
		q{$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ },
		q{$Revision: 1.727 $ },
		q{$Date: 2016/08/19 10:30:36 $ },
		"\n", localhost_info(), "\n",
		"Command line used:\n",
		"$0 ", command_line_nopassword( @argv ), "\n" ;

        return( $banner_imapsync ) ;

sub is_valid_directory {
	my $dir = shift;

	# all good => return ok.
	return( 1 ) if ( -d $dir and -r _ and -w _ ) ;

	# exist but bad
	if ( -e $dir and not -d _ ) {
		myprint( "Error: $dir exists but is not a directory\n"  ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;
	if ( -e $dir and not -w _ ) {
		my $sb = stat $dir ;
		myprintf( "Error: directory %s is not writable for user %s, permissions are %04o and owner is %s ( uid %s )\n",
		         $dir, getpwuid_any_os( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ), ($sb->mode & oct($PERMISSION_FILTER) ), getpwuid_any_os( $sb->uid ), $sb->uid(  ) ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;
	# Trying to create it
	myprint( "Creating directory $dir\n"  ) ;
	eval { mkpath( $dir ) } ;
	myprint( "$@" ) if ( $@ )  ;
	return( 1 ) if ( -d $dir and -r _ and -w _ ) ;
	return( 0 ) ;

sub tests_is_valid_directory {
        Readonly my $NB_UNIX_tests_is_valid_directory => 4 ;
	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Tests only for Unix', $NB_UNIX_tests_is_valid_directory ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
		ok( 1 == is_valid_directory( '.'), 'is_valid_directory: . good' ) ;
		ok( 1 == is_valid_directory( './tmp/tests/valid/sub'), 'is_valid_directory: ./tmp/tests/valid/sub good' ) ;
		diag( 'Error / not writable is on purpose' ) ;
		ok( 0 == is_valid_directory( '/'), 'is_valid_directory: / bad' ) ;
		diag( 'Error permission denied on /noway is on purpose' ) ;
		ok( 0 == is_valid_directory( '/noway'), 'is_valid_directory: /noway bad' ) ;
	return ;

sub write_pidfile {
	my $pid_filename = shift ;
        my $lock = shift ;
	myprint( "PID file is $pid_filename ( to change it use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile \"\" )\n" ) ;
	if ( -e $pid_filename and $lock ) {
		myprint( "$pid_filename already exists, another imapsync may be curently running. Aborting imapsync.\n"  ) ;
                exit $EXIT_PID_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST ;
	if ( -e $pid_filename ) {
		myprint( "$pid_filename already exists, overwriting it ( use --pidfilelocking to avoid concurrent runs )\n"  ) ;

	open my $FILE_HANDLE, '>', $pid_filename
        	or do {
			myprint( "Could not open $pid_filename for writing. Check permissions or disk space."  ) ;
		return ;
	} ;
        myprint( "Wrinting my PID $PROCESS_ID in $pid_filename\n"  ) ;
	close $FILE_HANDLE ;

	return( $PROCESS_ID ) ;

sub remove_tmp_files {
        my $mysync = shift ;
	unlink $mysync->{pidfile} ;
	return ;

sub exit_clean {
        my $mysync = shift ;
	my $status = shift ;
	$status = defined  $status  ? $status : $EXIT_UNKNOWN ;
        remove_tmp_files( $mysync ) ;
        myprint( "Exiting with return value $status\n" ) ;
        if ( $mysync->{log} ) {
                myprint( "Log file is $mysync->{logfile} ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging )\n" ) ;
                close $mysync->{logfile_handle} ;
	exit $status ;

sub die_clean {
	my @messages = @_ ;
        remove_tmp_files( $sync ) ;
	die @messages ;

sub missing_option {
	my ( $option ) = @_ ;
	die_clean( "$option option is mandatory, for help run $0 --help\n" ) ;
	return ;

sub fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping {
	my( $h1_all, $h2_all ) = @_ ;

	my $regex = q{} ;
		if ( exists  $h1_all->{INBOX}  and exists  $h2_all->{INBOX}  ) { $regex = q{} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
		if ( exists  $h1_all->{Inbox}  and exists  $h2_all->{Inbox}  ) { $regex = q{} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
		if ( exists  $h1_all->{INBOX}  and exists  $h2_all->{Inbox}  ) { $regex = q{s/^INBOX$/Inbox/x} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
		if ( exists  $h1_all->{Inbox}  and exists  $h2_all->{INBOX}  ) { $regex = q{s/^Inbox$/INBOX/x} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
	} ;
        return( $regex ) ;

sub tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping {

	my( $h1_all, $h2_all ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX INBOX' ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: Inbox Inbox' ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{s/^INBOX$/Inbox/x} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX Inbox' ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{s/^Inbox$/INBOX/x} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: Inbox INBOX' ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'rrrrr' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX rrrrrr' ) ;

	$h1_all = { 'rrrrr' => q{} } ;
	$h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
	ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: rrrrr Inbox' ) ;

	return ;

sub jux_utf8_list {
	my @s_inp = @_ ;
	my $s_out = q{} ;
	foreach my $s ( @s_inp ) {
		$s_out .= jux_utf8( $s ) . "\n" ;
	return( $s_out ) ;

sub tests_jux_utf8_list {
	ok( q{} eq jux_utf8_list(  ), 'jux_utf8_list: void' ) ;
	ok( "[]\n" eq jux_utf8_list( q{} ), 'jux_utf8_list: empty string' ) ;
	ok( "[INBOX]\n" eq jux_utf8_list( 'INBOX' ), 'jux_utf8_list: INBOX' ) ;
	ok( "[&ANY-] = [Ă–]\n" eq jux_utf8_list( '&ANY-' ), 'jux_utf8_list: &ANY-' ) ;
	return( 0 ) ;

sub jux_utf8 {
	# juxtapose utf8 at the right if different
        my ( $s_utf7 ) =  shift ;
        my ( $s_utf8 ) =  imap_utf7_decode( $s_utf7 ) ;

        if ( $s_utf7 eq $s_utf8 ) {
        	#myprint( "[$s_utf7]\n"  ) ;
        	return( "[$s_utf7]" ) ;
        	#myprint( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]\n"  ) ;
        	return( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]" ) ;

# editing utf8 can be tricky without an utf8 editor
sub tests_jux_utf8 {
	ok( '[INBOX]' eq jux_utf8( 'INBOX'), 'jux_utf8: INBOX => [INBOX]' ) ;
	ok( '[&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]' eq jux_utf8( '&ZTZO9nux-'), 'jux_utf8: => [&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]' ) ;
	ok( '[&ANY-] = [Ă–]' eq jux_utf8( '&ANY-'), 'jux_utf8: &ANY- => [&ANY-] = [Ă–]' ) ;
        ok( '[]' eq jux_utf8( q{} ), 'jux_utf8: void => []' ) ;
        ok( '[+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-] = [предлог]' eq jux_utf8( '+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-' ), 'jux_utf8: => [+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-] = [предлог]' ) ;
        ok( '[&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]'      eq jux_utf8( '&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-' ),    'jux_utf8: => [&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]' ) ;

	return( 0 ) ;

# Copied from
# and then fixed with
sub imap_utf7_decode {
        my ( $s ) = shift ;

        # Algorithm
        # On remplace , par / dans les BASE 64 (, entre & et -)
        # On remplace les &, non suivi d'un - par +
        # On remplace les &- par &
        $s =~ s/&([^,&\-]*),([^,\-&]*)\-/&$1\/$2\-/g ;
        $s =~ s/&(?!\-)/\+/g ;
        $s =~ s/&\-/&/g ;
        return( Unicode::String::utf7( $s )->utf8 ) ;

sub imap_utf7_encode {
	my ( $s ) = @_ ;

	$s = Unicode::String::utf8( $s )->utf7 ;

	$s =~ s/\+([^\/&\-]*)\/([^\/\-&]*)\-/\+$1,$2\-/g ;
	$s =~ s/&/&\-/g ;
	$s =~ s/\+([^+\-]+)?\-/&$1\-/g ;
	return( $s ) ;

sub select_folder {
	my ( $imap, $folder, $hostside ) = @_ ;
	if ( ! $imap->select( $folder ) ) {
		my $error = join q{},
			"$hostside folder $folder: Could not select: ",
			$imap->LastError,  "\n" ;
		errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;
		# ok select succeeded
		return( 1 ) ;

sub examine_folder {
	my ( $imap, $folder, $hostside ) = @_ ;
	if ( ! $imap->examine( $folder ) ) {
		my $error = join q{},
			"$hostside folder $folder: Could not examine: ",
			$imap->LastError,  "\n" ;
		errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;
		# ok select succeeded
		return( 1 ) ;

sub count_from_select {
	my @lines = @_ ;
        my $count ;
        foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
        	#myprint( "line = [$line]\n"  ) ;
                if ( $line =~ m/^\*\s+(\d+)\s+EXISTS/ ) {
                	$count = $1 ;
                        return( $count ) ;
        return( undef ) ;

sub create_folder_old {
	my( $imap, $h2_fold, $h1_fold ) = @_ ;

	myprint( "Creating (old way) folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n" ) ;
        if ( ( 'INBOX' eq uc  $h2_fold )
         and ( $imap->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists\n"  ) ;
                return( 1 ) ;
	if ( ! $dry ){
		if ( ! $imap->create( $h2_fold ) ) {
			my $error = join q{},
				"Could not create folder [$h2_fold] from [$h1_fold]: ",
				$imap->LastError(  ), "\n" ;
			errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error)
                        return( 1 ) if $imap->exists( $h2_fold ) ;
                        # failure since create failed
			return( 0 ) ;
			#create succeeded
                        myprint( "Created ( the old way ) folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
			return( 1 ) ;
		# dry mode, no folder so many imap will fail, assuming failure
                myprint( "Created ( the old way ) folder [$h2_fold] on host2 $dry_message\n"  ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;

sub create_folder {
        my( $imap2 , $h2_fold , $h1_fold ) = @_ ;
        my( @parts , $parent ) ;

        if ( $imap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ) {
                myprint( "Host2: Unconnected state\n"  ) ;
                return( 0 ) ;

	if ( $create_folder_old ) {
        	return( create_folder_old( $imap2 , $h2_fold , $h1_fold ) ) ;
        myprint( "Creating folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
        if ( ( 'INBOX' eq uc  $h2_fold  )
         and ( $imap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists\n"  ) ;
                return( 1 ) ;

        if ( $mixfolders and $imap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) {
                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists  (--nomixfolders is not set)\n"  ) ;
                return( 1 ) ;

        if ( ( not $mixfolders ) and ( $imap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists and --nomixfolders is set\n"  ) ;
                return( 0 ) ;

        @parts = split /\Q$h2_sep\E/, $h2_fold ;
        pop @parts ;
        $parent = join $h2_sep, @parts ;
        $parent =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;
        if ( ( $parent ne q{} ) and ( ! $imap2->exists( $parent ) ) ) {
                create_folder( $imap2 , $parent , $h1_fold ) ;

        if ( ! $dry ) {
                if ( ! $imap2->create( $h2_fold ) ) {
			my $error = join q{},
				"Could not create folder [$h2_fold] from [$h1_fold]: " ,
				$imap2->LastError(  ), "\n" ;
			errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error)
                        return( 1 ) if $imap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ;
                        # failure since create failed
                        return( 0 ) ;
                        #create succeeded
                        myprint( "Created folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
                        return( 1 ) ;
                # dry mode, no folder so many imap will fail, assuming failure
                myprint( "Created  folder [$h2_fold] on host2 $dry_message\n"  ) ;
                if ( ! $justfolders ) {
			myprint( "Since --dry mode is on and folder [$h2_fold] on host2 does not exist yet, syncing messages will not be simulated.\n"
			. "To simulate message syncing, use --justfolders without --dry to first create the missing folders then rerun the --dry sync.\n" ) ;
		return( 0 ) ;

sub tests_folder_routines {
	ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 1'               );
	ok(  add_to_requested_folders('folder_foo'), 'add_to_requested_folders folder_foo'       );
	ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 2'               );
	ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_NO_EXIST'), 'is_requested_folder folder_NO_EXIST'       );
	ok( !remove_from_requested_folders('folder_foo'), 'removed folder_foo'                   );
	ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 3'               );
	my @f ;
	ok(  @f = add_to_requested_folders('folder_bar', 'folder_toto'), "add result: @f"        );
	ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_bar'), 'is_requested_folder 4'                          );
	ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_toto'), 'is_requested_folder 5'                         );
	ok(  remove_from_requested_folders('folder_toto'), 'remove_from_requested_folders: '       );
	ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_toto'), 'is_requested_folder 6'                         );
	ok( !remove_from_requested_folders('folder_bar'), 'remove_from_requested_folders: empty' ) ;

        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [] ), 'sort_requested_folders: all empty' ) ;
	ok(  add_to_requested_folders('M_55'), 'add_to_requested_folders M_55'       );
        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'M_55' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: middle' ) ;
	@folderfirst = ( 'Z_11' ) ;
        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'M_55' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle' ) ;
	@folderlast = ( 'A_99' ) ;
        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'M_55', 'A_99' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 1' ) ;

	ok(  add_to_requested_folders('M_55', 'M_44',), 'add_to_requested_folders M_55 M_44'       );
        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'M_44', 'M_55', 'A_99' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 2' ) ;
	@folderfirst = qw( Z_22  Z_11 ) ;
	@folderlast  = qw( A_99  A_88 ) ;
        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [  'Z_22', 'Z_11', 'M_44', 'M_55', 'A_99', 'A_88' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 3' ) ;

	return ;

sub sort_requested_folders {
	my @requested_folders_sorted = () ;

	foreach my $folder ( @folderfirst ) {
        	remove_from_requested_folders( $folder ) ;

	foreach my $folder ( @folderlast ) {
        	remove_from_requested_folders( $folder ) ;

	my @middle = sort keys %requested_folder ;

        @requested_folders_sorted = ( @folderfirst, @middle, @folderlast ) ;

	return( @requested_folders_sorted ) ;

sub is_requested_folder {
	my ( $folder ) = @_;

	return( defined  $requested_folder{ $folder }  ) ;

sub add_to_requested_folders {
	my @wanted_folders = @_ ;

	foreach my $folder ( @wanted_folders ) {
	 	++$requested_folder{ $folder } ;
	return( keys  %requested_folder  ) ;

sub remove_from_requested_folders {
	my @wanted_folders = @_ ;

	foreach my $folder ( @wanted_folders ) {
	 	delete $requested_folder{ $folder } ;
	return( keys %requested_folder ) ;

sub compare_lists {
	my ($list_1_ref, $list_2_ref) = @_;

	return($MINUS_ONE) if ((not defined $list_1_ref) and defined $list_2_ref);
	return(0)  if ((not defined $list_1_ref) and not defined $list_2_ref); # end if no list
	return(1)  if (not defined $list_2_ref); # end if only one list

	if (not ref $list_1_ref ) {$list_1_ref = [$list_1_ref]};
	if (not ref $list_2_ref ) {$list_2_ref = [$list_2_ref]};

	my $last_used_indice = $MINUS_ONE;

	foreach my $indice ( 0 .. $#{ $list_1_ref } ) {
		$last_used_indice = $indice ;

		# End of list_2
		return 1 if ($indice > $#{ $list_2_ref } ) ;

		my $element_list_1 = $list_1_ref->[$indice] ;
		my $element_list_2 = $list_2_ref->[$indice] ;
		my $balance = $element_list_1 cmp $element_list_2 ;
		next ELEMENT if ($balance == 0) ;
		return $balance ;
	# each element equal until last indice of list_1
	return $MINUS_ONE if ($last_used_indice < $#{ $list_2_ref } ) ;

	# same size, each element equal
	return 0 ;

sub tests_compare_lists {

	my $empty_list_ref = [];

	ok( 0 == compare_lists()               , 'compare_lists, no args');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists(undef)          , 'compare_lists, undef = nothing');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists(undef, undef)   , 'compare_lists, undef = undef');
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [])     , 'compare_lists, undef < []');
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [1])    , 'compare_lists, undef < [1]');
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [0])    , 'compare_lists, undef < [0]');
      	ok(+1 == compare_lists([])             , 'compare_lists, [] > nothing');
        ok(+1 == compare_lists([], undef)      , 'compare_lists, [] > undef');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists([] , [])        , 'compare_lists, [] = []');

	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([] , [1])        , 'compare_lists, [] < [1]');
	ok(+1 == compare_lists([1] , [])        , 'compare_lists, [1] > []');

	ok( 0 == compare_lists([1],  1 )          , 'compare_lists, [1] =  1 ') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( 1 , [1])          , 'compare_lists,  1  = [1]') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( 1 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  1  =  1 ') ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists( 0 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  0  <  1 ') ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists($MINUS_ONE ,  0 )          , 'compare_lists, -1  <  0 ') ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists( 1 ,  2 )          , 'compare_lists,  1  <  2 ') ;
	ok(+1 == compare_lists( 2 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  2  >  1 ') ;

	ok( 0 == compare_lists([1,2], [1,2])   , 'compare_lists,  [1,2] = [1,2]' ) ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [1,2])     , 'compare_lists,    [1] < [1,2]' ) ;
	ok(+1 == compare_lists([2], [1,2])     , 'compare_lists,    [2] > [1,2]' ) ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [1,1])     , 'compare_lists,    [1] < [1,1]' ) ;
	ok(+1 == compare_lists([1, 1], [1])    , 'compare_lists, [1, 1] >   [1]' ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists([1 .. $NUMBER_20_000] , [1 .. $NUMBER_20_000])
                                               , 'compare_lists, [1..20_000] = [1..20_000]' ) ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [2])       , 'compare_lists, [1] < [2]') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists([2], [2])       , 'compare_lists, [0] = [2]') ;
	ok(+1 == compare_lists([2], [1])       , 'compare_lists, [2] > [1]') ;

	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['b'])   , 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["b"]') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists(['a'],  ['a'])   , 'compare_lists, ["a"] = ["a"]') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists(['ab'], ['ab']) , 'compare_lists, ["ab"] = ["ab"]') ;
	ok(+1 == compare_lists(['b'],  ['a'])   , 'compare_lists, ["b"] > ["a"]') ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['aa'])  , 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["aa"]') ;
	ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['a', 'a']), 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["a", "a"]') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists([split q{ }, 'a b' ], ['a', 'b']), 'compare_lists, split') ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists([sort split q{ }, 'b a' ], ['a', 'b']), 'compare_lists, sort split') ;
        return ;

sub guess_prefix {
	my @foldernames = @_ ;

	return( undef ) unless ( @foldernames ) ;

	my $prefix_guessed = q{} ;
	foreach my $folder ( @foldernames ) {
		next if ( $folder =~ m{^INBOX$}i ) ; # no guessing from INBOX
		if ( $folder !~ m{^INBOX}i ) {
			$prefix_guessed = q{} ; # prefix empty guessed
			last ;
		if ( $folder =~ m{^(INBOX(?:\.|\/))}i ) {
			$prefix_guessed = $1 ;  # prefix Inbox/ or INBOX. guessed
	return( $prefix_guessed ) ;

sub tests_guess_prefix {

	ok( not( defined guess_prefix(  ) ), 'guess_prefix: no args' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX alone' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'Inbox' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox alone' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX alone' ) ;
	ok( 'INBOX/' eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk' ) ;
	ok( 'INBOX.' eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX.Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX.Junk' ) ;
	ok( 'Inbox/' eq guess_prefix( 'Inbox', 'Inbox/Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox Inbox/Junk' ) ;
	ok( 'Inbox.' eq guess_prefix( 'Inbox', 'Inbox.Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox Inbox.Junk' ) ;
	ok( 'INBOX/' eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk', 'INBOX/rrr' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk INBOX/rrr' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk', 'INBOX/rrr', 'zzz' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk INBOX/rrr zzz' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX Junk' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX Junk' ) ;

	return ;

sub get_prefix {
	my( $imap, $prefix_in, $prefix_opt, $Side, $folders_ref ) = @_ ;
	my( $prefix_out, $prefix_guessed ) ;

	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Getting prefix\n"  ) ;
	$prefix_guessed = guess_prefix( @{ $folders_ref } ) ;
	myprint( "$Side: guessing prefix from folder listing: [$prefix_guessed]\n"  ) ;
	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Calling namespace capability\n"  ) ;
	if ( $imap->has_capability( 'namespace' ) ) {
		my $r_namespace = $imap->namespace(  ) ;
		$prefix_out = $r_namespace->[0][0][0] ;
                myprint( "$Side: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [$prefix_out]\n"  ) ;
		if ( defined  $prefix_in  ) {
                	myprint( "$Side: but using [$prefix_in] given by $prefix_opt\n"  ) ;
                	$prefix_out = $prefix_in ;
                	return( $prefix_out ) ;
                	# all good
	                return( $prefix_out ) ;
        	if ( defined  $prefix_in  ) {
                	myprint( "$Side: using [$prefix_in] given by $prefix_opt\n"  ) ;
                	$prefix_out = $prefix_in ;
                	return( $prefix_out ) ;
			  "$Side: No NAMESPACE capability so using guessed prefix [$prefix_guessed]\n",
			  help_to_guess_prefix( $imap, $prefix_opt ) ) ;
			return( $prefix_guessed ) ;
        return ;

sub guess_separator {
	my @foldernames = @_ ;

	#return( undef ) unless ( @foldernames ) ;

	my $sep_guessed ;
	my %counter ;
	foreach my $folder ( @foldernames ) {
		$counter{'/'}++  while ( $folder =~ m{/}g ) ;  # count /
		$counter{'.'}++  while ( $folder =~ m{\.}g ) ; # count .
		$counter{'\\\\'}++ while ( $folder =~ m{(\\){2}}g ) ; # count \\
	my @race_sorted = sort { $counter{ $b } <=> $counter{ $a } } keys  %counter  ;
	#myprint( "@race_sorted\n"  ) ;
	$sep_guessed = shift @race_sorted || $LAST_RESSORT_SEPARATOR ; # / when nothing found.
	return( $sep_guessed ) ;

sub tests_guess_separator {
	ok( '/' eq  guess_separator(  ), 'guess_separator: no args' ) ;
	ok( '/' eq guess_separator( 'abcd' ), 'guess_separator: abcd' ) ;
	ok( '/' eq guess_separator( 'a/b/c.d' ), 'guess_separator: a/b/c.d' ) ;
	ok( '.' eq guess_separator( 'a.b/c.d' ), 'guess_separator: a.b/c.d' ) ;
	ok( '\\\\' eq guess_separator( 'a\\\\b\\\\c.c\\\\d/e/f' ), 'guess_separator: a\\\\b\\\\c.c\\\\d/e/f' ) ;
	return ;

sub get_separator {
	my( $imap, $sep_in, $sep_opt, $Side, $folders_ref ) = @_ ;
	my( $sep_out, $sep_guessed ) ;

	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Getting separator\n"  ) ;
	$sep_guessed = guess_separator( @{ $folders_ref } ) ;
	myprint( "$Side: guessing separator from folder listing: [$sep_guessed]\n"  ) ;

	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: calling namespace capability\n"  ) ;
	if ( $imap->has_capability( 'namespace' ) ) {
		$sep_out = $imap->separator(  ) ;
		if ( defined  $sep_out  ) {
                	myprint( "$Side: separator given by NAMESPACE: [$sep_out]\n"  ) ;
                        if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
                		myprint( "$Side: but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
                        	$sep_out = $sep_in ;
                        	return( $sep_out ) ;
                        	return( $sep_out ) ;
                	if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
                        	myprint( "$Side: NAMESPACE request failed but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
                        	$sep_out = $sep_in ;
                        	return( $sep_out ) ;
		  		"$Side: NAMESPACE request failed so using guessed separator [$sep_guessed]\n",
                  		help_to_guess_sep( $imap, $sep_opt ) ) ;
				return( $sep_guessed ) ;
        	if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
                	myprint( "$Side: No NAMESPACE capability but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
                	$sep_out = $sep_in ;
                	return( $sep_out ) ;
		  	"$Side: No NAMESPACE capability, so using guessed separator [$sep_guessed]\n",
		      	help_to_guess_sep( $imap, $sep_opt ) ) ;
			return( $sep_guessed ) ;
        return ;

sub help_to_guess_sep {
	my( $imap, $sep_opt ) = @_ ;

	my $help_to_guess_sep = "You can set the separator character with the $sep_opt option,\n"
	. "the complete listing of folders may help you to find it\n"
	. folders_list_to_help( $imap ) ;

	return( $help_to_guess_sep ) ;

sub help_to_guess_prefix {
	my( $imap, $prefix_opt ) = @_ ;

	my $help_to_guess_prefix = "You can set the prefix namespace with the $prefix_opt option,\n"
	. "the folowing listing of folders may help you to find it:\n"
	. folders_list_to_help( $imap ) ;

	return( $help_to_guess_prefix ) ;

sub folders_list_to_help {
	my($imap) = @_ ;

	my @folders = $imap->folders ;
	my $listing = join q{}, map { "[$_]\n" } @folders ;
	return( $listing ) ;

sub tests_separator_invert {
	$fixslash2 = 0 ;
	ok( not( defined separator_invert(  )  ), 'separator_invert: no args' ) ;
	ok( not( defined separator_invert( q{} ) ), 'separator_invert: not enough args' ) ;
	ok( not( defined separator_invert( q{}, q{} ) ), 'separator_invert: not enough args' ) ;

	ok( q{} eq separator_invert( q{}, q{}, q{} ), 'separator_invert: 3 empty strings' ) ;
	ok( 'lalala' eq separator_invert( 'lalala', q{}, q{} ), 'separator_invert: empty separator' ) ;
	ok( 'lalala' eq separator_invert( 'lalala', '/', '/' ), 'separator_invert: same separator /' ) ;
	ok( 'lal/ala' eq separator_invert( 'lal/ala', '/', '/' ), 'separator_invert: same separator / 2' ) ;
	ok( 'lal.ala' eq separator_invert( 'lal/ala', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;
	ok( 'lal/ala' eq separator_invert( 'lal.ala', '.', '/' ), 'separator_invert: separators ./' ) ;
	ok( 'la.l/ala' eq separator_invert( 'la/l.ala', '.', '/' ), 'separator_invert: separators ./' ) ;

	ok( 'l/al.ala' eq separator_invert( '', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;
        $fixslash2 = 1 ;
	ok( 'l_al.ala' eq separator_invert( '', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;

	return ;

sub separator_invert {
	my( $h1_fold, $h1_separator, $h2_separator ) = @_ ;

	return( undef ) if ( not defined  $h1_fold  or not defined  $h1_separator  or not defined  $h2_separator  ) ;
	# The separator we hope we'll never encounter: 00000000 == 0x00
	my $o_sep = "\000" ;

	my $h2_fold = $h1_fold ;
	$h2_fold =~ s,\Q$h2_separator,$o_sep,xg ;
	$h2_fold =~ s,\Q$h1_separator,$h2_separator,xg ;
	$h2_fold =~ s,\Q$o_sep,$h1_separator,xg ;
        $h2_fold =~ s,/,_,xg if( $fixslash2 and '/' ne $h2_separator and '/' eq $h1_separator ) ;
	return( $h2_fold ) ;

sub tests_imap2_folder_name {

$h1_prefix = $h2_prefix = q{};
$h1_sep = '/';
$h2_sep = '.';

$debug and myprint( <<"EOS"
prefix1: [$h1_prefix]
prefix2: [$h2_prefix]
) ;

$fixslash2 = 0 ;
ok(q{} eq imap2_folder_name(q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string');
ok('blabla' eq imap2_folder_name('blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla');
ok('spam.spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam');
ok('spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam');
ok('spam.spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam');
ok('s pam.spam/sp  am' eq imap2_folder_name('s pam/spam.sp  am'), 'imap2_folder_name: s pam/spam.sp  am');

$sync->{f1f2}{ 'auto' } = 'moto' ;
ok( 'moto' eq imap2_folder_name( 'auto' ), 'imap2_folder_name: auto' ) ;
$sync->{f1f2}{ 'auto/auto' } = 'moto x 2' ;
ok( 'moto x 2' eq imap2_folder_name( 'auto/auto' ), 'imap2_folder_name: auto/auto' ) ;

@regextrans2 = ('s,/,X,g');
ok(q{} eq imap2_folder_name(q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string [s,/,X,g]');
ok('blabla' eq imap2_folder_name('blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s,/,X,g]');
ok('spam.spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam [s,/,X,g]');
ok('spamXspam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam [s,/,X,g]');
ok('spam.spamXspam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam [s,/,X,g]');

@regextrans2 = ( 's, ,_,g' ) ;
ok('blabla' eq imap2_folder_name('blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s, ,_,g]');
ok('bla_bla' eq imap2_folder_name('bla bla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s, ,_,g]');

@regextrans2 = ( q{s,(.*),\U$1,} ) ;
ok( 'BLABLA' eq imap2_folder_name( 'blabla' ), q{imap2_folder_name: blabla [s,\U(.*)\E,$1,]} ) ;

$fixslash2 = 1 ;
@regextrans2 = (  ) ;
ok(q{} eq imap2_folder_name(q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string');
ok('blabla' eq imap2_folder_name('blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla');
ok('spam.spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam -> spam.spam');
ok('spam_spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam -> spam_spam');
ok('spam.spam_spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam_spam');
ok('s pam.spam_spa  m' eq imap2_folder_name('s pam/  m'), 'imap2_folder_name: s pam/ m -> s pam.spam_spa  m');

$h1_sep = '.';
$h2_sep = '/';
ok(q{} eq imap2_folder_name(q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string');
ok('blabla' eq imap2_folder_name('blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla');
ok('spam.spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam -> spam.spam');
ok('spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam -> spam/spam');
ok('spam.spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam');

$fixslash2 = 0 ;
$h1_prefix = q{ };

ok('spam.spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name('spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam');
ok('spam.spam/spam' eq imap2_folder_name(' spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name:  spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam');

$h1_sep = '.' ;
$h2_sep = '/' ;
$h1_prefix = 'INBOX.' ;
$h2_prefix = q{} ;
@regextrans2 = ( q{s,(.*),\U$1,} ) ;
ok( 'BLABLA' eq imap2_folder_name( 'blabla' ), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla' ) ;
ok( 'TEST/TEST/TEST/TEST' eq imap2_folder_name( 'INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ), 'imap2_folder_name: INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ) ;
@regextrans2 = ( q{s,(.*),\L$1,} ) ;
ok( 'test/test/test/test' eq imap2_folder_name( 'INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ), 'imap2_folder_name: INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ) ;

return ;


sub imap2_folder_name {
	my ( $h1_fold ) = @_ ;
	my ( $h2_fold ) ;
	if ( $sync->{f1f2}{ $h1_fold } ) {
		$h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2}{ $h1_fold } ;
		( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "f1f2 [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
		return( $h2_fold ) ;
	if ( $sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } ) {
		$h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } ;
		( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "automap [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
		return( $h2_fold ) ;

	$h2_fold = prefix_seperator_invertion( $h1_fold ) ;
	$h2_fold = regextrans2( $h2_fold ) ;
	return( $h2_fold ) ;

sub prefix_seperator_invertion {
	my ( $h1_fold ) = @_ ;
	my ( $h2_fold ) ;

	# first we remove the prefix
	$h1_fold =~ s/^\Q$h1_prefix\E//x ;
	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "removed host1 prefix: [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
	$h2_fold = separator_invert( $h1_fold, $h1_sep, $h2_sep ) ;
	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "inverted  separators: [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
	# Adding the prefix supplied by namespace or the --prefix2 option
	$h2_fold = $h2_prefix . $h2_fold
	  unless( ( $h2_prefix eq 'INBOX' . $h2_sep ) and ( $h2_fold =~ m/^INBOX$/xi ) ) ;
	( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "added   host2 prefix: [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
	return( $h2_fold ) ;

sub regextrans2 {
	my( $h2_fold ) = @_ ;
	# Transforming the folder name by the --regextrans2 option(s)
	foreach my $regextrans2 ( @regextrans2 ) {
	        my $h2_fold_before = $h2_fold ;
		my $ret = eval "\$h2_fold =~ $regextrans2 ; 1 " ;
		( $debug or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "[$h2_fold_before] -> [$h2_fold] using regextrans2 [$regextrans2]\n"  ) ;
                if ( not ( defined  $ret  ) or $@ ) {
			die_clean( "error: eval regextrans2 '$regextrans2': $@\n" ) ;
	return( $h2_fold ) ;

sub tests_decompose_regex {
	ok( 1, 'decompose_regex 1' ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ q{}, q{} ], [ decompose_regex( q{} ) ] ), 'decompose_regex empty string' ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '.*', 'lala' ], [ decompose_regex( 's/.*/lala/' ) ] ), 'decompose_regex s/.*/lala/' ) ;
	return ;

sub decompose_regex {
	my $regex = shift ;
	my( $left_part, $right_part ) ;

	( $left_part, $right_part ) = $regex =~ m{^s/((?:[^/]|\\/)+)/((?:[^/]|\\/)+)/}x;
        return( q{}, q{} ) if not $left_part ;
	return( $left_part, $right_part ) ;

sub foldersizes {

	my ( $side, $imap, $search_cmd, @folders ) = @_ ;
	my $total_size = 0 ;
	my $total_nb = 0 ;
	my $biggest_in_all = 0 ;

	my $nb_folders = scalar  @folders  ;
	my $ct_folders = 0 ; # folder counter.
	myprint( "++++ Calculating sizes of $nb_folders folders on $side\n"  ) ;
	foreach my $folder ( @folders )     {
		my $stot = 0 ;
		my $nb_msgs = 0 ;
		$ct_folders++ ;
		myprintf( "$side folder %7s %-35s", "$ct_folders/$nb_folders", jux_utf8( $folder ) ) ;
                if ( 'Host2' eq $side and not exists  $h2_folders_all_UPPER{ uc  $folder  }  ) {
		        myprint( " does not exist yet\n") ;
			next ;
                if ( 'Host1' eq $side and not exists  $h1_folders_all{ $folder }  ) {
		        myprint( " does not exist\n" ) ;
			next ;

		last if $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
		# FTGate is RFC buggy with EXAMINE it does not act as SELECT
		#unless ( $imap->examine( $folder ) ) {
		unless ( $imap->select( $folder ) ) {
			my $error = join q{},
				"$side Folder $folder: Could not select: ",
				$imap->LastError,  "\n"  ;
			errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
			next ;
		last if $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ;

		my $hash_ref = { } ;
		my @msgs = select_msgs( $imap, undef, $search_cmd, $folder ) ;
		$nb_msgs = scalar  @msgs  ;
		my $biggest_in_folder = 0 ;
		@{ $hash_ref }{ @msgs } = ( undef ) if @msgs ;

		last if $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
		if ( $nb_msgs > 0 and @msgs ) {
                	if ( $abletosearch ) {
				if ( ! $imap->fetch_hash( \@msgs, 'RFC822.SIZE', $hash_ref) ) {
                                        my $error = "$side failure with fetch_hash: $@" ;
                                        errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                                        return ;
				my $uidnext = $imap->uidnext( $folder ) || $uidnext_default ;
				my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
				if ( ! $imap->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'RFC822.SIZE', $hash_ref ) ) {
                                        my $error = "$side failure with fetch_hash: $@" ;
                                        errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
                                        return ;
			for ( keys %{ $hash_ref } ) {
                        	my $size =  $hash_ref->{ $_ }->{ 'RFC822.SIZE' } ;
                        	$stot    += $size ;
                                $biggest_in_folder =  max( $biggest_in_folder, $size ) ;

		myprintf( ' Size: %9s', $stot ) ;
		myprintf( ' Messages: %5s', $nb_msgs ) ;
		myprintf( " Biggest: %9s\n", $biggest_in_folder ) ;
		$total_size += $stot ;
		$total_nb += $nb_msgs ;
                $biggest_in_all =  max( $biggest_in_all, $biggest_in_folder ) ;
	myprintf( "%s Nb folders:      %11s folders\n",    $side, $nb_folders ) ;
	myprintf( "%s Nb messages:     %11s messages\n",   $side, $total_nb ) ;
	myprintf( "%s Total size:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $total_size, bytes_display_string( $total_size ) ) ;
	myprintf( "%s Biggest message: %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $biggest_in_all, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all ) ) ;
	myprintf( "%s Time spent:      %11.1f seconds\n",  $side, timenext(  ) ) ;
        return( $total_nb, $total_size ) ;

sub timenext {
	my ( $timenow, $timediff ) ;
	# $timebefore is global, beurk !
	$timenow    = time ;
	$timediff   = $timenow - $timebefore ;
	$timebefore = $timenow ;
	return( $timediff ) ;

sub timesince {
	my $timeinit = shift ;
	my ( $timenow, $timediff ) ;
	$timenow    = time ;
	$timediff   = $timenow - $timeinit ;
	return( $timediff ) ;

sub tests_flags_regex {

	ok( q{} eq flags_regex(q{} ), 'flags_regex, null string q{}' ) ;
	ok( q'\Seen NonJunk $Spam' eq flags_regex( q'\Seen NonJunk $Spam' ), 'flags_regex, nothing to do');

	@regexflag = ('I am BAD' ) ;
        ok( not ( defined flags_regex( q{} ) ), 'flags_regex, bad regex' ) ;

	@regexflag = ( 's/NonJunk//g' ) ;
	ok( q'\Seen  $Spam' eq flags_regex( q'\Seen NonJunk $Spam' ), q{flags_regex, remove NonJunk: 's/NonJunk//g'} ) ;
	@regexflag = ( q's/\$Spam//g' ) ;
	ok( '\Seen NonJunk ' eq flags_regex( q'\Seen NonJunk $Spam' ), q{flags_regex, remove $Spam: 's/\$Spam//g'} ) ;

	@regexflag = ( 's/\\\\Seen//g' ) ;

	ok( q' NonJunk $Spam' eq flags_regex( q'\Seen NonJunk $Spam' ), q{flags_regex, remove \Seen: 's/\\\\\\\\Seen//g'} ) ;

	@regexflag = ( 's/(\s|^)[^\\\\]\w+//g' ) ;
	ok( '\Seen \Middle \End'   eq flags_regex( q'\Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End' ), q{flags_regex: only \word among \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End} ) ;
	ok( ' \Seen \Middle \End1' eq flags_regex( q'Begin \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End1 End' ), 
                     q'flags_regex: only \word among Begin \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End1 End' ) ;

	@regexflag = ( q's/.*?(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)/$1 /g' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2  ReB' eq flags_regex('ReA Keep1 REM Keep2 ReB'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM REM Keep1 Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 REM REM Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM Keep1 REM REM  Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM Keep1'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;

	@regexflag = ( q's/(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3) (?!(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)).*/$1 /g' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2 ReB'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2 REM REM  REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
	ok('Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('Keep2 REM REM  REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;

	@regexflag = ( q's/.*?(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)/$1 /g',
	   's/(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3) (?!(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)).*/$1 /g');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM REM Keep3 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 ' eq flags_regex('REM  REM Keep1 REM REM REM '), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('RE1 Keep1 RE2 Keep3 RE3 RE4 RE5 '), 'Keep only regex');

	@regexflag = ('s/(.*)/$1 jrdH8u/');
	ok('REM  REM  REM REM REM jrdH8u' eq flags_regex('REM  REM  REM REM REM'), q{Keep only regex 's/(.*)/\$1 jrdH8u/'} ) ;
	@regexflag = ('s/jrdH8u *//');
	ok('REM  REM  REM REM REM ' eq flags_regex('REM  REM  REM REM REM jrdH8u'), q{Keep only regex s/jrdH8u *//} ) ;

	@regexflag = (
	's/(.*)/$1 jrdH8u/',
	's/.*?(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3|jrdH8u)/$1 /g',
	's/(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3|jrdH8u) (?!(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3|jrdH8u)).*/$1 /g',
	's/jrdH8u *//'

	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), q{Keep only regex 'REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'} ) ;
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep2 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM REM Keep3 REM'), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 ' eq flags_regex('REM  REM Keep1 REM REM REM '), 'Keep only regex');
	ok('Keep1 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('RE1 Keep1 RE2 Keep3 RE3 RE4 RE5 '), 'Keep only regex');
	ok(q{} eq flags_regex('REM  REM REM REM REM'), 'Keep only regex');

	@regexflag = (
	's/(.*)/$1 jrdH8u/',
	's/.*?(\\\\Seen|\\\\Answered|\\\\Flagged|\\\\Deleted|\\\\Draft|jrdH8u)/$1 /g',
	's/(\\\\Seen|\\\\Answered|\\\\Flagged|\\\\Deleted|\\\\Draft|jrdH8u) (?!(\\\\Seen|\\\\Answered|\\\\Flagged|\\\\Deleted|\\\\Draft|jrdH8u)).*/$1 /g',
	's/jrdH8u *//'

	ok('\\Deleted \\Answered '
	    eq flags_regex('Blabla $Junk \\Deleted machin \\Answered truc'), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case' ) ;
	ok( q{} eq flags_regex( q{} ), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case, null string' ) ;
	ok( q{}
	   eq flags_regex('Blabla $Junk  machin  truc'), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case, no accepted flags' ) ;
	ok( '\\Deleted \\Answered \\Draft \\Flagged '
	    eq flags_regex('\\Deleted    \\Answered  \\Draft \\Flagged '), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case' ) ;

	@regexflag = (

	ok( '\\Deleted \\Answered '
	eq flags_regex('Blabla \$Junk \\Deleted machin \\Answered truc'),
	'Keep only regex: Exchange case (Phil)' ) ;

	ok( q{} eq flags_regex( q{} ), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case, null string (Phil)' ) ;

	ok( q{}
	eq flags_regex('Blabla $Junk  machin  truc'),
	'Keep only regex: Exchange case, no accepted flags (Phil)' ) ;

	ok('\\Deleted \\Answered \\Draft \\Flagged '
	eq flags_regex('\\Deleted    \\Answered  \\Draft \\Flagged '),
	'Keep only regex: Exchange case (Phil)' ) ;

	return ;

sub flags_regex {
	my ( $h1_flags ) = @_ ;
	foreach my $regexflag ( @regexflag ) {
		my $h1_flags_orig = $h1_flags ;
		$debugflags and myprint( "eval \$h1_flags =~ $regexflag\n"  ) ;
		my $ret = eval "\$h1_flags =~ $regexflag ; 1 " ;
		$debugflags and myprint( "regexflag $regexflag [$h1_flags_orig] -> [$h1_flags]\n"  ) ;
                if( not ( defined $ret ) or $@ ) {
			myprint( "Error: eval regexflag '$regexflag': $@\n"  ) ;
                        return( undef ) ;
	return( $h1_flags ) ;

sub acls_sync {
	my($h1_fold, $h2_fold) = @_ ;
	if ( $syncacls ) {
		my $h1_hash = $imap1->getacl($h1_fold)
		  or myprint( "Could not getacl for $h1_fold: $@\n" ) ;
		my $h2_hash = $imap2->getacl($h2_fold)
		  or myprint( "Could not getacl for $h2_fold: $@\n" ) ;
		my %users = map { ($_, 1) } ( keys  %{ $h1_hash} , keys %{ $h2_hash }  ) ;
		foreach my $user (sort keys %users ) {
			my $acl = $h1_hash->{$user} || 'none' ;
			myprint( "acl $user: [$acl]\n" ) ;
			next if ($h1_hash->{$user} && $h2_hash->{$user} &&
				 $h1_hash->{$user} eq $h2_hash->{$user});
			unless ($dry) {
				myprint( "setting acl $h2_fold $user $acl\n" ) ;
				$imap2->setacl($h2_fold, $user, $acl)
				  or myprint( "Could not set acl: $@\n" ) ;
        return ;

sub tests_permanentflags {

	my $string;
	ok(q{} eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
	   'permanentflags \*');
	ok('\Draft \Answered' eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
	   'permanentflags \Draft \Answered');
	ok('\Draft \Answered'
	   eq permanentflags('Blabla',
	                     ' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited',
	   'permanentflags \Draft \Answered'
	ok(q{} eq permanentflags('Blabla'), 'permanentflags nothing');
        return ;

sub permanentflags {
	my @lines = @_ ;

	foreach my $line (@lines) {
		if ( $line =~ m{\[PERMANENTFLAGS\s\(([^)]+?)\)\]}x ) {
			( $debugflags or $debug ) and myprint( "permanentflags: $line"  ) ;
			my $permanentflags = $1 ;
			if ( $permanentflags =~ m{\\\*}x ) {
				$permanentflags = q{} ;
			return($permanentflags) ;
		} ;
        return( q{} ) ;

sub tests_flags_filter {

	ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Draft \Seen \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
	ok( q{} eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Draft  \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
	ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Seen'), 'flags_filter ' );
	ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', ' \Seen '), 'flags_filter ' );
	ok( '\Seen \Draft'
	   eq flags_filter('\Seen \Draft', '\Draft \Seen \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
	ok( '\Seen \Draft'
	   eq flags_filter('\Seen \Draft', ' \Draft \Seen \Answered '), 'flags_filter ' );
        return ;

sub flags_filter {
	my( $flags, $allowed_flags ) = @_ ;

	my @flags = split  /\s+/x, $flags ;
	my %allowed_flags = map { $_ => 1 } split q{ }, $allowed_flags ;
	my @flags_out     = map { exists $allowed_flags{$_} ? $_ : () } @flags ;

	my $flags_out = join q{ }, @flags_out ;

	return( $flags_out ) ;

sub flagscase {
	my $flags = shift ;

	my @flags = split /\s+/x, $flags ;
	my %rfc_flags = map { $_ => 1 } split q{ }, '\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft' ;
	my @flags_out = map { exists $rfc_flags{ ucsecond( lc $_ ) } ? ucsecond( lc $_ ) : $_ } @flags ;

	my $flags_out = join q{ }, @flags_out ;

	return( $flags_out ) ;

sub tests_flagscase {
	ok( '\Seen' eq flagscase( '\Seen' ), 'flagscase: \Seen -> \Seen' ) ;
	ok( '\Seen' eq flagscase( '\SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \SEEN -> \Seen' ) ;

	ok( '\Seen \Draft' eq flagscase( '\SEEN \DRAFT' ), 'flagscase: \SEEN \DRAFT -> \Seen \Draft' ) ;
	ok( '\Draft \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT \SEEN -> \Draft \Seen' ) ;

	ok( '\Draft LALA \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT  LALA \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT  LALA \SEEN -> \Draft LALA \Seen' ) ;
	ok( '\Draft lala \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT  lala \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT  lala \SEEN -> \Draft lala \Seen' ) ;
        return ;

sub ucsecond {
	my $string = shift ;
	my $output ;

	return( $string )  if ( 1 >= length $string ) ;
	$output = ( substr( $string, 0, 1) ) . ( uc substr $string, 1, 1 ) . ( substr $string, 2 ) ;
	#myprint( "UUU $string -> $output\n"  ) ;
	return( $output ) ;

sub tests_ucsecond {
	ok( 'aBcde' eq ucsecond( 'abcde' ), 'ucsecond: abcde -> aBcde' ) ;
	ok( 'ABCDE' eq ucsecond( 'ABCDE' ), 'ucsecond: ABCDE -> ABCDE'  ) ;
	ok( 'ABCDE' eq ucsecond( 'AbCDE' ), 'ucsecond: AbCDE -> ABCDE'  ) ;
	ok( 'ABCde' eq ucsecond( 'AbCde' ), 'ucsecond: AbCde -> ABCde'  ) ;
	ok( 'A'     eq ucsecond( 'A' ),     'ucsecond: A  -> A'  ) ;
	ok( 'AB'    eq ucsecond( 'Ab' ),    'ucsecond: Ab -> AB' ) ;
	ok( '\B'    eq ucsecond( '\b' ),    'ucsecond: \b -> \B' ) ;
	ok( '\Bcde' eq ucsecond( '\bcde' ), 'ucsecond: \bcde -> \Bcde' ) ;
        return ;

sub select_msgs {
	my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) = @_ ;
	my ( @msgs ) ;

	if ( $abletosearch ) {
		@msgs = select_msgs_by_search( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) ;
		@msgs = select_msgs_by_fetch( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) ;
	return(  @msgs ) ;


sub select_msgs_by_search {
	my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) = @_ ;
	my ( @msgs, @msgs_all ) ;

        # Need to have the whole list in msgs_all_hash_ref
        # without calling messages() several times.
        # Need all messages list to avoid deleting useful cache part
        # in case of --search or --minage or --maxage

	if ( ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  and $usecache )
        or ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  )
        ) {

       		$debugdev and myprint( "Calling messages()\n"  ) ;
		@msgs_all = $imap->messages(  ) ;

                return if ( $#msgs_all == 0 && !defined  $msgs_all[0]  ) ;

                if ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  ) {
                        @{ $msgs_all_hash_ref }{ @msgs_all } =  () ;
                # return all messages
                if ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  ) {
                        return( @msgs_all ) ;

        if ( defined  $search_cmd  ) {
        	@msgs = $imap->search( $search_cmd ) ;
                return( @msgs ) ;

	# we are here only if $maxage or $minage is defined
        @msgs = select_msgs_by_age( $imap ) ;
	return( @msgs );

sub select_msgs_by_fetch {
	my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) = @_ ;
	my ( @msgs, @msgs_all, %fetch ) ;

        # Need to have the whole list in msgs_all_hash_ref
        # without calling messages() several times.
        # Need all messages list to avoid deleting useful cache part
        # in case of --search or --minage or --maxage

	$debugdev and myprint( "Calling fetch_hash()\n"  ) ;
	my $uidnext = $imap->uidnext( $folder ) || $uidnext_default ;
	my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
	%fetch = %{$imap->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'INTERNALDATE' ) } ;

        @msgs_all = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %fetch  ;
        $debugdev and myprint( "Done fetch_hash()\n"  ) ;

        return if ( $#msgs_all == 0 && !defined  $msgs_all[0]  ) ;

        if ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  ) {
                 @{ $msgs_all_hash_ref }{ @msgs_all } =  () ;
        # return all messages
        if ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  ) {
                return( @msgs_all ) ;

        if ( defined  $search_cmd  ) {
		myprint( "Warning: strange to see --search with --noabletosearch, an error can happen\n"  ) ;
        	@msgs = $imap->search( $search_cmd ) ;
                return( @msgs ) ;

	# we are here only if $maxage or $minage is defined
	my( @max, @min, $maxage_epoch, $minage_epoch ) ;
	if ( defined  $maxage  ) { $maxage_epoch = $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $maxage ; }
	if ( defined  $minage  ) { $minage_epoch = $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $minage ; }
	foreach my $msg ( @msgs_all ) {
		my $idate = $fetch{ $msg }->{'INTERNALDATE'} ;
		#myprint( "$idate\n"  ) ;
		if ( defined  $maxage  and ( epoch( $idate ) >= $maxage_epoch ) ) {
			push  @max, $msg  ;
		if ( defined  $minage  and ( epoch( $idate ) <= $minage_epoch ) ) {
			push  @min, $msg  ;
        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( \@max, \@min ) ;
	return( @msgs ) ;

sub select_msgs_by_age {
	my( $imap ) = @_ ;

	my( @max, @min, @msgs, @inter, @union ) ;

	if ( defined  $maxage  ) {
		@max = $imap->sentsince( $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $maxage ) ;
	if ( defined  $minage  ) {
		@min = $imap->sentbefore( $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $minage ) ;

	@msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( \@max, \@min ) ;
	return( @msgs ) ;

sub msgs_from_maxmin {
	my( $max_ref, $min_ref ) = @_ ;
	my( @max, @min, @msgs, @inter, @union ) ;

	@max = @{ $max_ref } ;
	@min = @{ $min_ref } ;

		unless( defined  $minage  ) { @msgs = @max ; last SWITCH } ;
		unless( defined  $maxage  ) { @msgs = @min ; last SWITCH } ;
		my ( %union, %inter ) ;
		foreach my $m ( @min, @max ) { $union{ $m }++ && $inter{ $m }++ }
		@inter = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %inter  ;
		@union = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %union  ;
		# normal case
		if ( $minage <= $maxage )  { @msgs = @inter ; last SWITCH } ;
		# just exclude messages between
		if ( $minage > $maxage )  { @msgs = @union ; last SWITCH } ;

	return( @msgs ) ;

sub tests_msgs_from_maxmin {
	my @msgs ;
	$maxage = $NUMBER_200 ;
	@msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '1', '2' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin: maxage++' ) ;
	$minage = $NUMBER_100 ;
	@msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '2' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  -maxage++minage-' ) ;
	$minage = $NUMBER_300 ;
	@msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '1', '2', '3' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  ++maxage-minage++' ) ;
	$maxage = undef ;
	@msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '2', '3' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  ++minage-' ) ;
	return ;

sub lastuid {
	my $imap   = shift ;
	my $folder = shift ;
	my $lastuid_guess  = shift ;
	my $lastuid ;

	# rfc3501: The only reliable way to identify recent messages is to
	#          look at message flags to see which have the \Recent flag
	#          set, or to do a SEARCH RECENT.
	# SEARCH RECENT doesn't work this way on courrier.

	my @recent_messages ;
	# SEARCH RECENT for each transfer can be expensive with a big folder
	# Call commented for now
	#@recent_messages = $imap->recent(  ) ;
	#myprint( "Recent: @recent_messages\n" ) ;

	my $max_recent ;
	$max_recent = max( @recent_messages ) ;

	if ( defined  $max_recent  and ($lastuid_guess <= $max_recent ) ) {
		$lastuid = $max_recent ;
		$lastuid = $lastuid_guess
	return( $lastuid ) ;

sub size_filtered {
	my( $h1_size, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold  ) = @_ ;

        $h1_size = 0 if ( ! $h1_size ) ; # null if empty or undef
	if (defined $maxsize and $h1_size > $maxsize) {
		myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped ($h1_size exceeds maxsize limit $maxsize bytes)\n" ) ;
		$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
		$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
		return( 1 ) ;
	if (defined $minsize and $h1_size <= $minsize) {
		myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped ($h1_size smaller than minsize $minsize bytes)\n" ) ;
		$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
		$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
		return( 1 ) ;
	return( 0 ) ;

sub message_exists {
	my( $imap, $msg ) = @_ ;
	return( 1 ) if not $imap->Uid(  ) ;

	my $search_uid ;
        ( $search_uid ) = $imap->search( "UID $msg" ) ;
        #myprint( "$search ? $msg\n"  ) ;
        return( 1 ) if ( $search_uid eq $msg ) ;
        return( 0 ) ;

sub copy_message {
	# copy

	my ( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) = @_ ;
	( $debug or $dry) and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg copying to $h2_fold $dry_message\n" ) ;

	my $h1_size  = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'RFC822.SIZE'}  || 0 ;
	my $h1_flags = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'FLAGS'}        || q{} ;
	my $h1_idate = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'INTERNALDATE'} || q{} ;

        if ( size_filtered( $h1_size, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold  ) ) {
        	$h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
                return ;

	debugsleep( $sync ) ;
	myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] has RFC822.SIZE null!\n" ) if ( ! $h1_size )   ;

        if ( $checkmessageexists and not message_exists( $imap1, $h1_msg ) ) {
		$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
		$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
        	$h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
                return ;
        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("C1: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

	my ( $string, $string_len ) ;
        ( $string_len ) = message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, \$string ) ;

        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("C2: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

        # not defined or empty $string
        if ( ( not $string ) and ( not $string_len ) ) {
		myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped.\n"  ) ;
		$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size;
		$nb_msg_skipped += 1;
                $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
                return ;

        # Lines too long (or not enough) => do no copy or fix
        if ( ( defined $maxlinelength ) or ( defined $minmaxlinelength ) ) {
		$string = linelengthstuff( $string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate ) ;
		if ( not defined  $string  ) {
			$h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
			$total_bytes_skipped += $h1_size ;
			$nb_msg_skipped += 1 ;
			return ;

	my $h1_date = date_for_host2( $h1_msg, $h1_idate ) ;

	( $debug or $debugflags ) and
        myprint( "Host1 flags init msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg date [$h1_date] flags [$h1_flags] size [$h1_size]\n"  ) ;

	$h1_flags = flags_for_host2( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;

	( $debug or $debugflags ) and
        myprint( "Host1 flags filt msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg date [$h1_date] flags [$h1_flags] size [$h1_size]\n"  ) ;

	$h1_date = undef if ($h1_date eq q{});

	my $new_id = append_message_on_host2( \$string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h2_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_date, $cache_dir ) ;

	if ( $new_id and $syncflagsaftercopy ) {
        	sync_flags_after_copy( $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $new_id, $permanentflags2 ) ;

	if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
        	myprintf("C3: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

        return $new_id ;

sub linelengthstuff {
	my( $string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate  ) = @_ ;
	my $maxlinelength_string = max_line_length( $string ) ;
        $debugmaxlinelength and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg maxlinelength: $maxlinelength_string\n"  ) ;

        if ( ( defined $minmaxlinelength )  and ( $maxlinelength_string <= $minmaxlinelength ) ) {
		my $subject = subject( $string ) ;
         	$debugdev and myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
                      	. "(Subject:[$subject]) (max line length under minmaxlinelength $minmaxlinelength bytes)\n" ) ;
         	return ;

        if ( ( defined $maxlinelength )  and ( $maxlinelength_string > $maxlinelength ) ) {
         	my $subject = subject( $string ) ;
		if ( $maxlinelengthcmd ) {
			$string = pipemess( $string, $maxlinelengthcmd ) ;
			# string undef means something was bad.
			if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
				myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
				      . "(Subject:[$subject]) could not be successfully transformed by --maxlinelengthcmd option\n" ) ;
				return ;
				return $string ;
         	myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
                      . "(Subject:[$subject]) (line length exceeds maxlinelength $maxlinelength bytes)\n" ) ;
		return ;
	return $string ;

sub message_for_host2 {

# global variable list: 
# @skipmess
# @regexmess
# @pipemess
# $addheader
# $debugcontent
# $debug
# API current
# at failure: 
#   * return nothing ( will then be undef or () )
#   * $string_ref content is undef or empty
# at success:
#   * return string length ($string_ref content length)
#   * $string_ref content filled with message

# API future
	my ( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ) = @_ ;

        # abort when missing a parameter
        if ( (!$sync) or  (!$h1_msg) or (!$h1_fold) or (!$h1_size) or (!defined $h1_flags) or (!$h1_idate) or (!$h1_fir_ref) or (!$string_ref) ) {
                return ;

        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("M1: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

        my $imap1 = $sync->{imap1} ;
	my $string_ok = $imap1->message_to_file( $string_ref, $h1_msg ) ;

        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("M2: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

	my $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;

	unless ( defined  $string_ok  and $string_len ) {
		# undef or 0 length
		my $error = join q{},
			"- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] could not be fetched: ",
			$imap1->LastError || q{}, "\n"  ;
		errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
		$total_bytes_error += $h1_size if ( $h1_size ) ;
                $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
		return ;

	if ( @skipmess ) {
		my $match = skipmess( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
                # string undef means the eval regex was bad.
                if ( not ( defined  $match  ) ) {
			"- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
                        . " could not be skipped by --skipmess option, bad regex\n" ) ;
                	return ;
                if ( $match ) {
                        my $subject = subject( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
                        myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
                            . " (Subject:[$subject]) skipped by --skipmess\n" ) ;
                	return ;

	if ( @regexmess ) {
		${ $string_ref } = regexmess( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
                # string undef means the eval regex was bad.
                if ( not ( defined  ${ $string_ref }  ) ) {
			"- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
                        . " could not be transformed by --regexmess\n" ) ;
                	return ;

	if ( @pipemess ) {
		${ $string_ref } = pipemess( ${ $string_ref }, @pipemess ) ;
                # string undef means something was bad.
                if ( not ( defined  ${ $string_ref }  ) ) {
			"- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
                        . " could not be successfully transformed by --pipemess option\n" ) ;
                	return ;

        if ( $addheader and defined $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'NO_HEADER'} ) {
                my $header = add_header( $h1_msg ) ;
                $debug and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg adding custom header [$header]\n"  ) ;
                ${ $string_ref } = $header . "\r\n" . ${ $string_ref } ;

        $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;

	$debugcontent and myprint(
		q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n",
		"F message content begin next line ($string_len characters long)\n",
		${ $string_ref },
		"F message content ended on previous line\n", q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n" ) ;

        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
                myprintf("M3: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

	return $string_len ;

sub tests_message_for_host2 {
        my ( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ) ;
        is( undef, message_for_host2(  ), q{message_for_host2: no args} ) ;
        is( undef, message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), q{message_for_host2: undef args} ) ;

        require Test::MockObject ;
        my $imapT = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
        $sync->{imap1} = $imapT ;
        my $string ;
        $h1_msg = 1 ;
        $h1_fold = 'FoldFoo';
        $h1_size =  9 ; 
        $h1_flags = '' ; 
        $h1_idate = '10-Jul-2015 09:00:00 +0200' ;
        $h1_fir_ref = {} ;
        $string_ref = \$string ;
        $imapT->mock( 'message_to_file',   
                sub {
                        my ( $imap, $string_ref, $msg ) = @_ ;
                        ${$string_ref} = 'blablabla' ;
                        return length ${$string_ref} ;
        ) ;
        is( 9, message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), 
        q{message_for_host2: msg 1 == "blablabla", length} ) ;
        is( 'blablabla', $string, q{message_for_host2: msg 1 == "blablabla", value} ) ;
        # so far so good
        # now the --pipemess stuff

	SKIP: {
                Readonly my $NB_WIN_tests_message_for_host2 => 0 ;
		skip( 'Not on MSWin32', $NB_WIN_tests_message_for_host2 ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
		# Windows
		# "type" command does not accept redirection of STDIN with <
		# "sort" does

	} ;

	SKIP: {
                Readonly my $NB_UNX_tests_message_for_host2 => 6 ;
		skip( 'Not on Unix', $NB_UNX_tests_message_for_host2 ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
		# Unix
                # no change by cat
                @pipemess = ( 'cat' ) ;
                is( 9, message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), 
                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'cat', length} ) ;
                is( 'blablabla', $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'cat', value} ) ;

                # failure by false
                @pipemess = ( 'false' ) ;
                is( undef, message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), 
                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'false', length} ) ;
                is( undef, $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'false', value} ) ;

                # failure by true since no output
                @pipemess = ( 'true' ) ;
                is( undef, message_for_host2( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), 
                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'true', length} ) ;
                is( undef, $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'true', value} ) ;
        return ;

sub length_ref {
        my $string_ref = shift ;
        my $string_len = defined  ${ $string_ref }  ? length( ${ $string_ref } ) : q{} ; # length or empty string
        return $string_len ;

sub tests_length_ref {
        my $notdefined ;
        is( q{}, length_ref( \$notdefined ), q{length_ref: value not defined} ) ;
        my $notref ;
        is( q{}, length_ref( $notref ), q{length_ref: param not a ref} ) ;

        my $lala = 'lala' ;
        is( 4, length_ref( \$lala ), q{length_ref: lala length == 4} ) ;
        is( 4, length_ref( \'lili' ), q{length_ref: lili length == 4} ) ;
        return ;

sub date_for_host2 {
	my( $h1_msg, $h1_idate ) = @_ ;

	my $h1_date = q{} ;

	if ( $syncinternaldates ) {
		$h1_date = $h1_idate ;
		$debug and myprint( "internal date from host1: [$h1_date]\n"  ) ;
		$h1_date = good_date( $h1_date ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "internal date from host1: [$h1_date] (fixed)\n"  ) ;

	if ( $idatefromheader ) {
		$h1_date = $imap1->get_header( $h1_msg, 'Date' ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "header date from host1: [$h1_date]\n"  ) ;
		$h1_date = good_date( $h1_date ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "header date from host1: [$h1_date] (fixed)\n"  ) ;

	return( $h1_date ) ;

sub flags_for_host2 {
	my( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;
	# RFC 2060: This flag can not be altered by any client
	$h1_flags =~ s@\\Recent\s?@@xgi ;
        my $h1_flags_re ;
        if ( @regexflag and defined( $h1_flags_re = flags_regex( $h1_flags ) ) ) {
                $h1_flags = $h1_flags_re ;
	$h1_flags = flagscase( $h1_flags ) if $flagscase ;
        $h1_flags = flags_filter( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2) if ( $permanentflags2 and $filterflags ) ;

	return( $h1_flags ) ;

sub subject {
	my $string = shift ;
	my $subject = q{} ;

        my $header = extract_header( $string ) ;

        if( $header =~ m/^Subject:\s*([^\n\r]*)\r?$/msx ) {
        	#myprint( "MMM[$1]\n"  ) ;
        	$subject = $1 ;
	return( $subject ) ;

sub tests_subject {
	ok( q{} eq subject( q{} ), 'subject: null') ;
	ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( 'Subject: toto le hero' ), 'subject: toto le hero') ;
	ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( 'Subject:toto le hero' ), 'subject: toto le hero blank') ;
	ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( "Subject:toto le hero\r\n" ), 'subject: toto le hero\r\n') ;

        my $MESS ;
	$MESS = <<'EOF';
From: lalala
Subject: toto le hero
Date: zzzzzz

Boogie boogie
	ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: toto le hero 2') ;

	$MESS = <<'EOF';
Subject: toto le hero
From: lalala
Date: zzzzzz

Boogie boogie
	ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: toto le hero 3') ;

	$MESS = <<'EOF';
From: lalala
Subject: cuicui
Date: zzzzzz

Subject: toto le hero
	ok( 'cuicui' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: cuicui') ;

	$MESS = <<'EOF';
From: lalala
Date: zzzzzz

Subject: toto le hero
	ok( q{} eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: null but body could') ;

	return ;

# GlobVar
# $dry
# $max_msg_size_in_bytes
# $imap2
# $imap1
# $total_bytes_error
# $h1_nb_msg_processed
# $h2_uidguess
# $total_bytes_transferred
# $nb_msg_transferred
# $begin_transfer_time
# $time_spent
# ...
sub append_message_on_host2 {
	my( $string_ref, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h2_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_date, $cache_dir ) = @_ ;
	if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
        	myprintf("A1: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;

	my $new_id ;
	if ( ! $dry ) {
		$max_msg_size_in_bytes = max( $h1_size, $max_msg_size_in_bytes ) ;
		$new_id = $imap2->append_string( $h2_fold, ${ $string_ref }, $h1_flags, $h1_date ) ;
	        if ( $sync->{debugmemory} ) {
        	        myprintf("A2: Memory consumption: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI) ;
		if ( ! $new_id){
                	my $subject = subject( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
                        my $error_imap = $imap2->LastError || q{} ;
			my $error = "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} couldn't append  (Subject:[$subject]) to folder $h2_fold: $error_imap\n" ;
			errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
			$total_bytes_error += $h1_size;
                        $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;
			return ;
			# good
			# $new_id is an id if the IMAP server has the
			# UIDPLUS capability else just a ref
			if ( $new_id !~ m{^\d+$}x ) {
				$new_id = lastuid( $imap2, $h2_fold, $h2_uidguess ) ;
			$h2_uidguess += 1 ;
			$total_bytes_transferred += $h1_size ;
			$nb_msg_transferred += 1 ;
                        $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;

                        my $time_spent = timesince( $begin_transfer_time ) ;
                        my $rate = bytes_display_string( $total_bytes_transferred / $time_spent ) ;
                        my $eta = eta( $time_spent,
                                       $h1_nb_msg_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_msg_transferred ) ;
                        my $amount_transferred = bytes_display_string( $total_bytes_transferred ) ;
			myprintf( "msg %s/%-19s copied to %s/%-10s %.2f msgs/s  %s/s %s copied  %s\n",
                        $h1_fold, "$h1_msg {$string_len}", $h2_fold, $new_id, $nb_msg_transferred/$time_spent, $rate,
                        $eta );
                        sleep_if_needed( $time_spent, $total_bytes_transferred, $nb_msg_transferred ) ;
                        if ( $usecache and $cacheaftercopy and $new_id =~ m{^\d+$}x ) {
				$debugcache and myprint( "touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id\n"  ) ;
				touch( "$cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id" )
                        	or croak( "Couldn't touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id" ) ;
			if ( $delete ) {
				delete_message_on_host1( $h1_msg, $h1_fold ) ;
			#myprint( "PRESS ENTER" ) and my $a = <> ;
                        return( $new_id ) ;
		# NOOP to avoid timeout on large folders.
		$imap2->noop(  ) ;
		$nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode += 1 ;
                $h1_nb_msg_processed +=1 ;

	return ;

sub sleep_if_needed {
	my( $time_spent, $total_bytes_transferred, $nb_msg_transferred ) = @_ ;
        my $sleep_max_messages = sleep_max_messages( $nb_msg_transferred, $time_spent, $maxmessagespersecond ) ;
        my $sleep_max_bytes = sleep_max_bytes( $total_bytes_transferred, $time_spent, $maxbytespersecond  ) ;
        my $sleep_max = max( $sleep_max_messages, $sleep_max_bytes ) ;
        if ( $sleep_max > 0 ) {
        	myprintf( "sleeping %.2f s\n", $sleep_max ) ;
                sleep $sleep_max ;
	return ;

sub sleep_max_messages {
	# how long we have to sleep to go under max_messages_per_second
        my( $nb_msg_transferred, $time_spent, $maxmessagespersecond ) = @_ ;
        if ( ( not defined  $maxmessagespersecond  ) or $maxmessagespersecond <= 0 ) { return( 0 ) } ;
        my $sleep = ( $nb_msg_transferred / $maxmessagespersecond ) - $time_spent ;
        # the sleep must be positive
        return( max( 0, $sleep ) ) ;

sub tests_sleep_max_messages {
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, undef ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = undef') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, 0 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 0') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, $MINUS_ONE ), 'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = -1') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max reached') ;
	ok( 2 == sleep_max_messages( 8, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max over') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 2, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max not reached') ;
	return ;

sub sleep_max_bytes {
	# how long we have to sleep to go under max_bytes_per_second
        my( $total_bytes_transferred, $time_spent, $maxbytespersecond ) = @_ ;
        if ( ( not defined  $maxbytespersecond  ) or $maxbytespersecond <= 0 ) { return( 0 ) } ;
        my $sleep = ( $total_bytes_transferred / $maxbytespersecond ) - $time_spent ;
        # the sleep must be positive
        return( max( 0, $sleep ) ) ;

sub tests_sleep_max_bytes {
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, undef ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = undef') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, 0 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 0') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, $MINUS_ONE ), 'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = -1') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2 max reached') ;
	ok( 2 == sleep_max_bytes( 8000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2 max over') ;
	ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 2000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2 max not reached') ;
	return ;

# 6 GlobVar: $dry_message $dry $imap1 $h1_nb_msg_deleted $expunge $expunge1
sub delete_message_on_host1  {
	my( $h1_msg, $h1_fold ) = @_ ;
	my $expunge_message = q{} ;
	$expunge_message = 'and expunged' if ( $expungeaftereach and ( $expunge or $expunge1 ) ) ;
	myprint( "Host1 msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg marked deleted $expunge_message $dry_message\n"  ) ;
        if ( ! $dry ) {
        	$imap1->delete_message( $h1_msg ) ;
        	$h1_nb_msg_deleted += 1 ;
        	$imap1->expunge(  ) if ( $expungeaftereach and ( $expunge or $expunge1 ) ) ;
        return ;

sub eta {
	my( $my_time_spent, $h1_nb_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_transferred ) = @_ ;
	return( q{} ) if not $foldersizes ;

        my $time_remaining = time_remaining( $my_time_spent, $h1_nb_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_transferred ) ;
        my $nb_msg_remaining = $h1_nb_msg_start - $h1_nb_processed ;
        my $eta_date = localtime( time + $time_remaining ) ;
        return( mysprintf( 'ETA: %s  %1.0f s  %s/%s msgs left', $eta_date, $time_remaining, $nb_msg_remaining, $h1_nb_msg_start ) ) ;

sub time_remaining {

	my( $my_time_spent, $h1_nb_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_transferred ) = @_ ;

	my $time_remaining = ( $my_time_spent / $nb_transferred ) * ( $h1_nb_msg_start - $h1_nb_processed ) ;
	return( $time_remaining ) ;

sub tests_time_remaining {

	ok( 1 == time_remaining( 1, 1,  2, 1 ), 'time_remaining: 1, 1, 2, 1 -> 1'  ) ;
	ok( 1 == time_remaining( 9, 9, 10, 9 ), 'time_remaining: 9, 9, 10, 9 -> 1' ) ;
	ok( 9 == time_remaining( 1, 1, 10, 1 ), 'time_remaining: 1, 1, 10, 1 -> 1' ) ;
	return ;

sub cache_map {
	my ( $cache_files_ref, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref ) = @_;
	my ( %map1_2, %map2_1, %done2 ) ;

	my $h1_msgs_hash_ref = {  } ;
	my $h2_msgs_hash_ref = {  } ;

	@{ $h1_msgs_hash_ref }{ @{ $h1_msgs_ref } } = (  ) ;
	@{ $h2_msgs_hash_ref }{ @{ $h2_msgs_ref } } = (  ) ;

	foreach my $file ( sort @{ $cache_files_ref } ) {
		$debugcache and myprint( "C12: $file\n"  ) ;
		( $uid1, $uid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( $file ) ;

		if (  exists( $h1_msgs_hash_ref->{ defined  $uid1  ? $uid1 : q{} } )
		  and exists( $h2_msgs_hash_ref->{ defined  $uid2  ? $uid2 : q{} } ) ) {
		  	# keep only the greatest uid2
			# 130_2301 and
			# 130_231  => keep only 130 -> 2301

			# keep only the greatest uid1
			# 1601_260 and
			#  161_260 => keep only 1601 -> 260
		  	my $max_uid2 = max( $uid2, $map1_2{ $uid1 } || $MINUS_ONE ) ;
			if ( exists $done2{ $max_uid2 } ) {
				if ( $done2{ $max_uid2 } < $uid1 )  {
					$map1_2{ $uid1 } = $max_uid2 ;
					delete $map1_2{ $done2{ $max_uid2 } } ;
					$done2{ $max_uid2 } = $uid1 ;
				$map1_2{ $uid1 } = $max_uid2 ;
				$done2{ $max_uid2 } = $uid1 ;

	%map2_1 = reverse %map1_2 ;
	return( \%map1_2, \%map2_1) ;

sub tests_cache_map {
	#$debugcache = 1 ;
	my @cache_files = qw (
	) ;

	my $msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144, 161, 1601,           177,      182, 130 ];
	my $msgs_2 = [     242, 243,       260,      299, 377, 279, 255, 280, 231, 2301 ];

	my( $c12, $c21 ) ;
	ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = cache_map( \@cache_files, $msgs_1, $msgs_2 ), 'cache_map: 02' );
	my $a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
	my $a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 130, 142, 143,      177, 182, 1601      ], $a1 ), 'cache_map: 03' );
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [      242, 243, 260, 279, 280,      2301 ], $a2 ), 'cache_map: 04' );
	ok( ! $c12->{161},        'cache_map: ! 161 ->  260' );
	ok( 260  == $c12->{1601}, 'cache_map:  1601 ->  260' );
	ok( 2301 == $c12->{130},  'cache_map:   130 -> 2301' );
	#myprint( $c12->{1601}, "\n" ) ;
	return ;


sub cache_dir_fix {
	my $cache_dir = shift ;
        $cache_dir =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\\])/\\$1/xg ;
        #myprint( "cache_dir_fix: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
	return( $cache_dir ) ;

sub tests_cache_dir_fix {
	ok( 'lalala' eq  cache_dir_fix('lalala'),  'cache_dir_fix: lalala -> lalala' );
	ok( 'ii\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: ii\ii -> ii\\\\ii' );
	ok( 'ii@ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii@ii'),  'cache_dir_fix: ii@ii -> ii@ii' );
	ok( 'ii@ii\\:ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii@ii:ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: ii@ii:ii -> ii@ii\\:ii' );
	ok( 'i\\\\i\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('i\i\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: i\i\ii -> i\\\\i\\\\ii' );
	ok( 'i\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('i\\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: i\\ii -> i\\\\\\\\ii' );
	ok( '\\\\ ' eq  cache_dir_fix('\\ '), 'cache_dir_fix: \\  -> \\\\\ ' );
	ok( '\\\\ ' eq  cache_dir_fix('\ '), 'cache_dir_fix: \  -> \\\\\ ' );
	ok( '\[bracket\]' eq  cache_dir_fix('[bracket]'), 'cache_dir_fix: [bracket] -> \[bracket\]' );
	return ;

sub cache_dir_fix_win {
	my $cache_dir = shift ;
        $cache_dir =~ s/(\[|\])/[$1]/xg ;
        #myprint( "cache_dir_fix_win: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
	return( $cache_dir ) ;

sub tests_cache_dir_fix_win {
	ok( 'lalala' eq  cache_dir_fix_win('lalala'),  'cache_dir_fix_win: lalala -> lalala' );
	ok( '[[]bracket[]]' eq  cache_dir_fix_win('[bracket]'), 'cache_dir_fix_win: [bracket] -> [[]bracket[]]' );
	return ;

sub get_cache {
	my ( $cache_dir, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) = @_;

	$debugcache and myprint( "Entering get_cache\n" ) ;

	-d $cache_dir or return( undef ); # exit if cache directory doesn't exist
	$debugcache and myprint( "cache_dir    : $cache_dir\n" ) ;

        if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) {
        	$cache_dir = cache_dir_fix( $cache_dir ) ;
        	$cache_dir = cache_dir_fix_win( $cache_dir ) ;

	$debugcache and myprint( "cache_dir_fix: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;

	my @cache_files = bsd_glob( "$cache_dir/*" ) ;
	#$debugcache and myprint( "cache_files: [@cache_files]\n"  ) ;

	$debugcache and myprint( 'cache_files: ', scalar  @cache_files , " files found\n" ) ;

	my( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref )
	  = cache_map( \@cache_files, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref ) ;

	clean_cache( \@cache_files, $cache_1_2_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) ;

	$debugcache and myprint( "Exiting get_cache\n" ) ;
	return( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref ) ;

sub tests_get_cache {

	ok( not( get_cache('/cache_no_exist') ), 'get_cache: /cache_no_exist' );
	ok( ( not -d 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' )), 'get_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ) ;
	ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ), 'get_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ) ;

	my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
	) ) ;
	ok( touch( @test_files_cache ), 'get_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/...' ) ;

	# on cache: 100_200 101_201 142_242 143_243 177_277 177_377 177_777 155_255
	# on live:
	my $msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144,          177      ];
	my $msgs_2 = [     242, 243,     299, 377, 777, 255 ];

        my $msgs_all_1 = { 120 => 0, 142 => 0, 143 => 0, 144 => 0, 177 => 0 } ;
        my $msgs_all_2 = { 242 => 0, 243 => 0, 299 => 0, 377 => 0, 777 => 0, 255 => 0 } ;

	my( $c12, $c21 ) ;
	ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2 ), 'get_cache: 02' );
	my $a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
	my $a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 142, 143, 177 ], $a1 ), 'get_cache: 03' );
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 242, 243, 777 ], $a2 ), 'get_cache: 04' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 142_242');
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 143_243');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/100_200', 'get_cache: file removed 100_200');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/101_201', 'get_cache: file removed 101_201');

	# test clean_cache executed
	$maxage = 2 ;
	ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'get_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/...' ) ;
	ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache('W/tmp/cache/F1/F2', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2 ), 'get_cache: 02' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 142_242');
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 143_243');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/100_200', 'get_cache: file NOT removed 100_200');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/101_201', 'get_cache: file NOT removed 101_201');

	# strange files
	#$debugcache = 1 ;
	$maxage = undef ;
	ok( ( not -d 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' )), 'get_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ) ;
	ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ), 'get_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ) ;

	@test_files_cache = ( qw(
	) ) ;
	ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'get_cache: touch strange W/tmp/cache/...' ) ;

	# on cache: 100_200 101_201 142_242 143_243 177_277 177_377 177_777 155_255
	# on live:
	$msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144,          177      ] ;
	$msgs_2 = [     242, 243,     299, 377, 777, 255 ] ;

        $msgs_all_1 = { 120 => q{}, 142 => q{}, 143 => q{}, 144 => q{}, 177 => q{} } ;
        $msgs_all_2 = { 242 => q{}, 243 => q{}, 299 => q{}, 377 => q{}, 777 => q{}, 255 => q{} } ;

	ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache('W/tmp/cache/rr\uee', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2), 'get_cache: strange path 02' );
	$a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
	$a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 142, 143, 177 ], $a1 ), 'get_cache: strange path 03' );
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 242, 243, 777 ], $a2 ), 'get_cache: strange path 04' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/142_242', 'get_cache: strange path file kept 142_242');
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/142_242', 'get_cache: strange path file kept 143_243');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/100_200', 'get_cache: strange path file removed 100_200');
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/101_201', 'get_cache: strange path file removed 101_201');
	return ;

sub match_a_cache_file {
	my $file = shift ;
	my ( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) ;

	return( ( undef, undef ) ) if ( ! $file ) ;
	if ( $file =~ m{(?:^|/)(\d+)_(\d+)$}x ) {
		$cache_uid1 = $1 ;
		$cache_uid2 = $2 ;
	return( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) ;

sub tests_match_a_cache_file {
	my ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) ;
	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file(  ), 'match_a_cache_file: no arg' ) ;
	ok( ! defined  $tuid1 , 'match_a_cache_file: no arg 1' ) ;
	ok( ! defined  $tuid2 , 'match_a_cache_file: no arg 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( q{} ), 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg' ) ;
	ok( ! defined  $tuid1 , 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg 1' ) ;
	ok( ! defined  $tuid2 , 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '000_000' ), 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000' ) ;
	ok( '000' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000 1' ) ;
	ok( '000' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456' ) ;
	ok( '123' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456 1' ) ;
	ok( '456' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '/tmp/truc/123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456' ) ;
	ok( '123' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456 1' ) ;
	ok( '456' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '/lala123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: NO /lala123_456' ) ;
	ok( ! $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: /lala123_456 1' ) ;
	ok( ! $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: /lala123_456 2' ) ;

	ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( 'la123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: NO la123_456' ) ;
	ok( ! $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: la123_456 1' ) ;
	ok( ! $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: la123_456 2' ) ;

	return ;

sub clean_cache {
	my ( $cache_files_ref, $cache_1_2_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref )  = @_ ;

	$debugcache and myprint( "Entering clean_cache\n" ) ;

	$debugcache and myprint( map { "$_ -> " . $cache_1_2_ref->{ $_ } . "\n" } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref }  ) ;
	foreach my $file ( @{ $cache_files_ref } ) {
		$debugcache and myprint( "$file\n"  ) ;
		my ( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( $file ) ;
		$debugcache and myprint( "u1: $cache_uid1 u2: $cache_uid2 c12: ", $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } || q{}, "\n") ;
#		  or ( ! exists( $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } ) )
#		  or ( ! ( $cache_uid2 == $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } ) )
		if ( ( not defined  $cache_uid1  )
		  or ( not defined  $cache_uid2  )
                  or ( not exists  $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref->{ $cache_uid1 }  )
                  or ( not exists  $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref->{ $cache_uid2 }  )
                ) {
			$debugcache and myprint( "remove $file\n"  ) ;
			unlink $file or myprint( "$!"  ) ;

	$debugcache and myprint( "Exiting clean_cache\n" ) ;
	return( 1 ) ;

sub tests_clean_cache {

	ok( ( not -d  'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' )), 'clean_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
	ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ), 'clean_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;

	my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
	) ) ;
	ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'clean_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/...' ) ;

	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache: 100_200 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache: 142_242 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache: 177_277 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache: 177_377 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache: 177_777 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache: 155_255 before' );

	my $cache = {
		142 => 242,
		177 => 777,
	} ;

        my $all_1 = {
                142 => q{},
                177 => q{},
        } ;

        my $all_2 = {
                200 => q{},
                242 => q{},
                777 => q{},
        } ;
	ok( clean_cache( \@test_files_cache, $cache, $all_1, $all_2 ), 'clean_cache: ' ) ;

	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache: 100_200 after' );
	ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache: 142_242 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache: 177_277 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache: 177_377 after' );
	ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache: 177_777 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache: 155_255 after' );
	return ;

sub tests_clean_cache_2 {

	ok( ( not -d  'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' )), 'clean_cache_2: rmtree W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
	ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ), 'clean_cache_2: mkpath W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;

	my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
	) ) ;
	ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'clean_cache_2: touch W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/...' ) ;

	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache_2: 100_200 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache_2: 142_242 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache_2: 177_277 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache_2: 177_377 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache_2: 177_777 before' );
	ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache_2: 155_255 before' );

	my $cache = {
		142 => 242,
		177 => 777,
	} ;

        my $all_1 = {
                $NUMBER_100 => q{},
                142 => q{},
                177 => q{},
        } ;

        my $all_2 = {
                200 => q{},
                242 => q{},
                777 => q{},
        } ;

	ok( clean_cache( \@test_files_cache, $cache, $all_1, $all_2 ), 'clean_cache_2: ' ) ;

	ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache_2: 100_200 after' );
	ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache_2: 142_242 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache_2: 177_277 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache_2: 177_377 after' );
	ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache_2: 177_777 after' );
	ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache_2: 155_255 after' );
	return ;

sub tests_mkpath {

	ok( 1 == 1, 'tests_mkpath: 1 == 1' ) ;

	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Tests only for Unix', 2   ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
		my $long_path_unix = '123456789/' x 30 ;
		ok( (-d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" or  mkpath( "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" ) ), 'tests_mkpath: mkpath > 300 char' ) ;
		ok( (-d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" and rmtree( 'W/tmp/tests/long/' ) ), 'tests_mkpath: rmtree > 300 char' ) ;
        } ;

	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Tests only for MSWin32', 6  ) if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) ;
		my $long_path_2_prefix =  "$tmpdir\\imapsync_tests" || '\\\?\\E:\\TEMP\\imapsync_tests'  ;
		myprint( "long_path_2_prefix: $long_path_2_prefix\n"  ) ;

		my $long_path_2   = $long_path_2_prefix . '\\' . '123456789\\' x 10 . 'END' ;
		my $long_path_300 = $long_path_2_prefix . '\\' . '123456789\\' x 30 . 'END' ;

		myprint( "$long_path_2\n"  ) ;

		#ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix and rmtree( $long_path_2_prefix ) ), 'tests_mkpath: rmtree > 200 char' ) ;
		#ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix or mkpath( "\\\\\?\\E:\\\\TEMP\\imapsync_tests" ) ), 'tests_mkpath: -d  small path 1' ) ;

		ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix or mkpath( $long_path_2_prefix ) ), 'tests_mkpath: -d mkpath small path' ) ;
		ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix ), 'tests_mkpath: -d mkpath small path done' ) ;
		ok( ( -d $long_path_2        or mkpath( $long_path_2 ) ),        'tests_mkpath: mkpath > 200 char' ) ;
		ok( ( -d $long_path_2 ), 'tests_mkpath: -d mkpath > 200 char done' ) ;
		ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix and rmtree( $long_path_2_prefix ) ), 'tests_mkpath: rmtree > 200 char' ) ;
		ok( (! -d $long_path_2_prefix ), 'tests_mkpath: ! -d rmtree done' ) ;

		myprint( "$long_path_300\n"  ) ;
		# This one just kill the whole process without a whisper:
		#ok( ( -d $long_path_300        or mkpath( $long_path_300 ) ),        'tests_mkpath: mkpath fails > 300 char' ) ;
		#ok( ( -d $long_path_300 and rmtree( $long_path_300 ) ), 'tests_mkpath: rmtree \ > 300 char' ) ;
	} ;

	return 1 ;

sub tests_touch {

	ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' )), 'tests_touch: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
	ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/lala'), 'tests_touch: W/tmp/tests/lala') ;
	ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/\y'), 'tests_touch: W/tmp/tests/\y') ;
	ok( 0 == touch( '/no/no/no/aaa'), 'tests_touch: not /aaa') ;
	ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/lili', 'W/tmp/tests/lolo'), 'tests_touch: 2 files') ;
	ok( 0 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/\y', '/no/no/aaa'), 'tests_touch: 2 files, 1 fails' ) ;
	return ;

sub touch {
	my @files = @_ ;
	my $failures = 0 ;

	foreach my $file ( @files ) {
		my  $fh = IO::File->new ;
		if ( $fh->open(">> $file" ) ) {
			$fh->close ;
                	myprint( "Could not open file $file in write/append mode\n"  ) ;
                	$failures++ ;
	return( ! $failures );

sub tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug {

	ok( 0 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( q{} ),        'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: ' ) ;
	ok( 0 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( '/tmp' ),    'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: /tmp' ) ;
	ok( 1 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( 'C:' ),      'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: C:' ) ;
	ok( 1 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( 'C:\temp' ), 'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: C:\temp' ) ;

        return( 0 ) ;

sub tmpdir_has_colon_bug {
	my $path = shift ;

	my $path_filtered = filter_forbidden_characters( $path ) ;
	if ( $path_filtered ne $path ) {
        	( -d $path_filtered ) and myprint( "Path $path was previously mistakely changed to $path_filtered\n"  ) ;
        	return( 1 ) ;
        return( 0 ) ;

sub tmpdir_fix_colon_bug {

        my $err = 0 ;
        if ( not (-d $tmpdir and -r _ and -w _) ) {
                myprint( "tmpdir $tmpdir is not valid\n"  ) ;
                return( 0 ) ;
        my $cachedir_new = "$tmpdir/imapsync_cache" ;

        if ( not tmpdir_has_colon_bug( $cachedir_new ) ) { return( 0 ) } ;

        # check if old cache directory already exists
        my $cachedir_old = filter_forbidden_characters( $cachedir_new ) ;
        if ( not ( -d $cachedir_old ) ) {
                myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_new no exists, nothing to do\n"  ) ;
                return( 1 ) ;
        # check if new cache directory already exists
        if ( -d $cachedir_new ) {
                myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new already exists, not moving the old one $cachedir_old. Fix this manually.\n"  ) ;
                return( 0 ) ;
                # move the old one to the new place
                myprint( "Moving $cachedir_old to $cachedir_new Do not interrupt this task.\n"  ) ;
                File::Copy::Recursive::rmove( $cachedir_old, $cachedir_new )
                or do {
                        myprint( "Could not move $cachedir_old to $cachedir_new\n"  ) ;
                        $err++ ;
                } ;
                # check it succeeded
                if ( -d $cachedir_new and -r _ and -w _ ) {
                        myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new ok\n"  ) ;
                        myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new does not exist\n"  ) ;
                        $err++ ;
                if ( -d $cachedir_old ) {
                        myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_old still exists\n"  ) ;
                        $err++ ;
                        myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_old successfuly moved\n"  ) ;
        return( not $err ) ;

sub tests_cache_folder {

	ok( '/path/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/path', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /path, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
	ok( '/pa_th/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/pa*th', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /pa*th, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
	ok( '/_p_a__th/fol_d1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/>p<a|*th', 'fol*d1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: />p<a|*th, fol*d1, fold2 -> /path/fol_d1/fold2' ) ;

	ok( 'D:/path/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/path', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /path, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
	ok( 'D:/pa_th/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/pa*th', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /pa*th, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
	ok( 'D:/_p_a__th/fol_d1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/>p<a|*th', 'fol*d1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: />p<a|*th, fol*d1, fold2 -> /path/fol_d1/fold2' ) ;
	ok( '//' eq cache_folder( q{}, q{}, q{}, q{}), 'cache_folder:  -> //' ) ;
	ok( '//_______' eq cache_folder( q{}, q{}, q{}, '*|?:"<>'), 'cache_folder: *|?:"<> -> //_______' ) ;
	return ;

sub cache_folder {
	my( $cache_base, $cache_dir, $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) = @_ ;

	my $sep_1 = $h1_sep || '/';
	my $sep_2 = $h2_sep || '/';

	#myprint( "$cache_dir h1_fold $h1_fold sep1 $sep_1 h2_fold $h2_fold sep2 $sep_2\n" ) ;
	$h1_fold = convert_sep_to_slash( $h1_fold, $sep_1 ) ;
	$h2_fold = convert_sep_to_slash( $h2_fold, $sep_2 ) ;

        my $cache_folder = "$cache_base" . filter_forbidden_characters( "$cache_dir/$h1_fold/$h2_fold" ) ;
	#myprint( "cache_folder [$cache_folder]\n"  ) ;
        return( $cache_folder ) ;

sub filter_forbidden_characters  {
	my $string = shift ;

        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
        	# Move trailing whitespace to _ " a b /c d " -> " a b_/c d_"
        	$string =~ s{\ (/|$)}{_$1}xg ;
        $string =~ s{[\Q*|?:"<>\E]}{_}xg ;
        #myprint( "[$string]\n"  ) ;
	return( $string ) ;

sub tests_filter_forbidden_characters  {

	ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a_b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a_b -> a_b' ) ;
	ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a*b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a*b -> a_b' ) ;
	ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a|b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a|b -> a_b' ) ;
	ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a?b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a?b -> a_b' ) ;
	ok( 'a_______b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a*|?:"<>b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a*|?:"<>b -> a_______b' ) ;

	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Not on MSWin32', 1 ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
		ok( ( 'a b ' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a b ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: "a b " -> "a b "' ) ;
	} ;

	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Only on MSWin32', 2 ) if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) ;
		ok( ( ' a b_' eq filter_forbidden_characters( ' a b ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: "a b " -> "a b_"' ) ;
		ok( ( ' a b_/ c d_' eq filter_forbidden_characters( ' a b / c d ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: " a b / c d " -> "a b_/ c d_"' ) ;
        } ;

	return ;

sub convert_sep_to_slash {
	my ( $folder, $sep ) = @_ ;

	$folder =~ s{\Q$sep\E}{/}xg ;
	return( $folder ) ;

sub tests_convert_sep_to_slash {

	ok(q{} eq convert_sep_to_slash(q{}, '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: no folder');
	ok('INBOX' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX', '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX');
	ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX/foo', '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX/foo');
	ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX_foo', '_'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX_foo');
	ok('INBOX/foo/zob' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX_foo_zob', '_'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX_foo_zob');
	ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('', '.'), 'convert_sep_to_slash:');
	ok('INBOX/foo/hi' eq convert_sep_to_slash('', '.'), 'convert_sep_to_slash:');
	return ;

sub tests_regexmess {

	ok( 'blabla' eq regexmess( 'blabla' ), 'regexmess, no regexmess, nothing to do' ) ;

	@regexmess = ( 'lalala' ) ;
	ok( not( defined regexmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'regexmess, bad regex lalala' ) ;

	@regexmess = ( 's/p/Z/g' ) ;
	ok( 'ZoZoZo' eq regexmess( 'popopo' ), 'regexmess, s/p/Z/g' ) ;

	@regexmess = ( 's{c}{C}gxms' ) ;
	ok("H1: abC\nH2: Cde\n\nBody abC"
		   eq regexmess( "H1: abc\nH2: cde\n\nBody abc"),
	   'regexmess, c->C');

	@regexmess = ( 's{\AFrom\ }{From:}gxms' ) ;
	ok(          q{}
	eq regexmess(q{}),
	'From mbox 1 add colon blank');

	ok(          'From:<tartanpion@machin.truc>'
	eq regexmess('From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 2 add colo');

	ok(          "\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
	eq regexmess("\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 3 add colo') ;

	ok(          "From: zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
	eq regexmess("From  zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 4 add colo') ;

	@regexmess = ( 's{\AFrom\ [^\n]*(\n)?}{}gxms' ) ;
	ok(          q{}
	eq regexmess(q{}),
	'From mbox 1 remove, blank');

	ok(          q{}
	eq regexmess('From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 2 remove');

	ok(          "\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
	eq regexmess("\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 3 remove');

	#myprint( "[", regexmess("From  zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'), "]" ) ;
	ok(          q{}            . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
	eq regexmess("From  zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
	'From mbox 4 remove');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	eq regexmess(
From  zzz
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

), 'From mbox 5 remove');

@regexmess = ( 's{\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1$2}xms' ) ; # SUPER SUPER BEST!
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 1 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 2 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	eq regexmess(
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	'regexmess: 3 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	eq regexmess(
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	'regexmess: 4 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	'regexmess: 5 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	'regexmess: 6 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 7 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

	'regexmess: 8 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
	'regexmess: 9 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 10 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 11 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 12 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

@regexmess = ( 's{\A(.*?(?! ^$))^Disposition-Notification-To:(.*?)$}{$1X-Disposition-Notification-To:$2}igxms' ) ; # BAD!
@regexmess = ( 's{\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)(^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n)(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1X-$2$3}ims' ) ;

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 13 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>

	'regexmess: 14 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


	'regexmess: 15 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


	eq regexmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>


	'regexmess: 16 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


	eq regexmess(
Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700


	'regexmess: 17 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');

# regex to play with Date: from the FAQ
#@regexmess = 's{\A(.*?(?! ^$))^Date:(.*?)$}{$1Date:$2\nX-Date:$2}gxms'

return ;


sub regexmess {
	my ( $string ) = @_ ;
	foreach my $regexmess ( @regexmess ) {
		$debug and myprint( "eval \$string =~ $regexmess\n"  ) ;
		my $ret = eval "\$string =~ $regexmess ; 1" ;
                #myprint( "eval [$ret]\n"  ) ;
                if ( ( not $ret ) or $@ ) {
			myprint( "Error: eval regexmess '$regexmess': $@"  ) ;
                        return( undef ) ;
        $debug and myprint( "$string\n" ) ;
	return( $string ) ;

sub tests_skipmess {

	ok( not( defined skipmess( 'blabla' ) ), 'skipmess, no skipmess, no skip' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('[') ;
	ok( not( defined skipmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'skipmess, bad regex [' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('lalala') ;
	ok( not( defined skipmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'skipmess, bad regex lalala' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('/popopo/') ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'popopo' ), 'skipmess, popopo match regex /popopo/' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('/popopo/') ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'rrrrrr' ), 'skipmess, rrrrrr does not match regex /popopo/' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('m{^$}') ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( q{} ),    'skipmess: empty string yes' ) ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ), 'skipmess: empty string no' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('m{i}') ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: i string yes' ) ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Bye!' ), 'skipmess: i string no' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('m{[\x80-\xff]}') ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: i 8bit no' ) ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( "\xff" ), 'skipmess: \xff 8bit yes' ) ;

	@skipmess = ('m{A}', 'm{B}') ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( 'lala' ), 'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
	ok( 0 == skipmess( "\xff" ), 'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'AB' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'BA' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'AA' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
	ok( 1 == skipmess( 'Ok Bye' ), 'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;

	@skipmess = ( 'm#\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)^Content-Type: Message/Partial;[^\n]*\n(?:\n|.*\n\n)#ism' ) ; # SUPER BEST!

	ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla

    'skipmess: 1 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 0 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

    'skipmess: 2 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla

    'skipmess: 3 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 0 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
    'skipmess: 4 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 0 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700

Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla

    'skipmess: 5 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla


Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla

    'skipmess: 6 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
Content-Type: Message/Partial;

    'skipmess: 7 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

	ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 02:26:40 +0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: message/partial;


    'skipmess: 8 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

ok( 1 == skipmess(
Return-Path: <>
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000)
        id 21EB12443BF; Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:35 +0100 (CET)
Subject: test: aethaecohngiexao
To: <>
X-Mailer: mail (GNU Mailutils 2.2)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: message/partial;
Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)

test: aethaecohngiexao
    'skipmess: 9 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

ok( 1 == skipmess(
Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
Content-Type: message/partial;

test: aethaecohngiexao
. "lalala\n" x 3000000
    'skipmess: 10 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

ok( 0 == skipmess(
Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)

test: aethaecohngiexao
. "lalala\n" x 3000000
    'skipmess: 11 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;

ok( 0 == skipmess(
From: fff\r
To: fff\r
Subject: Testing imapsync --skipmess\r
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 08:40:20 +0800\r
Mime-Version: 1.0\r
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r
. qq{!#"$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefg\r\n } x 32730
    'skipmess: 12 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
        # Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (32766) exceeded with more lines
        # exit;
	return ;

sub skipmess {
	my ( $string ) = @_ ;
	my $match ;
	#myprint( "$string\n"  ) ;
	foreach my $skipmess ( @skipmess ) {
		$debug and myprint( "eval \$match = \$string =~ $skipmess\n"  ) ;
		my $ret = eval "\$match = \$string =~ $skipmess ; 1"  ;
		#myprint( "eval [$ret]\n"  ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "match [$match]\n"  ) ;
		if ( ( not $ret ) or $@ ) {
			myprint( "Error: eval skipmess '$skipmess': $@"  ) ;
			return( undef ) ;
		return( $match ) if ( $match ) ;
	return( $match ) ;

sub tests_bytes_display_string {

        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string(       ), 'bytes_display_string: no args => NA' ) ;
        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( undef ), 'bytes_display_string: undef   => NA' ) ;
        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( 'blabla' ), 'bytes_display_string: blabla   => NA' ) ;
	ok(    '0.000 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(       0 ), 'bytes_display_string:       0' ) ;
	ok(    '0.001 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(       1 ), 'bytes_display_string:       1' ) ;
	ok(    '0.010 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(      10 ), 'bytes_display_string:      10' ) ;
	ok(    '1.000 MiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1048575 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1048575' ) ;
	ok(    '1.000 MiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1048576 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1048576' ) ;

	ok(    '1.000 GiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1073741823 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1073741823 ' ) ;
	ok(    '1.000 GiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1073741824 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1073741824 ' ) ;

	ok(    '1.000 TiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1099511627775 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1099511627775' ) ;
	ok(    '1.000 TiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1099511627776 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1099511627776' ) ;

	ok(    '1.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1125899906842623 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1125899906842623' ) ;
	ok(    '1.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1125899906842624 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1125899906842624' ) ;

	ok( '1024.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1152921504606846975 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1152921504606846975' ) ;
	ok( '1024.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1152921504606846976 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1152921504606846976' ) ;

	ok( '1048576.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1180591620717411303424 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1180591620717411303424' ) ;

        #myprint(  bytes_display_string( 1180591620717411303424 ), "\n"  ) ;
	return ;

sub bytes_display_string {
	my ( $bytes ) = @_ ;

	my $readable_value = q{} ;

        if ( ! defined( $bytes ) ) {
                return( 'NA' ) ;

        if ( not match_number( $bytes ) ) {
                return( 'NA' ) ;


        	if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI ) ) {
        		$readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f KiB', $bytes / $KIBI) ;
                	last SWITCH ;
        	if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI ) ) {
        		$readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f MiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
        	        last SWITCH ;
        	if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) {
			$readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f GiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
        	        last SWITCH ;
        	if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) {
			$readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f TiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
        	        last SWITCH ;
        	} else {
			$readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f PiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
		# if you have exabytes (EiB) of email to transfer, you have too much email!
        #myprint( "$bytes = $readable_value\n"  ) ;
        return( $readable_value ) ;

sub stats {
        my $sync_loc = shift ;

        if ( ! $sync_loc->{stats} ) {
                return ;
	$timeend = time ;
	my $timediff = $timeend - $sync_loc->{timestart} ;

	my $timeend_str   = localtime $timeend ;

	my $memory_consumption = 0 ;
        $memory_consumption = memory_consumption(  ) || 0 ;
	my $memory_ratio = ($max_msg_size_in_bytes) ?
		mysprintf('%.1f', $memory_consumption / $max_msg_size_in_bytes) : 'NA' ;

	my $host1_reconnect_count = $imap1->Reconnect_counter() || 0 ;
	my $host2_reconnect_count = $imap2->Reconnect_counter() || 0 ;

	myprint(  "++++ Statistics\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Transfer started on               : $timestart_str\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Transfer ended on                 : $timeend_str\n"  ) ;
	myprintf( "Transfer time                     : %.1f sec\n", $timediff ) ;
	myprint(  "Folders synced                    : $h1_folders_wanted_ct/$h1_folders_wanted_nb synced\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages transferred              : $nb_msg_transferred "  ) ;
	myprint(  "(could be $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode without dry mode)" ) if ( $dry ) ;
	myprint(  "\n" ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages skipped                  : $nb_msg_skipped\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages found duplicate on host1 : $h1_nb_msg_duplicate\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages found duplicate on host2 : $h2_nb_msg_duplicate\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages void (noheader) on host1 : $h1_nb_msg_noheader\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages void (noheader) on host2 : $h2_nb_msg_noheader\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages deleted on host1         : $h1_nb_msg_deleted\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  "Messages deleted on host2         : $h2_nb_msg_deleted\n"  ) ;
        myprintf( "Total bytes transferred           : %s (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $total_bytes_transferred ) ) ;
        myprintf( "Total bytes duplicate host1       : %s (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $h1_total_bytes_duplicate) ) ;
        myprintf( "Total bytes duplicate host2       : %s (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $h2_total_bytes_duplicate) ) ;
        myprintf( "Total bytes skipped               : %s (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $total_bytes_skipped ) ) ;
        myprintf( "Total bytes error                 : %s (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $total_bytes_error ) ) ;
	$timediff ||= 1 ; # No division per 0
	myprintf("Message rate                      : %.1f messages/s\n", $nb_msg_transferred / $timediff ) ;
	myprintf("Average bandwidth rate            : %.1f KiB/s\n", $total_bytes_transferred / $KIBI / $timediff ) ;
	#myprint(  "Reconnections to host1            : $host1_reconnect_count\n"  ) ;
	#myprint(  "Reconnections to host2            : $host2_reconnect_count\n"  ) ;
	myprintf("Memory consumption                : %.1f MiB\n", $memory_consumption / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
        myprintf("Biggest message                   : %s bytes (%s)\n",
                bytes_display_string( $max_msg_size_in_bytes) ) ;
	myprint(  "Memory/biggest message ratio      : $memory_ratio\n"  ) ;
        if ( $foldersizesatend and $foldersizes ) {

        my $nb_msg_start_diff = diff_or_NA( $h2_nb_msg_start, $h1_nb_msg_start ) ;
        my $bytes_start_diff  = diff_or_NA( $h2_bytes_start,  $h1_bytes_start  ) ;
	myprintf("Start difference host2 - host1    : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_start_diff,
                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_start_diff ) ) ;

        my $nb_msg_end_diff = diff_or_NA( $h2_nb_msg_end, $h1_nb_msg_end ) ;
        my $bytes_end_diff  = diff_or_NA( $h2_bytes_end,  $h1_bytes_end  ) ;
	myprintf("Final difference host2 - host1    : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_end_diff,
                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_end_diff ) ) ;
	myprint(  "Detected $sync->{nb_errors} errors\n\n"  ) ;

	myprint(  $warn_release, "\n"  ) ;
	myprint(  thank_author(  )  ) ;
	return ;

sub diff_or_NA {
        my( $n1, $n2 ) = @ARG ;
        if ( not defined $n1 or not defined $n2 ) {
                return 'NA' ;
        if ( not match_number( $n1 ) 
          or not match_number( $n2 ) ) {
                 return 'NA' ;
        return( $n1 - $n2 ) ;

sub match_number {
        my $n = shift @ARG ;
        if ( not defined $n ) {
                return 0 ;
        if ( $n =~  /[0-9]+\.?[0-9]?/ ) {
                return 1 ;
        else {
                return 0 ;

sub tests_match_number {

        is( 0, match_number(   ),        'match_number: no parameters => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, match_number( undef ),    'match_number:         undef => 0' ) ;
        is( 0, match_number( 'blabla' ), 'match_number:        blabla => 0' ) ;
        is( 1, match_number( 0 ),        'match_number:             0 => 1' ) ;
        is( 1, match_number( 1 ),        'match_number:             1 => 1' ) ;
        is( 1, match_number( 1.0 ),      'match_number:           1.0 => 1' ) ;
        is( 1, match_number( 0.0 ),      'match_number:           0.0 => 1' ) ;
        return ;

sub tests_diff_or_NA {

        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA(  ),             'diff_or_NA: no parameters => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef ),        'diff_or_NA: undef         => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef, undef ), 'diff_or_NA: undef  undef  => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef, 1 ),     'diff_or_NA: undef  1      => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 1, undef ),     'diff_or_NA: 1      undef  => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 'blabla', 1 ),  'diff_or_NA: blabla 1      => NA' ) ;
        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 1, 'blabla' ),  'diff_or_NA: 1      blabla => NA' ) ;
        is( 0, diff_or_NA( 1, 1 ),            'diff_or_NA: 1      1      =>  0' ) ;
        is( 1, diff_or_NA( 1, 0 ),            'diff_or_NA: 1      0      =>  1' ) ;
        is( -1, diff_or_NA( 0, 1 ),           'diff_or_NA: 0      1      => -1' ) ;
        is( 0, diff_or_NA( 1.0, 1 ),          'diff_or_NA: 1.0    1      =>  0' ) ;
        is( 1, diff_or_NA( 1.0, 0 ),          'diff_or_NA: 1.0    0      =>  1' ) ;
        is( -1, diff_or_NA( 0, 1.0 ),         'diff_or_NA: 0      1.0    => -1' ) ;
        return ;

sub thank_author {
	return( "Homepage:\n" ) ;

sub load_modules {

	if ( $ssl1 or $ssl2 or $tls1 or $tls2) {
        	# not yet a "use" statement
        	require IO::Socket::SSL ;
		if ( $sync->{inet4} ) {
		        IO::Socket::SSL->import( 'inet4' ) ;
		if ( $sync->{inet6} ) {
		        IO::Socket::SSL->import( 'inet6' ) ;

       if ( ( ( not( $password1 or $passfile1 ) )
	   or (not ( $password2 or $passfile2 ) )
	and ( not $help ) ) {
        	# now a "use" statement
        	#require Term::ReadKey ;

	return ;

sub parse_header_msg {
	my ( $imap, $m_uid, $s_heads, $s_fir, $side, $s_hash ) = @_ ;

	my $head = $s_heads->{$m_uid} ;
	my $headnum =  scalar keys  %{ $head }   ;
	$debug and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid head nb pass one: ", $headnum, "\n"  ) ;

	if ( ( ! $headnum ) and ( $wholeheaderifneeded ) ){
		myprint( "$side uid $m_uid no header by parse_headers so taking whole header with BODY.PEEK[HEADER]\n"  ) ;
		$imap->fetch($m_uid, 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER]' ) ;
		my $whole_header = $imap->_transaction_literals ;

                #myprint( $whole_header ) ;
                $head = decompose_header( $whole_header ) ;

                $headnum =  scalar  keys  %{ $head }   ;
	        $debug and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid head nb pass two: ", $headnum, "\n" ) ;

        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $head, \%useheader ] )  ) ;

	my $headstr ;

        $headstr = header_construct( $head, $side, $m_uid ) ;

	if ( ( ! $headstr) and ( $addheader ) and ( $side eq 'Host1' ) ) {
        	my $header = add_header( $m_uid ) ;
		myprint( "Host1 uid $m_uid no header found so adding our own [$header]\n" ) ;
		$headstr .= uc  $header  ;
		$s_fir->{$m_uid}->{NO_HEADER} = 1;

	return if ( ! $headstr ) ;

	my $size  = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} ;
	my $flags = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'FLAGS'} ;
	my $idate = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'INTERNALDATE'} ;
	$size = length $headstr  unless ( $size ) ;
	my $m_md5 = md5_base64( $headstr ) ;
	$debug and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid sig $m_md5 size $size idate $idate\n"  ) ;
	my $key ;
        if ($skipsize) {
                $key = "$m_md5";
	else {
                $key = "$m_md5:$size";
	# 0 return code is used to identify duplicate message hash
	return 0 if exists $s_hash->{"$key"};
	$s_hash->{"$key"}{'5'} = $m_md5;
	$s_hash->{"$key"}{'s'} = $size;
	$s_hash->{"$key"}{'D'} = $idate;
	$s_hash->{"$key"}{'F'} = $flags;
	$s_hash->{"$key"}{'m'} = $m_uid;

	return( 1 ) ;

sub header_construct {

	my( $head, $side, $m_uid ) = @_ ;

        my $headstr ;
	foreach my $h ( sort keys  %{ $head }  ) {
                next if ( not ( exists $useheader{ uc  $h  } )
                      and ( not exists  $useheader{ 'ALL' } )
                ) ;
		foreach my $val ( sort @{$head->{$h}} ) {

                        my $H = header_line_normalize( $h, $val ) ;

			# show stuff in debug mode
			$debug and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid header [$H]", "\n"  ) ;

			if ($skipheader and $H =~ m/$skipheader/xi) {
				$debug and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid skipping header [$H]\n"  ) ;
				next ;
			$headstr .= "$H" ;
	return( $headstr ) ;

sub header_line_normalize {
	my( $header_key,  $header_val ) = @_ ;

        # no 8-bit data in headers !
        $header_val =~ s/[\x80-\xff]/X/xog;

        # change tabulations to space (Gmail bug on with "Received:" on multilines)
        $header_val =~ s/\t/\ /xgo ;

        # remove the first blanks ( dbmail bug? )
        $header_val =~ s/^\s*//xo;

        # remove the last blanks ( Gmail bug )
        $header_val =~ s/\s*$//xo;

        # remove successive blanks ( Mailenable does it )
        $header_val =~ s/\s+/ /xgo;

        # remove Message-Id value domain part ( Mailenable changes it )
        if ( ( $messageidnodomain ) and ( 'MESSAGE-ID' eq uc  $header_key  ) ) { $header_val =~ s/^([^@]+).*$/$1/xo ; }

        # and uppercase header line
        # (dbmail and dovecot)

        my $header_line = uc "$header_key: $header_val" ;

	return( $header_line ) ;

sub tests_header_line_normalize {

	ok( ': ' eq header_line_normalize( q{}, q{} ), 'header_line_normalize: empty args' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: VVV' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'vvv' ), 'header_line_normalize: hhh vvv ' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: VVV' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', '  vvv' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove first blancs' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: AA BB CCC D' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'aa  bb   ccc d' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove succesive blanks' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: AA BB CCC' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'aa  bb   ccc   ' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove last blanks' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: VVV XX YY' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', "vvv\t\txx\tyy" ), 'header_line_normalize: tabs' ) ;
	ok( 'HHH: XABX' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', "\x80AB\xff" ), 'header_line_normalize: 8bit' ) ;

	return ;

sub firstline {
        # extract the first line of a file (without \n)

        my( $file ) = @_ ;
        my $line  = q{} ;
        my $FILE ;
        open $FILE, '<', $file or do {
                myprint( "Error opening file $file : $!\n" ) ;
                return ;
        } ;
        $line = <$FILE> || q{} ;
        close $FILE ;
        chomp $line ;
        return $line ;

sub tests_firstline {
        is( 1 , string_to_file( "blabla\n", 'tmp/firstline.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: put blabla in tmp/firstline.txt' ) ;
        is( 'blabla' , firstline( 'tmp/firstline.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: get blabla from tmp/firstline.txt' ) ;
        is( undef , firstline( 'tmp/noexist.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: get blabla from tmp/noexist.txt' ) ;
        is( 1 , string_to_file( q{}, 'tmp/firstline2.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: put empty string in tmp/firstline2.txt' ) ;
        is( q{} , firstline( 'tmp/firstline2.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: get empty string from tmp/firstline2.txt' ) ;
        is( 1 , string_to_file( "\n", 'tmp/firstline3.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: put CR in tmp/firstline3.txt' ) ;
        is( q{} , firstline( 'tmp/firstline3.txt' ), 'tests_firstline: get empty string from tmp/firstline3.txt' ) ;

        return ;

sub file_to_string {
	my( $file ) = @_ ;
	my @string ;
	open my $FILE, '<', $file or die_clean( "Error with file $file : $! " ) ;
	@string = <$FILE> ;
	close $FILE ;
	return( join q{}, @string ) ;

sub string_to_file {
	my( $string, $file ) = @_ ;
	sysopen( FILE, $file, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0600) or die_clean( "$! $file" ) ;
	print FILE $string ;
	close FILE ;
	return 1 ;

This is a multiline comment.
Based on David Carter discussion, to do:
* Call parameters stay the same.
* Now always "return( $string, $error )". Descriptions below.
OK * Still    capture STDOUT via "1> $output_tmpfile" to finish in $string and "return( $string, $error )"
OK * Now also capture STDERR via "2> $error_tmpfile"  to finish in $error  and "return( $string, $error )"
OK * in case of CHILD_ERROR, return( undef, $error ) 
  and print $error, with folder/UID/maybeSubject context,
  on console and at the end with the final error listing. Count this as a sync error.
* in case of good command, take final $string as is, unless void. In case $error with value then print it.
* in case of good command and final $string empty, consider it like CHILD_ERROR =>
  return( undef, $error ) and print $error, with folder/UID/maybeSubject context,
  on console and at the end with the final error listing. Count this as a sync error. 
^ if 0 ; # End of multiline comment.

sub pipemess {
	my ( $string, @commands ) = @_ ;
	my $error = q{} ;
        foreach my $command ( @commands ) {
                my $input_tmpfile  = "$tmpdir/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.inp.txt" ;
                my $output_tmpfile = "$tmpdir/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.out.txt" ;
                my $error_tmpfile  = "$tmpdir/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.err.txt" ;
                string_to_file( $string, $input_tmpfile  ) ;
                ` $command < $input_tmpfile 1> $output_tmpfile 2> $error_tmpfile ` ;
                my $is_command_ko = $CHILD_ERROR ;
                my $error_cmd = file_to_string( $error_tmpfile ) ;
                chomp( $error_cmd ) ;
		$string = file_to_string( $output_tmpfile ) ;
                my $string_len = length( $string ) ;
                unlink $input_tmpfile, $output_tmpfile, $error_tmpfile ;

		if ( $is_command_ko or ( ! $string_len ) ) {
			my $cmd_exit_value = $CHILD_ERROR >> 8 ;
			my $cmd_end_signal = $CHILD_ERROR & 127 ;
                        my $signal_log = ( $cmd_end_signal ) ? " signal $cmd_end_signal and" : q{} ;
                        my $error_log = qq{Failure: --pipemess command "$command" ended with$signal_log "$string_len" characters exit value "$cmd_exit_value" and STDERR "$error_cmd"\n} ;
			myprint( $error_log ) ;
			if ( wantarray ) {
                                return @{ [ undef, $error_log ] }
                                return ;
                if ( $error_cmd ) {
                        $error .= qq{STDERR of --pipemess "$command": $error_cmd\n} ;
                        myprint(  qq{STDERR of --pipemess "$command": $error_cmd\n} ) ;
        #myprint( "[$string]\n"  ) ;
        if ( wantarray ) {
                return ( $string, $error ) ;
                return $string ;

sub tests_pipemess {

	SKIP: {
                Readonly my $NB_WIN_tests_pipemess => 3 ;
		skip( 'Not on MSWin32', $NB_WIN_tests_pipemess ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
		# Windows
		# "type" command does not accept redirection of STDIN with <
		# "sort" does
		ok( "nochange\n" eq pipemess( 'nochange', 'sort' ), 'pipemess: nearly no change by sort' ) ;
		ok( "nochange2\n" eq pipemess( 'nochange2', qw( sort sort ) ), 'pipemess: nearly no change by sort,sort' ) ;
		# command not found
		#diag( 'Warning and failure about cacaprout are on purpose' ) ;
		ok( ! defined( pipemess( q{}, 'cacaprout' ) ), 'pipemess: command not found' ) ;

	} ;

        my ( $stringT, $errorT ) ;

	SKIP: {
                Readonly my $NB_UNX_tests_pipemess => 25 ;
		skip( 'Not on Unix', $NB_UNX_tests_pipemess ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
		# Unix
		ok( 'nochange' eq pipemess( 'nochange', 'cat' ), 'pipemess: no change by cat' ) ;

		ok( 'nochange2' eq pipemess( 'nochange2', 'cat', 'cat' ), 'pipemess: no change by cat,cat' ) ;

		ok( "     1\tnumberize\n" eq pipemess( "numberize\n", 'cat -n' ), 'pipemess: numberize by cat -n' ) ;
		ok( "     1\tnumberize\n     2\tnumberize\n" eq pipemess( "numberize\nnumberize\n", 'cat -n' ), 'pipemess: numberize by cat -n' ) ;

		ok( "A\nB\nC\n" eq pipemess( "A\nC\nB\n", 'sort' ), 'pipemess: sort' ) ;

		# command not found
		#diag( 'Warning and failure about cacaprout are on purpose' ) ;
		is( undef, pipemess( q{}, 'cacaprout' ), 'pipemess: command not found' ) ;

                # success with true but no output at all
                is( undef, pipemess( q{blabla}, 'true' ), 'pipemess: true but no output' ) ;

                # failure with false and no output at all
                is( undef, pipemess( q{blabla}, 'false' ), 'pipemess: false and no output' ) ;

		# Failure since pipemess is not a real pipe, so first cat wait for standard input
		is( q{blabla}, pipemess( q{blabla}, '( cat|cat ) ' ), 'pipemess: ok by ( cat|cat )' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'nochange', 'cat' ) ;
                is( $stringT, 'nochange', 'pipemess: list context, no change by cat, string' ) ;
                is( $errorT, q{}, 'pipemess: list context, no change by cat, no error' ) ;
                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'true' ) ;
                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, true but no output, string' ) ;
                like( $errorT, qr{Failure: --pipemess command "true" ended with "0" characters exit value "0" and STDERR ""},  'pipemess: list context, true but no output, error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'false' ) ;
                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, false and no output, string' ) ;
                like( $errorT, qr{Failure: --pipemess command "false" ended with "0" characters exit value "1" and STDERR ""},  'pipemess: list context, false and no output, error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'echo -n blablabla' ) ;
                is( $stringT, q{blablabla}, 'pipemess: list context, "echo -n blablabla", string' ) ;
                is( $errorT, q{},  'pipemess: list context, "echo blablabla", error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla", string' ) ;
                like( $errorT,  qr{blablabla"$},  'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla", error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )', 'false' ) ;
                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla then false", string' ) ;
                like( $errorT,  qr{blablabla"$},  'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla then false", error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'false', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "false then STDERR blablabla", string' ) ;
                like( $errorT,  qr{Failure: --pipemess command "false" ended with "0" characters exit value "1" and STDERR ""},  'pipemess: list context, "false then STDERR blablabla", error' ) ;

                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo rrrrr ; echo -n error_blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
                like( $stringT, qr{rrrrr}, 'pipemess: list context, "STDOUT rrrrr STDERR error_blablabla", string' ) ;
                like( $errorT,  qr{STDERR.*error_blablabla},  'pipemess: list context, "STDOUT rrrrr STDERR error_blablabla", error' ) ;


        ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'cacaprout' ) ;
        is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, cacaprout not found, string' ) ;
        like( $errorT, qr{Failure: --pipemess command "cacaprout" ended with "0" characters exit value.*}, 'pipemess: list context, cacaprout not found, error' ) ;

	return ;

sub tests_is_a_release_number {
	ok(is_a_release_number($RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_1), 'is_a_release_number 1.351') ;
	ok(is_a_release_number($RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_2), 'is_a_release_number 42.4242') ;
	ok(is_a_release_number(imapsync_version()), 'is_a_release_number imapsync_version()') ;
	ok(! is_a_release_number('blabla' ), '! is_a_release_number blabla') ;
	return ;

sub is_a_release_number {
	my $number = shift;

	return( $number =~ m{^\d+\.\d+$}xo ) ;

sub check_last_release {

	my $public_release = not_long_imapsync_version_public(  ) ;
	$debug and myprint( "check_last_release: [$public_release]\n"  ) ;
	return('unknown') if ($public_release eq 'unknown') ;
	return('timeout') if ($public_release eq 'timeout') ;
	return('unknown') if (! is_a_release_number( $public_release ) ) ;

	my $imapsync_here  = imapsync_version();

	if ($public_release > $imapsync_here) {
		return("New imapsync release $public_release available");
		return( 'This imapsync is up to date') ;

sub imapsync_version  {
	my $rcs_imapsync = '$Id: imapsync,v 1.727 2016/08/19 10:30:36 gilles Exp gilles $ ' ;
        my $imapsync_version ;

	if ( $rcs_imapsync =~ m{,v\s+(\d+\.\d+)}xo ) {
		$imapsync_version = $1
        } else {
                $imapsync_version = 'UNKNOWN' ;
	return( $imapsync_version ) ;

sub tests_imapsync_basename {
	ok( imapsync_basename() =~ m/imapsync/, 'imapsync_basename: match imapsync');
	ok( 'blabla'   ne imapsync_basename(), 'imapsync_basename: do not equal blabla');
	return ;

sub imapsync_basename {

	return basename($0);


sub imapsync_version_public {

	my $local_version = imapsync_version();
	my $imapsync_basename = imapsync_basename();
	my $agent_info = "$OSNAME system, perl "
		. mysprintf( '%vd', $PERL_VERSION)
		. ", Mail::IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION"
		. " $imapsync_basename";
	my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		PeerAddr => '',
		PeerPort => 80,
		Proto    => 'tcp',
                ) ;
	return( 'unknown' ) if not $sock ;
	print $sock
		"GET /prj/imapsync/VERSION HTTP/1.0\n",
		"User-Agent: imapsync/$local_version ($agent_info)\n",
	my @line = <$sock>;
	close $sock ;
	my $last_release = $line[$LAST];
	chomp $last_release ;
	return($last_release) ;

sub not_long_imapsync_version_public {
	#myprint( "Entering not_long_imapsync_version_public\n" ) ;

	my $val;

	# Doesn't work with gethostbyname (see perlipc)
	#local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };

	if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) {
		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };

                         POSIX::SigAction->new(sub { croak 'alarm' } ) )
        		or myprint( "Error setting SIGALRM handler: $!\n"  ) ;

	my $ret = eval {
		alarm 3 ;
			$val = imapsync_version_public(  ) ;
                        #sleep 4 ;
			#myprint( "End of imapsync_version_public\n"  ) ;
		alarm 0 ;
                1 ;
	} ;
        #myprint( "eval [$ret]\n"  ) ;
	if ( ( not $ret ) or $@ ) {
		#myprint( "$@" ) ;
		if ($@ =~ /alarm/) {
		# timed out
			alarm 0 ;
			return('unknown'); # propagate unexpected errors
	}else {
	# Good!

sub localhost_info {

	my($infos) = join q{},
	    "Here is a [$OSNAME] system (",
	    join(q{ },
	         'with Perl ',
	         mysprintf( '%vd', $PERL_VERSION),
	         " Mail::IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION",
	return($infos) ;

sub memory_consumption {
	# memory consumed by imapsync until now in bytes
	return( ( memory_consumption_of_pids(  ) )[0] );

sub tests_memory_consumption {

	like( memory_consumption(  ),  qr{\d+},'memory_consumption no args') ;
	like( memory_consumption( 1 ), qr{\d+},'memory_consumption 1') ;
	like( memory_consumption( $PROCESS_ID ), qr{\d+},"memory_consumption_of_pids $PROCESS_ID") ;

	like( memory_consumption_ratio(), qr{\d+},   'memory_consumption_ratio' ) ;
	like( memory_consumption_ratio(1), qr{\d+},  'memory_consumption_ratio 1' ) ;
	like( memory_consumption_ratio(10), qr{\d+}, 'memory_consumption_ratio 10' ) ;

	like( memory_consumption(), qr{\d+}, "memory_consumption\n" ) ;
	return ;

sub memory_consumption_of_pids {

	my @pid = @_;
	@pid = (@pid) ? @pid : ($PROCESS_ID) ;

	#myprint( "PIDs: @pid\n" ) ;
	my @val;
	if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) {
		@val = memory_consumption_of_pids_win32(@pid);
		# Unix
		my @ps = qx{ ps -o vsz -p @pid } ;
                #myprint( @ps ) ;
                #my @ps = backtick( "ps -o vsz -p @pid" ) ;
		shift @ps; # First line is column name "VSZ"
		chomp @ps;
		# convert to octets
		@val = map { $_ * $KIBI } @ps;
	return( @val ) ;

sub memory_consumption_of_pids_win32 {
	# Windows
	my @PID = @_;
	my %PID;
	# hash of pids as key values
	map { $PID{$_}++ } @PID;

	# Does not work but should reading the tasklist documentation
	#@ps = qx{ tasklist /FI "PID eq @PID" };

	my @ps = qx{ tasklist /NH /FO CSV } ;
        #my @ps = backtick( 'tasklist /NH /FO CSV' ) ;
	#myprint( "-" x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n", @ps, "-" x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n" ) ;
	my @val;
	foreach my $line (@ps) {
		my($name, $pid, $mem) = (split ',', $line )[0,1,4];
		next if (! $pid);
		#myprint( "[$name][$pid][$mem]" ) ;
		if ($PID{remove_qq($pid)}) {
			#myprint( "MATCH !\n" ) ;
			chomp $mem ;
			$mem = remove_qq($mem);
			$mem = remove_Ko($mem);
			$mem = remove_not_num($mem);
			#myprint( "[$mem]\n" ) ;
			push @val, $mem * $KIBI;

sub backtick {
	my $command = shift ;
	my ( $writer, $reader, $err ) ;
        my @output ;
        open3( $writer, $reader, $err, $command ) ;
        @output = <$reader>;  #Output here
        #my @errors = <$err>;    #Errors here, instead of the console
        $debugdev and myprint( @output  ) ;
        return( @output ) ;

sub tests_backtick {

        SKIP: {
		skip( 'Tests for MSWin32', 3 ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
		my @output ;
		@output = backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ) ;
		# Add \r on Windows.
		ok( "Hello World!\r\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello World!' ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "[@output]"  ) ;
		@output = backtick( 'echo Hello & echo World!' ) ;
		ok( "Hello \r\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello & echo World!' ) ;
		ok( "World!\r\n" eq $output[1], 'backtick: echo Hello & echo World!' ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "[@output][$output[0]][$output[1]]"  ) ;
        } ;
	SKIP: {
		skip( 'Tests for Unix', 3 ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
		my @output ;
		@output = backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ) ;
		ok( "Hello World!\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello World!' ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "[@output]"  ) ;
		@output = backtick( "echo Hello\necho World!" ) ;
		ok( "Hello\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello; echo World!' ) ;
		ok( "World!\n" eq $output[1], 'backtick: echo Hello; echo World!' ) ;
		$debug and myprint( "[@output]"  ) ;
        return ;

sub remove_not_num {

	my $string = shift;
	$string =~ tr/0-9//cd;
	#myprint( "tr [$string]\n" ) ;

sub tests_remove_not_num {

	ok('123' eq remove_not_num(123), 'remove_not_num( 123 )' ) ;
	ok('123' eq remove_not_num('123'), q{remove_not_num( '123' )} ) ;
	ok('123' eq remove_not_num('12 3'), q{remove_not_num( '12 3' )} ) ;
	ok('123' eq remove_not_num('a 12 3 Ko'), q{remove_not_num( 'a 12 3 Ko' )} ) ;
	return ;

sub remove_Ko {
	my $string = shift;
	if ($string =~ /^(.*)\sKo$/xo) {

sub remove_qq {
	my $string = shift;
	if ($string =~ /^"(.*)"$/xo) {

sub memory_consumption_ratio {

	my ($base) = @_;
	$base ||= 1;
	my $consu = memory_consumption();
	return($consu / $base);

sub date_from_rcs {
	my $d = shift ;

	my %num2mon = qw( 01 Jan 02 Feb 03 Mar 04 Apr 05 May 06 Jun 07 Jul 08 Aug 09 Sep 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec ) ;
        if ($d =~ m{(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
                # Handles the following format
                # 2015/07/10 11:05:59 -- Generated by RCS Date tag.
		#myprint( "$d\n"  ) ;
                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n"  ) ;
                my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) ;
                $month = $num2mon{$month} ;
                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
		#myprint( "$d\n"  ) ;
	return( $d ) ;

sub tests_date_from_rcs {
	ok('19-Sep-2015 16:11:07 +0000'
	eq date_from_rcs('Date: 2015/09/19 16:11:07 '), 'date_from_rcs from RCS date' ) ;
	return ;

sub good_date {
        # two incoming formats:
        # header    Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200
	# internal       24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200

        # outgoing format: internal date format
        #   24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200

    my $d = shift ;
    return(q{}) if not defined $d;

    	if ( $d =~ m{(\d?)(\d-...-\d{4})(\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(\s(?:\+|-)\d{4})?}xo ) {
		#myprint( "internal: [$1][$2][$3][$4]\n"  ) ;
		my ($day_1, $date_rest, $hour, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4) ;
		$day_1 = '0' if ($day_1 eq q{}) ;
		$zone  = ' +0000'  if not defined $zone ;
		$d = $day_1 . $date_rest . $hour . $zone ;
                last SWITCH ;

	if ($d =~ m{(?:\w{3,},\s)?(\d{1,2}),?\s+(\w{3,})\s+(\d{2,4})\s+(\d{1,2})(?::|\.)(\d{1,2})(?:(?::|\.)(\d{1,2}))?\s*((?:\+|-)\d{4})?}xo ) {
        	# Handles any combination of following formats
                # Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200 -- Standard
                # 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200 -- Missing Day of Week
                # Tue, 24 Aug 97 16:00:00 +0200 -- Two digit year
                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997 16.00.00 +0200 -- Periods instead of colons
                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997  16:00:00 +0200 -- Extra whitespace between year and hour
                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997 6:5:2 +0200 -- Single digit hour, min, or second
                # Tue, 24, Aug 1997 16:00:00 +0200 -- Extra comma

                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8]\n" ) ;
                my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
                $year = '19' . $year if length($year) == 2 && $year =~ m/^[789]/xo;
                $year = '20' . $year if length($year) == 2;

                $month = substr $month, 0, 3 if length($month) > 4;
                $day  = mysprintf( '%02d', $day);
                $hour = mysprintf( '%02d', $hour);
                $min  = mysprintf( '%02d', $min);
                $sec  = '00' if not defined  $sec  ;
                $sec  = mysprintf( '%02d', $sec ) ;
                $zone = '+0000' if not defined  $zone  ;
                $d    = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec $zone" ;
		last SWITCH ;

	if ($d =~ m{(?:.{3})\s(...)\s+(\d{1,2})\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s(?:\w{3})?\s?(\d{4})}xo ) {
        	# Handles any combination of following formats
                # Sun Aug 20 11:55:09 2006
                # Wed Jan 24 11:58:38 MST 2007
                # Wed Jan  2 08:40:57 2008

                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
                my ($month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $year) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
                $day  = mysprintf( '%02d', $day  ) ;
                $hour = mysprintf( '%02d', $hour ) ;
                $min  = mysprintf( '%02d', $min  ) ;
                $sec  = mysprintf( '%02d', $sec  ) ;
                $d    = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
		last SWITCH ;
        my %num2mon = qw( 01 Jan 02 Feb 03 Mar 04 Apr 05 May 06 Jun 07 Jul 08 Aug 09 Sep 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec ) ;

        if ($d =~ m{(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
                # Handles the following format
                # 2015/07/10 11:05:59 -- Generated by RCS Date tag.
		#myprint( "$d\n"  ) ;
                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n"  ) ;
                my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) ;
                $month = $num2mon{$month} ;
                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
		#myprint( "$d\n"  ) ;
		last SWITCH ;

        if ($d =~ m{(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
                # Handles the following format
                # 02/06/09 22:18:08 -- Generated by AVTECH TemPageR devices

                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
                $year = '20' . $year;
                $month = $num2mon{$month};
                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000";
		last SWITCH ;

	if ($d =~ m{\w{6,},\s(\w{3})\w+\s+(\d{1,2}),\s(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s(AM|PM)}xo ) {
        	# Handles the following format
                # Saturday, December 14, 2002 05:00 PM - order confirmations

                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $apm) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);

                $hour += 12 if $apm eq 'PM' ;
                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day ) ;
                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:00 +0000" ;
                last SWITCH ;

	if ($d =~ m{(\w{3})\s(\d{1,2})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s((?:\+|-)\d{4})}xo ) {
        	# Handles the following format
                # Saturday, December 14, 2002 05:00 PM - order confirmations

                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);

                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day ) ;
                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec $zone";
                last SWITCH ;

	if ($d =~ m{(\d{1,2})-(\w{3})-(\d{4})}xo ) {
        	# Handles the following format
                # 21-Jun-2001 - domain transfer email circa 2001

                my ($day, $month, $year) = ($1,$2,$3);
                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day);
                $d = "$day-$month-$year 11:11:11 +0000";
		last SWITCH ;

    	# unknown or unmatch => return same string

    $d = qq("$d") ;
    return( $d ) ;

sub tests_good_date {

	ok(q{} eq good_date(), 'good_date no arg');
	ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date internal 2digit zone');
	ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0000"' eq good_date('24-Aug-2010 16:00:00'), 'good_date internal 2digit no zone');
	ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date( '1-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date internal SP 1digit');
	ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit zone');
	ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
	ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
	ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00 +0200 (CEST)'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
        ok('"06-Feb-2009 22:18:08 +0000"' eq good_date('02/06/09 22:18:08'), 'good_date header TemPageR');
        ok('"02-Jan-2008 08:40:57 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed Jan  2 08:40:57 2008'), 'good_date header support 1digit day');
        ok('"20-Aug-2006 11:55:09 +0000"' eq good_date('Sun Aug 20 11:55:09 2006'), 'good_date header support 2digit day');
        ok('"24-Jan-2007 11:58:38 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed Jan 24 11:58:38 MST 2007'), 'good_date header');
        ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header missing date of week');
        ok('"24-Aug-2067 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 67 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
        ok('"24-Aug-1977 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 77 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
        ok('"24-Aug-1987 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 87 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 97 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
        ok('"24-Aug-2004 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 04 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997 16.00.00 +0200'), 'good_date header period time sep');
        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997  16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header extra white space type1');
        ok('"24-Aug-1997 05:06:02 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997 5:6:2 +0200'), 'good_date header 1digit time vals');
        ok('"24-Aug-1997 05:06:02 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24, Aug 1997 05:06:02 +0200'), 'good_date header extra commas');
        ok('"01-Oct-2003 12:45:24 +0000"' eq good_date('Wednesday, 01 October 2003 12:45:24 CDT'), 'good_date header no abbrev');
        ok('"11-Jan-2005 17:58:27 -0500"' eq good_date('Tue,  11  Jan 2005 17:58:27 -0500'), 'good_date extra white space');
        ok('"18-Dec-2002 15:07:00 +0000"' eq good_date('Wednesday, December 18, 2002 03:07 PM'), 'good_date orders');
        ok('"16-Dec-2004 02:01:49 -0500"' eq good_date('Dec 16 2004 02:01:49 -0500'), 'good_date orders');
        ok('"21-Jun-2001 11:11:11 +0000"' eq good_date('21-Jun-2001'), 'good_date domain transfer');
        ok('"18-Nov-2012 18:34:38 +0100"' eq good_date('Sun, 18 Nov 2012 18:34:38 +0100'), 'good_date pop2imap bug (Westeuropäische Normalzeit)');
	ok('"19-Sep-2015 16:11:07 +0000"' eq good_date('Date: 2015/09/19 16:11:07 '), 'good_date from RCS date' ) ;
	return ;

sub tests_list_keys_in_2_not_in_1 {

	my @list;
	ok( ! list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {}), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [], [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {} ) ] ), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['a','b'], [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {a, b}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['b'],     [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a} {a, b}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [],        [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b} {a, b}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( [],        [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b, c} {a, b}');
	ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['b'],     [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'c' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b, c} {a, b}');

	return ;

sub list_keys_in_2_not_in_1 {

	my $folders1_ref = shift;
	my $folders2_ref = shift;
	my @list;

	foreach my $folder ( sort keys %{ $folders2_ref } ) {
		next if exists $folders1_ref->{$folder};
		push @list, $folder;

sub list_folders_in_2_not_in_1 {

	my (@h2_folders_not_in_h1, %h2_folders_not_in_h1) ;
	@h2_folders_not_in_h1 = list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( \%h1_folders_all, \%h2_folders_all) ;
	map { $h2_folders_not_in_h1{$_} = 1} @h2_folders_not_in_h1 ;
	@h2_folders_not_in_h1 = list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( \%h2_folders_from_1_all, \%h2_folders_not_in_h1) ;

	return( reverse @h2_folders_not_in_h1 );

sub delete_folders_in_2_not_in_1 {

	foreach my $folder (@h2_folders_not_in_1) {
		if ( defined  $delete2foldersonly  and eval "\$folder !~ $delete2foldersonly" ) {
			myprint( "Not deleting $folder because of --delete2foldersonly $delete2foldersonly\n"  ) ;
			next ;
		if ( defined  $delete2foldersbutnot  and eval "\$folder =~ $delete2foldersbutnot" ) {
			myprint( "Not deleting $folder because of --delete2foldersbutnot $delete2foldersbutnot\n"  ) ;
			next ;
		my $res = $dry ; # always success in dry mode!
		$imap2->unsubscribe( $folder ) if ( ! $dry ) ;
		$res = $imap2->delete( $folder ) if ( ! $dry ) ;
		if ( $res ) {
			myprint( "Deleted $folder", "$dry_message", "\n"  ) ;
			myprint( "Deleting $folder failed", "\n"  ) ;
	return ;

sub delete_folder {
        my ( $sync, $imap, $folder, $Side ) = @_ ;
        if ( ! $sync )   { return ; }
        if ( ! $imap )   { return ; }
        if ( ! $folder ) { return ; }
        $Side ||= 'HostX' ;
        my $res = $sync->{dry} ; # always success in dry mode!
        if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) {
                $imap->unsubscribe( $folder ) ;
                $res = $imap->delete( $folder ) ;
        if ( $res ) {
        	myprint( "$Side deleted $folder", $sync->{dry_message}, "\n"  ) ;
                return 1 ;
        	myprint( "$Side deleting $folder failed", "\n"  ) ;
                return ;

sub delete1emptyfolders {
        my $sync = shift ;
        if ( ! $sync ) { return ; } # abort if no parameter
        if ( ! $sync->{delete1emptyfolders} ) { return ; } # abort if --delete1emptyfolders off
        my $imap = $sync->{imap1} ;
        if ( ! $imap ) { return ; } # abort if no imap
        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ) { return ; } # abort if diesconnected
        my %folders_kept ;
        myprint( qq{Host1 deleting empty folders\n} ) ;
        foreach my $folder ( reverse sort @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
                my $parenthood = $imap->is_parent( $folder ) ;
                if ( defined $parenthood and $parenthood ) {
                        myprint( "Host1 folder $folder has subfolders\n" ) ;
                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
                        next ;
                my $nb_messages_select = examine_folder_and_count( $imap, $folder, 'Host1' ) ;
                if ( ! defined $nb_messages_select ) { next ; } # Select failed => Neither continue nor keep this folder }
                my $nb_messages_search = scalar( @{ $imap->messages(  ) } ) ;
                if ( 0 != $nb_messages_select and 0 != $nb_messages_search ) {
                        myprint( "Host1 folder $folder has messages: $nb_messages_search (search) $nb_messages_select (select)\n" ) ;
                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
                        next ;
                if ( 0 != $nb_messages_select + $nb_messages_search ) {
                        myprint( "Host1 folder $folder odd messages count: $nb_messages_search (search) $nb_messages_select (select)\n" ) ;
                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
                        next ;
                # Here we must have 0 messages by messages() aka "SEARCH ALL" and also "EXAMINE"
                if ( uc $folder eq 'INBOX' ) {
                        myprint( "Host1 Not deleting $folder\n" ) ;
                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
                        next ; 
                myprint( "Host1 deleting empty folder $folder\n" ) ;
                # can not delete a SELECTed or EXAMINEd folder so closing it
                # could changed be SELECT INBOX
                $imap->close(  ) ; # close after examine does not expunge; anyway expunging an empty folder... 
                if ( delete_folder( $sync, $imap, $folder, 'Host1' ) ) {
                        next ; # Deleted, good!
                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
                        next ; # Not deleted, bad!
        remove_deleted_folders_from_wanted_list( $sync, %folders_kept ) ;
        myprint( qq{Host1 ended deleting empty folders\n} ) ;
        return ;

sub remove_deleted_folders_from_wanted_list {
        my ( $sync, %folders_kept ) = @ARG ;
        my @h1_folders_wanted_init = @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ;
        my @h1_folders_wanted_last ;
        foreach my $folder ( @h1_folders_wanted_init ) {
                if ( $folders_kept{ $folder } ) {
                        push @h1_folders_wanted_last, $folder ;
        @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @h1_folders_wanted_last ;
        return ;

sub examine_folder_and_count {
        my ( $imap, $folder, $Side ) = @_ ;
        $Side ||= 'HostX' ;
        if ( ! examine_folder( $imap, $folder, $Side ) ) {
                return ;
        my $nb_messages_select = count_from_select( $imap->History ) ;
        return $nb_messages_select ;

sub tests_delete1emptyfolders {

        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders(  ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef} ) ;
        my $syncT ;
        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef 2} ) ;
        my $imapT ;
        $syncT->{imap1} = $imapT ;
        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef imap} ) ;
        require Test::MockObject ;
        $imapT = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
        $syncT->{imap1} = $imapT ;

        $imapT->set_true( 'IsUnconnected' ) ;
        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: Unconnected imap} ) ;

        # Now connected tests
        $imapT->set_false( 'IsUnconnected' ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'LastError', sub { q{LastError mocked} } ) ;
        $syncT->{delete1emptyfolders} = 0 ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: --delete1emptyfolders OFF}
        ) ;

        # All are parents => no deletion at all
        $imapT->set_true( 'is_parent' ) ;
        $syncT->{delete1emptyfolders} = 1 ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: --delete1emptyfolders ON}
        ) ;

        # No parents but examine false for all => skip all
        $imapT->set_false( 'is_parent', 'examine' ) ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [  ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: EXAMINE fails}
        ) ;

        # examine ok for all but History bad => skip all
        $imapT->set_true( 'examine' ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{History badly mocked} ) } ) ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [  ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: examine ok but History badly mocked so count messages fails}
        ) ;

        # History good but some messages EXISTS == messages() => no deletion
        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 2 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ qw{ UID_1 UID_2 } ] } ) ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: History EXAMINE ok, several messages}
        ) ;

        # 0 EXISTS but != messages() => no deletion
        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 0 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ qw{ UID_1 UID_2 } ] } ) ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 0 EXISTS but 2 by messages()}
        ) ;

        # 1 EXISTS but != 0 == messages() => no deletion
        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 1 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ ] } ) ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 1 EXISTS but 0 by messages()}
        ) ;

        # 0 EXISTS and 0 == messages() => deletion except INBOX
        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 0 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ ] } ) ;
        $imapT->set_true( qw{ delete close unsubscribe } ) ;
        $syncT->{dry_message} = q{ (not really since in a mocked test)} ;
                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
                [ qw{ INBOX } ],
                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 0 EXISTS 0 by messages() delete folders, keep INBOX}
        ) ;

        return ;

sub tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit {
        my $syncT  = shift ;
        my $folders1wanted_init_ref = shift ;
        my $folders1wanted_after_ref = shift ;
        my $comment = shift || q{delete1emptyfolders:} ;
        my @folders1wanted_init  = @{ $folders1wanted_init_ref } ;
        my @folders1wanted_after = @{ $folders1wanted_after_ref } ;

        @{ $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @folders1wanted_init ;
        is_deeply( $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted}, \@folders1wanted_init, qq{$comment, init check} ) ;
        delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ) ;
        is_deeply( $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted}, \@folders1wanted_after, qq{$comment, after check} ) ;
        return ;

sub extract_header {
        my $string = shift ;

        my ( $header ) = split  /\n\n/x, $string ;
        if ( ! $header ) { return( q{} ) ; }
        #myprint( "[$header]\n"  ) ;
        return( $header ) ;

sub tests_extract_header {

my $h = <<'EOM';
Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
chomp $h ;
ok( $h eq extract_header(
Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)

), 'extract_header: 1') ;

	return ;

sub decompose_header{
        my $string = shift ;

        # a hash, for a keyword header KEY value are list of strings [VAL1, VAL1_other, etc]
        # Think of multiple "Received:" header lines.
        my $header = {  } ;

        my ($key, $val ) ;
        my @line = split /\n|\r\n/x, $string ;
        foreach my $line ( @line ) {
                #myprint( "DDD $line\n"  ) ;
                # End of header
                last if ( $line =~ m{^$}xo ) ;
                # Key: value
                if ( $line =~ m/(^[^:]+):\s(.*)/xo ) {
                        $key = $1 ;
                        $val = $2 ;
                        $debugdev and myprint( "DDD KV [$key] [$val]\n"  ) ;
                        push  @{ $header->{ $key } }, $val  ;
                # blanc and value => value from previous line continues
                }elsif( $line =~ m/^(\s+)(.*)/xo ) {
                        $val = $2 ;
                        $debugdev and myprint( "DDD  V [$val]\n"  ) ;
                        @{ $header->{ $key } }[ $LAST ] .= " $val" if $key ;
                # dirty line?
                        next ;

        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $header ] )  ) ;

        return( $header ) ;

sub tests_decompose_header{

        my $header_dec ;

        $header_dec = decompose_header(
KEY_1: VAL_1
KEY_2: VAL_2
KEY_3: VAL_3
KEY_1: VAL_1_other
KEY_4: VAL_4

        ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_3'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_3' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_3' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_1'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_1' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_1_other'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[1], 'decompose_header: VAL_1_other' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_2' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_4 VAL_4_+'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_4' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_4 VAL_4_+' ) ;

        ok( ' VAL_5'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_5 BLANC' }[0], 'decompose_header: KEY_5 BLANC' ) ;

        ok( not( defined  $header_dec->{ 'KEY_6_BAD_BODY' }[0]  ), 'decompose_header: KEY_6_BAD_BODY' ) ;

        $header_dec = decompose_header(
Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
        ) ;

        ok( '<20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'Message-Id' }[0], 'decompose_header: 1' ) ;

        $header_dec = decompose_header(
Return-Path: <>
Received: by plume.est.belle (Postfix, from userid 1000)
        id 120A71624742; Wed, 28 Apr 2010 01:46:40 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: test:eekahceishukohpe
) ;
'by plume.est.belle (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 120A71624742; Wed, 28 Apr 2010 01:46:40 +0200 (CEST)'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[0], 'decompose_header: 2' ) ;

        $header_dec = decompose_header(
Received: from plume (localhost [])
        by plume.est.belle (Postfix) with ESMTP id C6EB73F6C9
        for <gilles@localhost>; Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)
Received: from plume []
        by plume with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.6)
        for <gilles@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)
        ) ;
        'from plume (localhost []) by plume.est.belle (Postfix) with ESMTP id C6EB73F6C9 for <gilles@localhost>; Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[0], 'decompose_header: 3' ) ;
        'from plume [] by plume with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.6) for <gilles@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[1], 'decompose_header: 3' ) ;

# Bad header beginning with a blank character
        $header_dec = decompose_header(
 KEY_1: VAL_1
KEY_2: VAL_2
KEY_3: VAL_3
KEY_1: VAL_1_other
        ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_3'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_3' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_3' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_1_other'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_1_other' ) ;

        ok( 'VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++'
        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_2' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++' ) ;

	return ;

sub epoch {
        # incoming format:
	# internal date 24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200

        # outgoing format: epoch

        my $d = shift ;
        return(q{}) if not defined $d;

        my ( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m ) ;
        my $time ;

        if ( $d =~ m{(\d{1,2})-([A-Z][a-z]{2})-(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s((?:\+|-))(\d{2})(\d{2})}xo ) {
                #myprint( "internal: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8][$9]\n"  ) ;
                ( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m )
                =  ( $1,   $2,     $3,    $4,    $5,  $6,    $7,     $8,     $9 ) ;
                #myprint( "( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m )\n"  ) ;

                $sign = +1 if ( '+' eq $sign ) ;
                $sign = $MINUS_ONE if ( '-' eq $sign ) ;

                $time = timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month_abrev{$month}, $year )
                        - $sign * ( 3600 * $zone_h + 60 * $zone_m ) ;

                #myprint( "$time ", scalar localtime($time), "\n");
        return( $time ) ;

sub tests_epoch {
        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200 -> 1282658400' ) ;
        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000 -> 1282658400' ) ;
        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200 -> 1282658400' ) ;
        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201 -> 1282658400' ) ;
        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1282658400' ) ;

        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200 -> 1280671200' ) ;
        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000 -> 1280671200' ) ;
        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200 -> 1280671200' ) ;
        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201 -> 1280671200' ) ;
        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1280671200' ) ;
	return ;

sub add_header {
	my $header_uid = shift || 'mistake' ;
	my $header_Message_Id = 'Message-Id: <' . $header_uid . '@imapsync>' ;
        return( $header_Message_Id ) ;

sub tests_add_header {
	ok( 'Message-Id: <mistake@imapsync>' eq add_header(), 'add_header no arg' ) ;
	ok( 'Message-Id: <123456789@imapsync>' eq add_header(123456789), 'add_header 123456789' ) ;

	return ;

sub tests_Banner{

	my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
        ok( 'lalala' eq $imap->Banner('lalala'), 'Banner set lalala' ) ;
        ok( 'lalala' eq $imap->Banner(), 'Banner returns lalala' ) ;
	return ;

sub max_line_length {
	my $string = shift ;
        my $max = 0 ;

        while ( $string =~ m/([^\n]*\n?)/msxg ) {
        	$max = max( $max, length $1 ) ;
	return( $max ) ;

sub tests_max_line_length {
	ok( 0 == max_line_length( q{} ), 'max_line_length: 0 == null string' ) ;
	ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n" ), 'max_line_length: 1 == \n' ) ;
	ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n\n" ), 'max_line_length: 1 == \n\n' ) ;
	ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n" x 500 ), 'max_line_length: 1 == 500 \n' ) ;
	ok( 1 == max_line_length( 'a' ), 'max_line_length: 1 == a' ) ;
	ok( 2 == max_line_length( "a\na" ), 'max_line_length: 2 == a\na' ) ;
	ok( 2 == max_line_length( "a\na\n" ), 'max_line_length: 2 == a\na\n' ) ;
	ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\n" ), 'max_line_length: 3 == a\nab\n' ) ;
	ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\n" x 10000 ), 'max_line_length: 3 == 10000 a\nab\n' ) ;
	ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\nabc" ), 'max_line_length: 3 == a\nab\nabc' ) ;

	ok( 4 == max_line_length( "a\nab\nabc\n" ), 'max_line_length: 4 == a\nab\nabc\n' ) ;
	ok( 5 == max_line_length( "a\nabcd\nabc\n" ), 'max_line_length: 5 == a\nabcd\nabc\n' ) ;
	ok( 5 == max_line_length( "a\nabcd\nabc\n\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd" ), 'max_line_length: 5 == a\nabcd\nabc\n\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd' ) ;
	return ;

sub setlogfile {
        my( $mysync ) = shift ;
        $mysync->{logdir}  = defined $mysync->{logdir}  ? $mysync->{logdir}  : 'LOG_imapsync' ;
        $mysync->{logfile} = defined $mysync->{logfile} ? "$mysync->{logdir}/$mysync->{logfile}" :
                logfile( $mysync->{timestart}, $mysync->{user2}, $mysync->{logdir} ) ;
        #myprint( "logdir  = $mysync->{logdir}\n"  ) ;
        #myprint( "logfile = $mysync->{logfile}\n"  ) ;
        return( $mysync->{logfile} ) ;

sub tests_setlogfile {
        my $mysync = {
                timestart => 2,
                user2     => 'user2',
        } ;

        ok( 'LOG_imapsync/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' eq setlogfile( $mysync ),
                'setlogfile: default is like LOG_imapsync/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' ) ;

        $mysync->{logdir}  = undef ;
        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
        ok( 'LOG_imapsync/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' eq setlogfile( $mysync ),
                'setlogfile: logdir undef, LOG_imapsync/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' ) ;

        $mysync->{logdir} = q{} ;
        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
        ok( '1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' eq setlogfile( $mysync ),
                'setlogfile: logdir empty, 1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' ) ;

        $mysync->{logdir} = 'vallogdir' ;
        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
        ok( 'vallogdir/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' eq setlogfile( $mysync ),
                'setlogfile: logdir vallogdir, vallogdir/1970_01_01_01_00_02_user2.txt' ) ;

        $mysync->{logdir}  = 'vallogdir' ;
        $mysync->{logfile} = 'vallogfile.txt' ;
        ok( 'vallogdir/vallogfile.txt' eq setlogfile( $mysync ),
                'setlogfile: logdir vallogdir, logfile vallogfile.txt, vallogdir/vallogfile.txt' ) ;

        return ;

sub logfile {
	my ( $time, $suffix, $dir ) = @_ ;

	$time   ||= 0 ;
	$suffix ||= q{} ;
	my $sep_suffix = ( $suffix ) ? '_' : q{} ;
        $dir    ||= q{} ;
	my $sep_dir = ( $dir ) ? '/' : q{} ;

	my $date_str = POSIX::strftime( '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', localtime $time ) ;
        my $logfile = "${dir}${sep_dir}${date_str}${sep_suffix}${suffix}.txt" ;
	$debug and myprint( "date_str: $date_str\n"  ) ;
	$debug and myprint( "logfile : $logfile\n"  ) ;
	return( $logfile ) ;

sub tests_logfile {
	SKIP: {
		# Too hard to have a well known timezone on Windows
		skip( 'Too hard to have a well known timezone on Windows', 6 ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;

		local $ENV{TZ} = 'GMT' ;
		{ POSIX::tzset unless ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
			ok( '1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' eq logfile(  ),           'logfile: no args    => 1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' ) ;
			ok( '1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' eq logfile( 0 ),          'logfile: 0          => 1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' ) ;
			ok( '1970_01_01_00_01_01.txt' eq logfile( 61 ),         'logfile: 0          => 1970_01_01_00_01_01.txt' ) ;
			ok( '2010_08_24_14_00_00.txt' eq logfile( 1282658400 ), 'logfile: 1282658400 => 2010_08_24_14_00_00.txt' ) ;
			ok( '2010_08_24_14_01_01.txt' eq logfile( 1282658461 ), 'logfile: 1282658461 => 2010_08_24_14_01_01.txt' ) ;
			ok( '2010_08_24_14_01_01_poupinette.txt' eq logfile( 1282658461, 'poupinette' ), 'logfile: 1282658461 poupinette => 2010_08_24_14_01_01_poupinette.txt' ) ;
		POSIX::tzset unless ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
	} ;
	return ;

sub tests_million_folders_baby_2 {
	my %long ;
	@long{ 1 .. 900_000 } = (1) x 900_000 ;
	#myprint( %long, "\n"  ) ;
	my $pasglop = 0 ;
	foreach my $elem (  1 .. 900_000 ) {
		#$debug and myprint( "$elem "  ) ;
		if ( not exists  $long{ $elem }  ) {
			$pasglop++ ;
        ok( 0 == $pasglop, 'tests_million_folders_baby_2: search among 900_000' ) ;
	# myprint( "$pasglop\n"  ) ;
        return ;

sub tests_always_fail {
	ok( 0 == 1, '0 == 1' ) ;
	ok( 1 == 1, '1 == 1' ) ;
        return ;

sub logfileprepa {
	my $logfile = shift ;

	my $dirname = dirname( $logfile ) ;
	is_valid_directory( $dirname ) || return( 0 ) ;
	return( 1 ) ;

sub teelaunch {
        my $mysync = shift ;
	my $logfile = $mysync->{logfile} ;
	logfileprepa( $logfile ) || croak "Error no valid directory to write log file $logfile : $!" ;
	my $logfile_handle ;
	open $logfile_handle, '>', $logfile
	  or croak( "Can not open $logfile for write: $!" ) ;
	my $tee = IO::Tee->new( $logfile_handle, \*STDOUT ) ;
	*STDERR = *$tee{IO} ;
	select $tee ;
        $tee->autoflush( 1 ) ;
        $mysync->{logfile_handle} = $logfile_handle ;
        $mysync->{tee} = $tee ;
	return $logfile_handle ;

sub getpwuid_any_os {
        my $uid = shift ;

        return( scalar  getlogin ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ; # Windows system
        return( scalar  getpwuid $uid ) ; # Unix system

sub usage {
	my $localhost_info = localhost_info();
	my $thank = thank_author();
	my $imapsync_release = q{};
	$imapsync_release = check_last_release() if (not defined $releasecheck);
        my $escape_char = ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ? '^' : '\\';
        myprint( <<"EOF" ) ;

 usage: $0 [options]

 Several options are mandatory.
 str means string
 int means integer
 reg means regular expression
 cmd means command

 --dry               : Makes imapsync doing nothing, just print what would
                       be done without --dry.

 --host1        str  : Source or "from" imap server. Mandatory.
 --port1        int  : Port to connect on host1. Default is 143, 993 if --ssl1
 --user1        str  : User to login on host1. Mandatory.
 --showpasswords     : Shows passwords on output instead of "MASKED".
                       Useful to restart a complete run by just reading the log.
 --password1    str  : Password for the user1.
 --host2        str  : "destination" imap server. Mandatory.
 --port2        int  : Port to connect on host2. Default is 143, 993 if --ssl2
 --user2        str  : User to login on host2. Mandatory.
 --password2    str  : Password for the user2.

 --passfile1    str  : Password file for the user1. It must contain the
                       password on the first line. This option avoids to show
                       the password on the command line like --password1 does.
 --passfile2    str  : Password file for the user2. Contains the password.

 --ssl1              : Use a SSL connection on host1.
 --ssl2              : Use a SSL connection on host2.
 --tls1              : Use a TLS connection on host1.
 --tls2              : Use a TLS connection on host2.
 --debugssl     int  : SSL debug mode from 0 to 4.
 --sslargs1     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host1 ssl or tls connection. Example:
                       --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 --sslargs1 SSL_version=SSLv3
                       See all possibilities in the new() method of IO::Socket::SSL
 --sslargs2     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host2 ssl or tls connection.
                       See --sslargs1

 --timeout1     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
 --timeout2     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.

 --authmech1    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host1:
                       PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 etc. Use UPPERCASE.
 --authmech2    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host2. See --authmech1

 --authuser1    str  : User to auth with on host1 (admin user).
                       Avoid using --authmech1 SOMETHING with --authuser1.
 --authuser2    str  : User to auth with on host2 (admin user).
 --proxyauth1        : Use proxyauth on host1. Requires --authuser1.
                       Required by Sun/iPlanet/Netscape IMAP servers to
                       be able to use an administrative user.
 --proxyauth2        : Use proxyauth on host2. Requires --authuser2.

 --authmd51          : Use MD5 authentification for host1.
 --authmd52          : Use MD5 authentification for host2.
 --domain1      str  : Domain on host1 (NTLM authentication).
 --domain2      str  : Domain on host2 (NTLM authentication).

 --folder       str  : Sync this folder.
 --folder       str  : and this one, etc.
 --folderrec    str  : Sync this folder recursively.
 --folderrec    str  : and this one, etc.

 --folderfirst  str  : Sync this folder first. --folderfirst "Work"
 --folderfirst  str  : then this one, etc.
 --folderlast   str  : Sync this folder last. --folderlast "[Gmail]/All Mail"
 --folderlast   str  : then this one, etc.

 --nomixfolders      : Do not merge folders when host1 is case sensitive
                       while host2 is not (like Exchange). Only the first
                       similar folder is synced (ex: Sent SENT sent -> Sent).

 --skipemptyfolders  : Empty host1 folders are not created on host2.

 --include      reg  : Sync folders matching this regular expression
 --include      reg  : or this one, etc.
                       in case both --include --exclude options are
                       use, include is done before.
 --exclude      reg  : Skips folders matching this regular expression
                       Several folders to avoid:
                        --exclude 'fold1|fold2|f3' skips fold1, fold2 and f3.
 --exclude      reg  : or this one, etc.

 --subfolder2   str  : Move whole host1 folders hierarchy under this
                       host2 folder  str    .
                       It does it by adding two --regextrans2 options before
                       all others. Add --debug to see what's really going on.

 --automap           : guesses folders mapping, for folders like
                       "Sent", "Junk", "Drafts", "All", "Archive", "Flagged".
 --f1f2    str1=str2 : Force folder str1 to be synced to str2,
                       --f1f2 overrides --automap and --regextrans2.
 --regextrans2  reg  : Apply the whole regex to each destination folders.
 --regextrans2  reg  : and this one. etc.
                       When you play with the --regextrans2 option, first
                       add also the safe options --dry --justfolders
                       Then, when happy, remove --dry, remove --justfolders.
                       Have in mind that --regextrans2 is applied after prefix
                       and separator inversion. For examples see

 --tmpdir       str  : Where to store temporary files and subdirectories.
                       Will be created if it doesn't exist.
                       Default is system specific, Unix is /tmp but
                       it's often small and deleted at reboot.
                       --tmpdir /var/tmp should be better.
 --pidfile      str  : The file where imapsync pid is written.
 --pidfilelocking    : Abort if pidfile already exists. Usefull to avoid
                       concurrent transfers on the same mailbox.

 --nolog             : Turn off logging on file
 --logfile      str  : Change the default log filename (can be dirname/filename).
 --logdir       str  : Change the default log directory. Default is LOG_imapsync

 --prefix1      str  : Remove prefix to all destination folders
                       (usually INBOX. or INBOX/ or an empty string "")
                       you have to use --prefix1 if host1 imap server
                       does not have NAMESPACE capability, so imapsync
                       suggests to use it. All other cases are bad.
 --prefix2      str  : Add prefix to all host2 folders. See --prefix1
 --sep1         str  : Host1 separator in case NAMESPACE is not supported.
 --sep2         str  : Host2 separator in case NAMESPACE is not supported.

 --skipmess     reg  : Skips messages maching the regex.
                       Example: 'm/[\\x80-ff]/' # to avoid 8bits messages.
                       --skipmess is applied before --regexmess
 --skipmess     reg  : or this one, etc.

 --pipemess     cmd  : Apply this cmd command to each message content
                       before the copy.
 --pipemess     cmd  : and this one, etc.

 --disarmreadreceipts : Disarms read receipts (host2 Exchange issue)

 --regexmess    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each message before transfer.
                       Example: 's/\\000/ /g' # to replace null by space.
 --regexmess    reg  : and this one, etc.

 --regexflag    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each flags list.
                       Example: 's/\"Junk"//g' # to remove "Junk" flag.
 --regexflag    reg  : and this one, etc.

 --delete            : Deletes messages on host1 server after a successful
                       transfer. Option --delete has the following behavior:
                       it marks messages as deleted with the IMAP flag
                       \\Deleted, then messages are really deleted with an
                       EXPUNGE IMAP command.

 --delete2           : Delete messages in host2 that are not in
                       host1 server. Useful for backup or pre-sync.
 --delete2duplicates : Delete messages in host2 that are duplicates.
                       Works only without --useuid since duplicates are
                       detected with an header part of each message.

 --delete2folders    : Delete folders in host2 that are not in host1 server.
                       For safety, first try it like this (it is safe):
                       --delete2folders --dry --justfolders --nofoldersizes
 --delete2foldersonly   reg : Deleted only folders matching regex.
                              Example: --delete2foldersonly "/^Junk\$|^INBOX.Junk\$/"
 --delete2foldersbutnot reg : Do not delete folders matching regex.
                              Example: --delete2foldersbutnot "/Tasks\$|Contacts\$|Foo\$/"
 --noexpunge         : Do not expunge messages on host1.
                       Expunge really deletes messages marked deleted.
                       Expunge is made at the beginning, on host1 only.
                       Newly transferred messages are also expunged if
                       option --delete is given.
                       No expunge is done on host2 account (unless --expunge2)
 --expunge1          : Expunge messages on host1 after messages transfer.
 --expunge2          : Expunge messages on host2 after messages transfer.
 --uidexpunge2       : uidexpunge messages on the host2 account
                       that are not on the host1 account, requires --delete2
 --nomixfolders      : Avoid merging folders that are considered different on
                       host1 but the same on destination host2 because of
                       case sensitivities and insensitivities.

 --syncinternaldates : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as host1.
                       Turned on by default. Internal date is the date
                       a message arrived on a host (mtime).
 --idatefromheader   : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as the
                       "Date:" headers.

 --maxsize      int  : Skip messages larger  (or equal) than  int  bytes
 --minsize      int  : Skip messages smaller (or equal) than  int  bytes
 --maxage       int  : Skip messages older than  int  days.
                       final stats (skipped) don't count older messages
                       see also --minage
 --minage       int  : Skip messages newer than  int  days.
                       final stats (skipped) don't count newer messages
                       You can do (+ are the messages selected):
                       past|----maxage+++++minage---->now (intersection)
                       past|++++minage-----maxage++++>now (union)

 --search       str  : Selects only messages returned by this IMAP SEARCH
                       command. Applied on both sides.
 --search1      str  : Same as --search for selecting host1 messages only.
 --search2      str  : Same as --search for selecting host2 messages only.
                       --search CRIT equals --search1 CRIT --search2 CRIT

 --exitwhenover int  : Stop syncing when total bytes transferred reached.
                       Gmail per day allows
                       2500000000 = 2.5 GB downloaded from Gmail as host2
                        500000000 = 500 MB uploaded to Gmail as host1.

 --maxlinelength int : skip messages with a line length longer than  int  bytes.
                       RFC 2822 says it must be no more than 1000 bytes.

 --useheader    str  : Use this header to compare messages on both sides.
                       Ex: Message-ID or Subject or Date.
 --useheader    str    and this one, etc.

 --subscribed        : Transfers subscribed folders.
 --subscribe         : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
                       host2 that are subscribed on host1. On by default.
 --subscribeall      : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
                       host2 even if they are not subscribed on host1.

 --nofoldersizes     : Do not calculate the size of each folder in bytes
                       and message counts. Default is to calculate them.
 --nofoldersizesatend: Do not calculate the size of each folder in bytes
                       and message counts at the end. Default is on.
 --justfoldersizes   : Exit after having printed the folder sizes.

 --syncacls          : Synchronises acls (Access Control Lists).
 --nosyncacls        : Does not synchronize acls. This is the default.
                       Acls in IMAP are not standardized, be careful.

 --usecache          : Use cache to speedup.
 --nousecache        : Do not use cache. Caveat: --useuid --nousecache creates
                       duplicates on multiple runs.
 --useuid            : Use uid instead of header as a criterium to recognize
                       messages. Option --usecache is then implied unless
                       --nousecache is used.

 --debug             : Debug mode.
 --debugfolders      : Debug mode for the folders part only.
 --debugcontent      : Debug content of the messages transfered. Huge ouput.
 --debugflags        : Debug mode for flags.
 --debugimap1        : IMAP debug mode for host1. Very verbose.
 --debugimap2        : IMAP debug mode for host2. Very verbose.
 --debugimap         : IMAP debug mode for host1 and host2.
 --debugmemory       : Debug mode showing memory consumption after each copy.

 --errorsmax     int : Exit when int number of errors is reached. Default is 50.

 --tests             : Run local non-regression tests. Exit code 0 means all ok.
 --testslive         : Run a live test with imap server.
                       Useful to check the basics. Needs internet connexion.

 --version           : Print only software version.
 --noreleasecheck    : Do not check for new imapsync release (a http request).
 --releasecheck      : Check for new imapsync release (a http request).
 --noid              : Do not send/receive ID command to imap servers.
 --justconnect       : Just connect to both servers and print useful
                       information. Need only --host1 and --host2 options.
 --justlogin         : Just login to both host1 and host2 with users
                       credentials, then exit.
 --justfolders       : Do only things about folders (ignore messages).

 --help              : print this help.

 Example: to synchronize imap account "test1" on ""
                     to  imap account "test2" on ""
                     with test1 password "secret1"
                     and  test2 password "secret2"

 $0 $escape_char
    --host1 --user1 test1 --password1 secret1 $escape_char
    --host2 --user2 test2 --password2 secret2


	return( 1 ) ;

sub usage_complete {
	myprint( <<'EOF'  ) ;
--skipheader   reg     : Don't take into account header keyword
                         matching  reg    ex: --skipheader 'X.*'

--skipsize             : Don't take message size into account to compare
                         messages on both sides. On by default.
			 Use --no-skipsize for using size comparaison.
--allowsizemismatch    : allow RFC822.SIZE != fetched msg size
                         consider also --skipsize to avoid duplicate messages
                         when running syncs more than one time per mailbox

--reconnectretry1  int : reconnect to host1 if connection is lost up to
                          int  times per imap command (default is 3)
--reconnectretry2  int : same as --reconnectretry1 but for host2
--split1      int      : split the requests in several parts on host1.
                          int  is the number of messages handled per request.
                         default is like --split1 500.
--split2      int      : same thing on host2.
--nofixInboxINBOX      : Don't fix Inbox INBOX mapping.
	return ;

sub get_options {
	# In CGI context arguments are not in @ARGV but in QUERY_STRING variable (with GET).
	my $numopt = scalar  @ARGV  || length $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ;
	my $argv   = join "\x00", @ARGV ;

	if ( $argv =~ m/-delete\x002/x ) {
		myprint( "May be you mean --delete2 instead of --delete 2\n"  ) ;
		exit 1 ;
	$sync->{f1f2} = {} ;
        my $opt_ret = Imapsync::Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
        'debug!'        => \$debug,
        'debuglist!'    => \$debuglist,
        'debugcontent!' => \$debugcontent,
        'debugsleep=f'  => \$sync->{debugsleep},
        'debugflags!'   => \$debugflags,
        'debugimap!'    => \$debugimap,
        'debugimap1!'   => \$debugimap1,
        'debugimap2!'   => \$debugimap2,
        'debugdev!'     => \$debugdev,
        'debugmemory!'  => \$sync->{debugmemory},
        'debugfolders!' => \$sync->{debugfolders},
        'debugssl=i'    => \$sync->{debugssl},
	'debugbasket=s' => \@debugbasket,
	'debugcgi!'     => \$debugcgi,
        'host1=s'     => \$host1,
        'host2=s'     => \$host2,
        'port1=i'     => \$port1,
        'port2=i'     => \$port2,
	'inet4'       => \$sync->{inet4},
	'inet6'       => \$sync->{inet6},
        'user1=s'     => \$user1,
        'user2=s'     => \$user2,
        'domain1=s'   => \$domain1,
        'domain2=s'   => \$domain2,
        'password1=s' => \$password1,
        'password2=s' => \$password2,
        'passfile1=s' => \$passfile1,
        'passfile2=s' => \$passfile2,
        'authmd5!'    => \$authmd5,
        'authmd51!'   => \$authmd51,
        'authmd52!'   => \$authmd52,
        'sep1=s'      => \$sep1,
        'sep2=s'      => \$sep2,
        'folder=s'    => \@folder,
        'folderrec=s' => \@folderrec,
        'include=s'   => \@include,
        'exclude=s'   => \@exclude,
        'folderfirst=s' => \@folderfirst,
        'folderlast=s' => \@folderlast,
        'prefix1=s'   => \$prefix1,
        'prefix2=s'   => \$prefix2,
	'subfolder2=s' => \$subfolder2,
        'fixslash2!'   => \$fixslash2,
        'fixInboxINBOX!' => \$fixInboxINBOX,
        'regextrans2=s' => \@regextrans2,
        'mixfolders!' => \$mixfolders,
        'skipemptyfolders!' => \$skipemptyfolders,
        'regexmess=s' => \@regexmess,
        'skipmess=s' => \@skipmess,
        'pipemess=s' => \@pipemess,
	'pipemesscheck!' => \$pipemesscheck,
        'disarmreadreceipts!' => \$disarmreadreceipts,
        'regexflag=s' => \@regexflag,
        'filterflags!' => \$filterflags,
        'flagscase!'  => \$flagscase,
        'syncflagsaftercopy!' => \$syncflagsaftercopy,
        'delete|delete1!' => \$delete,
        'delete2!'    => \$delete2,
        'delete2duplicates!' => \$delete2duplicates,
        'delete2folders!'    => \$delete2folders,
        'delete2foldersonly=s' => \$delete2foldersonly,
        'delete2foldersbutnot=s' => \$delete2foldersbutnot,
        'syncinternaldates!' => \$syncinternaldates,
        'idatefromheader!'   => \$idatefromheader,
        'syncacls!'   => \$syncacls,
        'maxsize=i'   => \$maxsize,
        'minsize=i'   => \$minsize,
        'maxage=i'    => \$maxage,
        'minage=i'    => \$minage,
        'search=s'    => \$search,
        'search1=s'   => \$search1,
        'search2=s'   => \$search2,
        'foldersizes!' => \$foldersizes,
        'foldersizesatend!' => \$foldersizesatend,
        'dry!'        => \$dry,
        'expunge!'    => \$expunge,
        'expunge1!'    => \$expunge1,
        'expunge2!'    => \$expunge2,
        'uidexpunge2!' => \$uidexpunge2,
        'subscribed!' => \$subscribed,
        'subscribe!'  => \$subscribe,
        'subscribeall|subscribe_all!'  => \$subscribeall,
        'justbanner!' => \$justbanner,
        'justconnect!'=> \$justconnect,
        'justfolders!'=> \$justfolders,
        'justfoldersizes!' => \$justfoldersizes,
        'fast!'       => \$fast,
        'version'     => \$version,
        'help'        => \$help,
        'timeout=i'   => \$timeout,
        'timeout1=i'   => \$sync->{h1}->{timeout},
        'timeout2=i'   => \$sync->{h2}->{timeout},
        'skipheader=s' => \$skipheader,
        'useheader=s' => \@useheader,
        'wholeheaderifneeded!'   => \$wholeheaderifneeded,
        'messageidnodomain!' => \$messageidnodomain,
        'skipsize!'   => \$skipsize,
        'allowsizemismatch!' => \$allowsizemismatch,
        'fastio1!'     => \$fastio1,
        'fastio2!'     => \$fastio2,
        'ssl1!'        => \$ssl1,
        'ssl2!'        => \$ssl2,
        'ssl1_ssl_version=s' => \$sync->{h1}->{sslargs}->{SSL_version},
        'ssl2_ssl_version=s' => \$sync->{h2}->{sslargs}->{SSL_version},
        'sslargs1=s%'        => \$sync->{h1}->{sslargs},
        'sslargs2=s%'        => \$sync->{h2}->{sslargs},
        'tls1!'        => \$tls1,
        'tls2!'        => \$tls2,
        'uid1!'        => \$uid1,
        'uid2!'        => \$uid2,
        'authmech1=s' => \$authmech1,
        'authmech2=s' => \$authmech2,
        'authuser1=s' => \$authuser1,
        'authuser2=s' => \$authuser2,
        'proxyauth1'  => \$proxyauth1,
        'proxyauth2'  => \$proxyauth2,
        'split1=i'    => \$split1,
        'split2=i'    => \$split2,
        'buffersize=i' => \$buffersize,
        'reconnectretry1=i' => \$reconnectretry1,
        'reconnectretry2=i' => \$reconnectretry2,
        'tests!'       => \$tests,
        'testsdebug|tests_debug!' => \$testsdebug,
        'testslive!'   => \$testslive,
        'justlogin!'  => \$justlogin,
        'tmpdir=s'    => \$tmpdir,
        'pidfile=s'    => \$sync->{pidfile},
        'pidfilelocking!' => \$sync->{pidfilelocking},
        'releasecheck!' => \$releasecheck,
        'modulesversion|modules_version!' => \$modulesversion,
        'usecache!'    => \$usecache,
        'cacheaftercopy!' => \$cacheaftercopy,
        'debugcache!' => \$debugcache,
        'useuid!'     => \$useuid,
        'addheader!'  => \$addheader,
        'exitwhenover=i' => \$exitwhenover,
        'checkselectable!' => \$checkselectable,
        'checkmessageexists!' => \$checkmessageexists,
        'expungeaftereach!' => \$expungeaftereach,
        'abletosearch!' => \$abletosearch,
        'showpasswords!' => \$showpasswords,
        'maxlinelength=i' => \$maxlinelength,
        'maxlinelengthcmd=s' => \$maxlinelengthcmd,
        'minmaxlinelength=i' => \$minmaxlinelength,
        'debugmaxlinelength!' => \$debugmaxlinelength,
        'fixcolonbug!'           => \$fixcolonbug,
        'create_folder_old!'     => \$create_folder_old,
        'maxmessagespersecond=f' => \$maxmessagespersecond,
        'maxbytespersecond=i'    => \$maxbytespersecond,
        'skipcrossduplicates!'   => \$skipcrossduplicates,
        'debugcrossduplicates!'  => \$debugcrossduplicates,
        'log!'                   => \$sync->{log},
        'logfile=s'        => \$sync->{logfile},
        'logdir=s'         => \$sync->{logdir},
        'errorsmax=i'      => \$sync->{errorsmax},
        'errorsdump!'      => \$sync->{errorsdump},
        'fetch_hash_set=s' => \$fetch_hash_set,
        'automap!'         => \$sync->{automap},
        'justautomap!'     => \$sync->{justautomap},
        'id!'              => \$sync->{id},
        'f1f2=s%'          => \$sync->{f1f2},
        'justfolderlists!' => \$sync->{justfolderlists},
        'delete1emptyfolders' => \$sync->{delete1emptyfolders},
        ) ;

	$debugcgi and myprint( map { "$_ => $ENV{$_}\n" } sort keys  %ENV   ) ;
	$debugcgi and myprint( "@debugbasket\n"  ) ;
        $debug and myprint( "get options: [$opt_ret]\n"  ) ;

        # just the version
        myprint( imapsync_version(  ), "\n" ) and exit 0 if ( $version ) ;
        # $tmpdir is used in tests_pipemess()
	$tmpdir ||= File::Spec->tmpdir(  ) ;
	if ( $tests or $testsdebug ) {
		$test_builder = Test::More->builder ;
		if ( $tests ) { tests(  ) ; }
		if ( $testsdebug ) { testsdebug(  ) ; }
		#$test_builder->reset(  ) ;
		exit ;

	#$help = 1 if ! $numopt;
	load_modules(  );

	# exit with --help option or no option at all
	$debug and myprint( "numopt:$numopt\n"  ) ;
        usage(  ) and exit  if ( $help or not $numopt ) ;

	# don't go on if options are not all known.
        exit $EX_USAGE unless ( $opt_ret ) ;

	# init live varaiables
	testslive(  ) if ( $testslive ) ;

	return ;

sub testslive {
	$host1 = '' ;
	$user1 = 'test1' ;
	$password1 = 'secret1' ;
	$host2 = '' ;
	$user2 = 'test2' ;
	$password2 ='secret2' ;
	return ;

sub testsdebug {
      SKIP: {
                skip 'No test in normal run' if ( not $testsdebug ) ;
                #tests_bytes_display_string(  ) ;
                #tests_ucsecond(  ) ;
                #tests_mkpath(  ) ;
                #eval { tests_mkpath(  ) ; } or ok( 0 == 1,  'tests_mkpath fail badly?' ) ;
                #tests_format_for_imap_arg(  ) ;
                #tests_is_a_release_number(  ) ;
                #tests_delete1emptyfolders(  ) ;
                #tests_memory_consumption(  ) ;
                #tests_imap2_folder_name() ;
                #tests_length_ref(  ) ;
		#tests_is_valid_directory(  ) ;
                #tests_firstline(  ) ;
                #tests_diff_or_NA(  ) ;
                #tests_match_number(  ) ;
                #tests_all_defined(  ) ;
                #tests_guess_separator(  ) ;
                tests_pipemess(  ) ;
                #tests_message_for_host2(  ) ;
                done_testing(  ) ;
                note('End of imapsync --tests_debug') ;
        return ;

sub tests {

      SKIP: {
                skip 'No test in normal run' if ( not $tests ) ;
                tests_folder_routines(  ) ;
                tests_compare_lists(  ) ;
                tests_skipmess(  ) ;
                tests_ucsecond(  ) ;
                tests_flags_filter(  ) ;
                tests_separator_invert(  ) ;
                tests_imap2_folder_name() ;
                tests_good_date(  ) ;
                tests_memory_consumption( ) ;
                tests_convert_sep_to_slash(  ) ;
                tests_match_a_cache_file(  ) ;
                tests_cache_map(  ) ;
                tests_get_cache(  ) ;
                tests_clean_cache(  ) ;
                tests_clean_cache_2(  ) ;
                tests_touch(  ) ;
                tests_flagscase(  ) ;
                eval { tests_mkpath(  ) ; } or ok( 0 == 1,  'tests_mkpath fail badly?' ) ;
                tests_extract_header(  ) ;
                tests_decompose_header(  ) ;
                tests_epoch(  ) ;
                tests_add_header(  ) ;
                tests_cache_dir_fix(  ) ;
                tests_cache_dir_fix_win(  ) ;
                tests_filter_forbidden_characters(  ) ;
                tests_cache_folder(  ) ;
                tests_time_remaining(  ) ;
                tests_decompose_regex(  ) ;
                tests_Banner(  ) ;
                tests_backtick(  ) ;
                tests_bytes_display_string(  ) ;
                tests_header_line_normalize(  ) ;
                tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping(  ) ;
                tests_max_line_length(  ) ;
                tests_subject(  ) ;
                tests_msgs_from_maxmin(  ) ;
                tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug(  ) ;
                tests_sleep_max_messages(  ) ;
                tests_sleep_max_bytes(  ) ;
                tests_logfile(  ) ;
                tests_setlogfile(  ) ;
                tests_jux_utf8(  ) ;
                tests_pipemess(  ) ;
                tests_jux_utf8_list(  ) ;
                tests_guess_prefix(  ) ;
                tests_guess_separator(  ) ;
                tests_format_for_imap_arg(  ) ;
                tests_imapsync_id(  ) ;
                tests_date_from_rcs(  ) ;
                tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes(  ) ;
                tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes(  ) ;
                tests_guess_special(  ) ;
		tests_is_valid_directory(  ) ;
                tests_delete1emptyfolders(  ) ;
                tests_message_for_host2(  ) ;
                tests_length_ref(  ) ;
                tests_firstline(  ) ;               
                tests_diff_or_NA(  ) ;
                #tests_always_fail(  ) ;
                tests_match_number(  ) ;
                tests_all_defined(  ) ;
                done_testing( 693 ) ;
                note('End of imapsync --tests') ;
        return ;

# IMAPClient 3.xx ads

package Mail::IMAPClient;

sub Tls {
	my $self  = shift ;
	my $value = shift ;
	if ( defined  $value  ) { $self->{TLS} = $value }
	return $self->{TLS};

sub Reconnect_counter {
	my $self  = shift ;
        my $value = shift ;
	$self->{Reconnect_counter} = 0 if ( not defined  $self->{Reconnect_counter}  ) ;
	if ( defined  $value  ) { $self->{Reconnect_counter} = $value }
	return( $self->{Reconnect_counter} ) ;

sub Banner {
	my $self  = shift ;
	my $value = shift ;
	if ( defined $value ) { $self->{ BANNER } = $value }
	return $self->{ BANNER };

sub capability_update {
	my $self = shift ;

	delete $self->{CAPABILITY} ;
	return( $self->capability ) ;

package Imapsync::Getopt::Long ;
# Started as a copy of Luke Ross Getopt::Long::CGI
# So this section is under the same license as Getopt-Long-CGI Luke Ross wants it,
# which was Perl 5.6 or later licenses at the date of the copy.

use strict ;
use warnings ;

use Getopt::Long(  ) ;

sub GetOptions {
    my %options = @_ ;

    if ( not $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) {
        # Not CGI - pass upstream for normal command line handling
        return Getopt::Long::GetOptions( %options ) ;
    my $b_ref = $options{'debugbasket=s'} ;
    require CGI ;
    require CGI::Carp ;
    CGI::Carp->import( 'fatalsToBrowser' ) ;

    my $cgi = CGI->new(  ) ;
    $cgi->param( 'debugcgi' ) and myprint( "<h2>Current Values</h2>\n" . $cgi->Dump  ) ;

    foreach my $key (sort keys %options) {
        my $val = $options{$key};
	#push( @{$b_ref}, "opt:[$key] val:[$val]" . ( ('SCALAR' eq ref($val) and defined  $$val  ) ? " [$$val]" : q{} ) . "\n" ) ;
        if ( $key !~ m/^([\w\d\|]+)([=:][isf])?([\+!\@\%])?$/ ) {
		push  @{$b_ref}, "Unknown opt: [$key]\n"  ;
            next ; # Unknown item

        my $name = [split '|', $1, 1 ]->[0];

        if (($3 || q{}) eq '+') {
            ${ $val } = $cgi->param($name); # "Incremental" integer
        } elsif ($2) {
            my @values = $cgi->param($name);
            my $type = $2;
            if (($3 || q{}) eq '%' or ref($val) eq 'HASH') {
                my %values = map { split /=/, $_, 1 } @values;
                if ($type =~ m/i$/) {
                    foreach my $k (keys %values) {
                        $values{$k} = int $values{$k} ;
                } elsif ($type =~ m/f$/) {
                    foreach my $k (keys %values) {
                        $values{$k} = 0 + $values{$k}
                if ( ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
                    while(my($k, $v) = each %values) {
                       $val->($name, $k, $v);
                } elsif ( 'REF' eq ref $val ) {
			#push( @{$b_ref}, "refref($$val): " . ref($$val) . " %values= ", %values, "\n\n" ) ;
			%{ ${ $val } } = %values;
		} else {
			#push( @{$b_ref}, "ref($val): " . ref($val) . " %values= ", %values, "\n\n" ) ;
			%{ $val } = %values;
            } else {
                if ($type =~ m/i$/) {
                    @values = map { int $_ } @values;
                } elsif ($type =~ m/f$/) {
                    @values = map { 0 + $_ } @values;
                if (($3 || q{}) eq '@' or ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
                    if (ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
                        $val->($name, \@values)
                    } else {
                        @{ $val } = @values ;
                } else {
                    if (ref($val) eq 'CODE') {
                        $val->($name, $values[0]);
                    } else {
                    	${ $val } = $values[0];
        } else {
            # Checkbox
            ${ $val } = $cgi->param($name) ? 1 : undef ;
	    #push( @{$b_ref}, "param($name) ref($val): " . ref($val) . " val=[$$val]\n\n" ) ;
    return( 1 ) ;