system: Linux 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 14:43:51 UTC 2024 x86_64
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
mimesend - send files via MIME mail, from the command line
=head1 USAGE
Pretty basic:
mimesend [-n] [-t to] [-s subj] (-f file [-m type])+
-n Don't actually send it; just print it to stdout.
-t to The "to" address.
-s subj The subject of the message.
-f file Path to attached file, or - for STDIN.
-m type MIME type of previous -f; therefore -m must follow -f.
For example:
mimesend -t -s "Hello, nurse!"
-f greetings.htm -f foo.gif
=head1 AUTHOR
8 Jan 1997
use lib "./lib";
use MIME::Entity;
# Lookup table:
my %TypeFor = qw(
txt text/plain
sh text/x-sh
csh text/x-csh
pm text/x-perl
pl text/x-perl
jpg image/jpeg
jpeg image/jpeg
gif image/gif
tif image/tiff
tiff image/tiff
xbm image/xbm
pdf application/pdf
# Usage:
@ARGV or die <<EOF;
mimesend [-t to] [-s subj] (-f file [-m type])+
-n Don't actually send it; just print it to stdout.
-t to The "to" address.
-s subj The subject of the message.
-f file Path to attached file.
-m type MIME type of most recent attached file.
# Type:
sub type_for {
my $path = shift;
my ($ext) = ($path =~ /\.([a-z0-9]+)\Z/i);
($ext and $TypeFor{lc($ext)}) or
(-T $path ? 'text/plain' : 'application/octet-stream');
# Get args:
my $nosend;
my @files;
ARG: while (@ARGV) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
/^-n/ and do {
$nosend = 1;
next ARG;
/^-t(.*)/ and do {
$to = $1 || shift @ARGV;
next ARG;
/^-s(.*)/ and do {
$subj = $1 || shift @ARGV;
next ARG;
/^-f(.*)/ and do {
push @files, [$1||shift @ARGV];
next ARG;
/^-m(.*)/ and do {
$files[-1][1] = $1 || shift @ARGV;
next ARG;
die "$0: bad usage: <$_>.\n";
# Verify destination:
$to or die "$0: missing [-t to]\n";
# Verify subject:
$subj or die "$0: missing [-s subject]\n";
# Start with top-level entity:
my $top;
if (!@files) {
die "$0: no files specified!\n";
elsif (@files == 1) {
my ($path, $type) = @{$files[0]};
# Build:
$top = build MIME::Entity
Type => ($type || type_for($path)),
$path eq '-' ? (Data => [<>]) : (Path => $path),
Encoding => '-SUGGEST';
$top->head->add('To', $to);
$top->head->add('Subject', $subj);
else {
# Start with top:
$top = build MIME::Entity Type=>"multipart/mixed";
$top->head->add('To', $to);
$top->head->add('Subject', $subj);
# Attach files:
foreach (@files) {
my ($path, $type) = @{$_};
$top->attach(Type => ($type || type_for($path)),
Path => $path,
Encoding => '-SUGGEST');
# Launch mailer and send message?
if (!$nosend) {
open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem"
or die "$0: open sendmail: $!\n";
die "sendmail failed" if ($? >> 255);
else {